Also Note: AppTrakr is constantly tracking the App Store for price changes, but depending on when the developer changes the app back to its regular price, an app may still show up as a free app for a certain period of time in "Free App Genie".
If you like getting good quality apps for free (and who wouldn't?) then you can continue your "Free App Genie" service through In-App purchases for periods of 30 days at a time.
Here's a list of some of the great apps YOU could have found in the last few months while they were FREE if you had used "Free App Genie" powered by AppTrakr.
"Free App Genie" powered by AppTrakr also reaches out across the inter-web and shows you all of the app information that you'd see if you were in iTunes, so you don't waste your time bouncing back and forth between the app and the app store.
Either way, since it's completely free to use for 30 days, no strings attached, what do you have to lose? Download this app now, and start loading up on FREE APPS!!! And as of the 1.5 release, you can tweet and send emails about the great free apps you've found.
It only lists the apps that used to cost something, but now are FREE! This of course is usually because a developer is putting on a special promotion for a limited time.
Note: Some of the app store reviews seem to indicate that some users are having a hard time understanding the concept of "Free App Genie".
"Free App Genie" powered by AppTrakr is a free download, and the service itself is free to use for 30 days.
Pay one low-low price, and get dozens and dozens of free apps every day for 30 days.
Computers are a wonderful thing, aren't they!? This app - "Free App Genie" - is a condensed version of what AppTrakr offers.
Of course if an app is listed as free in "Free App Genie", it will appear as free in the actual app store.
Sounds like a no-brainer to me! If you really don't like spending ANY money, then you have the option to continue using an Ad-Supported "Free App Genie" with full functionality.
It also sorts the free apps by category, then by app popularity, so we're showing you the best free apps right away.
Alternatively, you can see all current free apps sorted alphabetically if you're not categorically inclined.