Fidelity Investments app not working? crashes or has problems?

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
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Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of Fidelity Investments Problems 🔥

- Slow response time.

- Unnecessary verification process.

- Unnecessary taxes taken out of account.

- Poor customer service.

📋 4 Reported Issues:

WILLIAM Josephson 2023-01-20

I have a problem with the fidelity android app. It takes my login ID and password and then sends me a 6 digit security code. When I enter the code and hit the next button on the number keypad nothing happens. The only additional option is to request a new security code which results in the same loop. This app worked for me about a month ago. I have deleted and re-downloaded the app several times with no change. Is the problem with my new Samsung galaxy s22 phone or with the app? I have no problem logging into fidelity using my PC.

Kim Doan 2023-01-18

I tried to make a sale on my mobile fidelity app, it freeze several times.

David Kelly 2022-07-20

Today the windows app froze twice, and completely crashed and disappeared once. The order list did not show new orders, so I had to exit the app and reenter to see my orders. In one case the order window did not show any orders, new or historic. What is going on? The app appears to be completely unreliable.

Suzanne Belk 2022-05-30

When I select the app from my iOS Home Screen, it says Loading… but never loads. I have an excellent connection, and no issues with other apps. There are no updates available for the app on the App Store, so I believe I have the most current version available. It worked fine yesterday.

Showing 1-4 of 4 reported issues:

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