- ISBN barcode scanner or manual number search for adding new books
- Automatically generated book information such as title, author, publisher, copyright, cover art, summaries, Goodreads reviews, and local library location/availability
- Location-aware app that helps users share and discuss books with others near them
- Powered by OCLC WorldCat, locate books and know their availability at a selected library
- Sort and search your library collection with selected or custom parameters
- Proven performance: currently supporting users with 10,000+ book entries
- Harness the power of Google Books to support searches, book summaries, and downloadable cover artwork
- View/Post Goodreads reviews for your books, and download your library
- Purchase books through iBooks
- Use Dropbox service or email to import CSV and SQLite files
- Supports ASIN format for logging Amazon Kindle e-books
- Link to your favorite e-Book reader to read digital copies
- 'Smart Collection' function allows you to customize sorting and searches based on rules you set
- Share your favorite books via Twitter, Facebook, & Goodreads; or by emailing them to your friends
- New entries automatically load title, author, artwork, genre, series, ISBN, publisher, format, and copyright for most books
- Sort and view your database by title, author, copyright, date, decimal, genre, collection, rating, if read/when, ownership status, media format, series information, loan status, price, or customizable fields
- Enter multiple books by author or multiple authors for a book
- Detailed in-app and developer website user guide.