Nexus War Reviews

Nexus War Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-05

About: The Astra tore through the sky and descended upon Origin Star. The once vibrant
cities were laid waste beyond recognition… The end is nigh on Origin Star, and
every race is fighting desperately in hopes to survive in the new age of
terror… As destiny chose you, you must now act.

About Nexus War

Raise an army and seek out the mightiest heroes from the four races of Origin Star – The Humans, Izans, Aokus, Theias, and unite them all to annihilate the Invaders of your home planet.

Meet the natives of Origin Star and the four races that govern the planet.

Earn your right to ascend the throne and become the ruler of Origin Star.

Legend has it that whoever ascends the Infinity Throne gains absolute control and power of the entire planet.

With the unparalleled power granted by the Throne, one can gain access to the rarest resources and technological advantage.

Seek and destroy other players, capture resources, occupy fortresses, and join alliances.

Build mega structures like Titan Docks, Research Lab, Intelligence Building, and many more to design your city any way you want.

The Astra tore through the sky and descended upon Origin Star.

Journey a path to uncover the truth of this world from relics and hidden treasures scattered across the monster-infested lands.

Personalize and plan your city using the 4 available architectural styles from each race.

Direct your army into the unknown and strategize against your enemies or overpower them with military might.

Personalize your army from infantry, artillery, and tank units.

Command dozens of unlockable heroes from each race.

Annihilate the Astra and bring new hope for the survivors.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 3,147 combined software reviews.

2760 Nexus War Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Actually a good game

Despite it’s cringy appearance, it is actually almost identical by the gameplay to Clash Of Kings if anyone heard of it.
It is a good strategy game. The SELLING point of the game, is the animations, design and modernized solutions.
Sure it is a new game, so there are bugs there and there, but nothing major. No overpricing, but yes, buying thing for real money helps you to get the fastest power increase.
But you can still enjoy the game for free. Find an alliance and be the first to take the place in this new world!
Recommend, definitely!


This proposes a extinguished self importance

A lot of those who get good proper easement of playing this game it gives out a proper break of your own time. A length ful assessment is worth the time and effort to get it in as a pro. But the game has too many bugs to make you really feel the aesthetic of the world it offers. Surely it makes nothing, less than an immersive experience to make a kingdom to display the power you have. Good job developers!


Very fun!!

It is very fun and a lot to do too keep you interested!, although I recommend that you guys implement a system where if a player is inactive a certain Amnt of time their base gets deleted so that other players can have their alliance built without the dead bases being inside of them. But besides that the game is a 10/10 and can’t wait to see what you guys have planned for the future of this game!



This game has everything a person could want in a strategy game. It’s got idle features too. It’s also super easy to play. I have played other games similar to this one and this is by far the best. The graphics are great. The story is very nice. Upgrading isn’t to hard. The character detail is really good and they have stories. Overall this game is worth downloading and playing.


To many pay to win

I like the game, but I’m in s sever where one alliance just has pay to win players. But not just that they’re rich ones BDO. Im fine if a game has offers to give to they’re players, but this is to much. He already had 2m power on day 2, most of the server is barely getting 2m on week 3. You have to put a buying limit, like only buy 5 things a week. They paid so much they can destroy the entire sever single handed with 66m power



Unfortunately, this is just yet another in a too-long series of pay-to-play games. The in-game purchases start nearly immediately, and never stop. The game play is amazingly similar to every other pay-to-play game out there. There was a lot of hype for this game, but the game doesn’t even come close to living up to that hype. I wanted to like it, but I’m so done with the pay-to-play games on the iPad. As far as mecha, you must have to pay for them, because I never saw any. I don’t know who decided that the iPad was going to be the platform of pay-to-play games, but it’s gotten out of hand, and it needs to stop.


Great game!

Reminds me an awful lot to this other game but in a futuristic alien world setting so it was easy for me to get used to the system. This is the kind of game that will pull you in for hours! Highly recommended! Only bad thing i can say is that when you first play the game, there are too many things going on your UI that it gets very confusing.


So far so good

So far this has been a very enjoyable game. It takes a lot of attention at first but then it becomes a game that you can log in and out of without missing anything. I really am enjoying playing this game. I found an alliance immediately that I fit perfectly into.


Good game big potential

This game is fun but I almost quit in the beginning, the tutorial is a bit annoying, and it’s all good but I don’t like how every time I press on a hero I shows there cutscene. It’s annoying when I’m leveling up my hero’s and I have to keep skipping cutscene after cutscene. And if your about to get this game play it for two days and see if you like it don’t quit immediately.


Solid but unoriginal

It’s a solid game with tons of potential down the road to come up with something original and unseen In a game of its type. However it’s just another reskinned version of a few power building games I’ve played. I like the si fi part and it’s been great so far it just need something to set it apart from other games of its kind before I could really say it’s a great game


This is amazing.

Wow, I didn’t think this game would be so fun considering all the silly food based weapons. If you want to upgrade your jelly donut launcher to make sure you really get your opponents sticky then make sure you log in daily to collect all your Banana Beans. My favorite weapon is the whipped cream grenades that really make a kooky silly mess!


Drink that fire hose!

It was a little overwhelming at first for someone who hasn’t played this type of game before. Using the daily tasks as a guide, I was able to use enough of the game features repetitively to get a good grasp on things. Still early game for me(lvl 8) but I like what I see!


Great game

The only improvements that I can suggest is about pacing and story quests being to far apart to keep it a cohesive story. The pacing makes it hard to remain interesting when all of your time can be spent purely on kingdom building. Otherwise the graphics are stunning, and it is very easy to use without a difficult ui.


Rough start but …

The game was freezing instantly and had to close and restart very frequently. Some graphics are not loading at times but I have noticed a fast improvement. I think their team is working hard to clear up any glitches. I’m enjoying the setting, lore and objectives. So far it is good.



It’s a good game basic strategy mmo a lot of the time I’ve played games like this it’s good but you have the server killer clan and it’s not like that in this game majority of alliances are friendly and not tryna kill the server with seal clubbing so 2 weeks in I’m still enjoying the gameplay


Blown away

Absolutely blown away by the graphics and play style of the game. There’s nothing clunky about it and there are countless things that keep me occupied in this game. Looking forward to additional content in-game


It’s a game

I’ve spent a lot of time on this since it came out. It’s FarmVille with spaceships and fighting. It’s def pay to win but you can still have fun f2p. Just don’t say anything too snarky in chat or you’ll get raided for a hot minute. Dude from [WeT] had it coming. Anyways come play, great game to put some time in here and there.


Has a starcraft feel to it

This game is awesome!!! Can’t say anything bad about it. The graphics are great and the diverse races and wildlife are so imaginative! Been playing nonstop ever since it’s release!! A++ would recommend!!


Good atm

I will have a legit update after playing for a few weeks. But so far so good. More heroes needed tho and easier upgrading


Pretty good game.

I have nothing to say bad about this game. Easy to upgrade when doing quests. Just it’s a pay to win game. So if you don’t like games like this. I would try something else.


Great Game But….

This game is a great game. It really does a good job at kingdom simulation and it’s system is great where you can rule or be a part of an alliance however you want. But people take this VERY seriously, and will drop thousands of dollars to boost their power to the highest. Your experience will depend on the server you’re in. If you’re in a server that tries its best to establish peaceful relations, then everything will be good. However you may end up with alliances that want nothing more than territorial domination, and unless you drop more money than they do, they will intimidate you into submission or burn your entire alliance to the ground. Diplomacy is a great tool to succeeding here, or at any rate surviving. You better either be rich, or a very good negotiator. Otherwise you're not gonna have a fun time.


Good game

I like that art style of this game. It seems like it has pretty good potential. The community so far is pretty cool, found an alliance pretty quickly. They seem to be pretty active so far. I’m still really new, however so far, I haven’t had to spend any money and haven’t felt the need to either. Of course, that might change. I hope not.


Honestly neat

It’s your classic city builder to be honest, don’t expect this super amazing new gameplay never seen before in these games. But if city builders with pvp and alliances are your cup of tea I’d recommend this game. It has an interesting world that I think is pretty unique. You choose which race your city is at the beginning which dictates what your architecture, and soldiers look like. Amazing art and it is different as there are 3 unit types rather than 4 but that’s not a bad thing


Good but room for improvement

So far I’m liking the game, it’s has some reminiscent elements of the old star craft games which I enjoyed. I know the storyline is not the main focus of this game, but that being said, my main critique is that the characters created are so one dimensional they sound like they were written by a 13 year old. Having dialogue that sounds like real people talking would help with immersion into the game.



this game has great graphics awesome storyline it WAS really fun to play but the problem is this game allows people with 50 million power to attack somebody with 1 million power which makes this game not enjoyable you build , grind , upgrade and train just to be attacked and lose everything . basically new players to this game will only be farmed by people who spend money. Even if you join a powerful alliance, there’s always another more powerful alliance. That will farm you.


DECENT could be better

Love the pve, etc etc
few bugs, iphone 14 pro max when i close my keyboard the apps chat bar doesn't come down with it. Little bit annoying but not too big of a deal.
Please let us send rallies when they are full. They are useless at the moment. For pvp purposes anyways. Makes it near impossible to fight against p2p players. Need advertising for events more too. A-lot of casual players don't notice or look through the current event center and i think the UI for that and the shop could be done way better! Overall love the game just my opinion.



I didn’t like this game at first but it grew on me. There’s a lot to do and it’s rewarding. I don’t like how hard it is to get origem tho and you need it for everything. There’s a certain point that it’s just like well ok I can’t do anything now. There’s not enough ways to get it. I get that it’s a rare resource but I can’t even play a-lot of the time because I have to wait a ridiculous amount of time for it to generate or for my alliance to have origem veins


4 star game easy ( can’t tap stars)

I had problems with my experience in the game, I was teleported when I didn’t want. I logged in the morning the day the issue happened where I was supposed to be. When I logged in again late that same day my city was moved far away. I only logged in twice maybe three times a day. That is how my time with this a ended. Possible hacking not sure


Good game and still has potential

Even though the game first came out a couple days ago, it’s doing really well. It’s easy to progress without spending money but as always you progress faster by paying. The community is really friendly and you’re bound to find an alliance perfect for you. The game has amazing graphics and a driving story. It’s also very easy to play, the features aren’t that confusing. I just think the game should be a little less P2W. Other than that this might be the perfect Sci-Fi game.


Is your flying boat big enough?

Nexus War contains gameplay similar to the average strategy game. The defining factor is your flying boat used to represent squads. Fighting enemies on the map is pretty standard. The most jarring gameplay shows when farming other players. While defending, troops will only fight for their home if they get a ticket to the flying boat. If they do not get a seat on the boat, they take the day off and watch the city burn. It is amusing to attack a player with twice as many troops as you but they did not upgrade a hero, stationed on the boat, enough to strengthen the size of their squad. This allows you to keep funneling attacks because the number of troops on the defending flying boat do not increase and your victory is guaranteed every attack. As long as your flying boat is bigger than the defenders, you can farm the defender all day. Have not seen a reliable way around this and it becomes pretty telling when you get big enough to wipe out entire clans whose flying boats are not big enough combined to meet the size of your cooler, larger flying boat. Very strange defense mechanic but I just throw up a shield 3 minutes after farming and no one can touch me anyway.


Fun and New

Played lots of city builders and big teams vs big teams games. This one manages to break away from the pack of swordsman, cav and archers and gives some fresh and interesting ideas. So much customization available that I hope it holds up as a way to play what you like and be able to counter something. So many games like this have such a cookie cutter formula for success and this one seems to offer so much variation that I can’t imagine whales just having MAX EVERYTHING. Which means for f2p I think if you find a niche and specialize you’ll be able to stay relevant and find good teams.


Investing in game

The gameplay in Nexus War is undeniably engaging. Players can complete quests and engage in intense battles. The graphics are top-notch, immersing players in a captivating interstellar experience. The progression system keeps you hooked as you level up your spaceship, armies, and robots and unlock new abilities. There’s plenty of content to keep you entertained for hours.

Real-life money:
Here’s where things get tricky. While the game is free to download and play, it heavily relies on in-app purchases to progress smoothly. You can buy in-game currency to upgrade your spaceship, purchase boosters, and speed up progress. The game offers tempting bundles and promotions, which can quickly add up if you’re not careful. It’s possible to enjoy the game without spending a dime, but expect slower progress and more challenging battles.

The game is undoubtedly a fun and visually stunning game that offers a rich gaming experience. However, players should be aware that progressing quickly and staying competitive often involves spending real money. If you’re willing to take it slow and don’t mind the grind, it’s possible to enjoy this game without breaking the bank. So, whether you’re a casual gamer or a hardcore space enthusiast, the game has something to offer, but be prepared for some financial considerations along the way.


This game was fun until….

S1 Server v Server has ruined this game. One group that’s as losing managed to get two others to join an area of the map they should not have had access to. Leaving one alliance and joining so they could build another stronghold in a region reserved for other groups to fight over. Taking 3v1 in this was exploits the time locked gates, and makes it unfair for progression in the way the map intended.

This game was great, but with the devs telling my alliance leaders they won’t do anything about it, I won’t be playing anymore. Find a game where the the devs care about the community and not just people’s wallets.



I was looking through the pictures of this game and saw some familiar creatures. One was the aliens that where blueish and had the space ships and they looked like something in a group called the Protoss. Then I saw the biological ones with wings and saw that was a mutalisk in a group called the Zerg. These are both things from one of my favorite game called StarCraft. I didn’t look enough to see if this game was made by the same people who made StarCraft but other than that I think this looked like a great game and I would love playing it if it wasn’t one of those games where you send them using the big map and they take for ever to get to where they need to be.


Customer support is non existent

I have tried numerous times as a new player to contact support but i have a better chance getting a response back from the president... The game is similar to others like state of survival, Nations of Darkness, and StarCraft using the similar cookie cutter model with some Pay to win as well so nothing new but this particular game for a new player leaves them lost; at least me. I was not even 3 days into game and i kept getting attacked and moved bc i kept getting messages every time i logged back into game i was moved but i still had a shield and barely started game lol. I struggled bc i had no clue what to do and the storylines went on forever without a skip that i got bored and fell asleep twice literally.I am close to deleting game.


Surprisingly Quality Game

My intention when downloading Nexus War was to kill a couple hours before getting annoyed with ads and microtransactional demands. Here I am six weeks later about to enter the upper levels of the game in a top alliance on a server, anticipating an exciting end game, and all I can say is wow. This game has depth and quality. It is challenging but nuanced. There seems to be actual passion going into the development. I see myself sticking around for a while. All five stars well-deserved.


One Big Massive Cash Grab

So I’ve played Nexus for approximately 6 months or so and it is exactly what you would expect: a cash cow for the developers. It’s a sci-fi version of FarmVille. You will spend days developing different buildings and elements in the game but that’s it. There are players with millions in power that you have zero chance of defeating but do not fear. Any troops that die in battle go to the “Particle Reassembler” where they are revived slowly over time. So that solves the issue of smaller players whining about being decimated. Of course, all of this can be accelerated by spending real money. There is simply no point to playing. These are the same issues with every MMO game on iOS. I’d rather fight a computer opponent.


They did this one right compared to their other titles

I played Chief Almighty for years, and got tired of the endless grind and extremely expensive packs. Same scenario applied to Grand Mafia.
I decided to try this one out, and I have to admit they’ve done a great job. Graphics are superb, UI elements are neatly placed, events are fun and engaging, and rewards like frames, base skins, and heroes can be obtained rather than having to spend $1,000 just for a base skin. My only complaint is the UI lags in some instances, such as claiming rare chest gifts in the Alliance (maybe add a “claim all” on the “rare” tab as well). Other than that, I highly recommend trying this. The theme of the game was a little hard for me to get into at first, but now I can’t put the game down. Fantastic job devs!


Here we go again

Yet another example of what could have been a great game. All the art, story, graphics, and even gameplay, etc. are only there to trick you into spending real money on pretend stuff that can all be stolen by other players.
And here’s the kicker…they pit server against server so if you don’t spend more money than the rich bullies you WILL get beat on, and you will never build an army that can compete.
85-90% of players scramble to get on a huge money alliance JUST TO SURVIVE and have an opportunity to play.
What’s more is now they have events where these big money players can jump servers. So even if you’re lucky enough to get on a big alliance for YOUR server, all your REAL money, effort, supplies is all a huge waste of time and energy just so some rich bully can get their jollies.
Great business model. Deceitful, misleading, yet profitable.



Please, make an option to skip the tutorial especially when creating a second or even a third character or starting over on a new server! Also make the intro video skippable! It’s annoying and time consuming not being able to skip all of that stuff when you have seen it already!


Just wishing

I love this game but I can’t afford to buy package. So I can never fight back whoever player pay to win . Compare to them I’m just some kind of astra. But I never give up and I achieved myself to some level and will be more. Just my wish, request and suggestion; please make some City Hall Skin with low level % buff for players like me. I hope my wish come true. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻, luv yall


Ok game

Game is fun. Just like every other strategy game. It definitely is pay to win if you have the money. But don’t need to buy anything - just takes a lot longer to advance. As far as customer service - oh boy it’s very bad. Don’t expect to ever get a response back if there’s a problem. Had a few messages regarding a game bug - sent multiple messages. They say we will get back to you. It’s been weeks, still waiting for them to get back to me haha. So careful how you spend your money because if there’s a problem, you ain’t getting it back any time soon

Is Nexus War Safe?

Yes. Nexus War is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 3,147 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Nexus War Is 42.0/100.

Is Nexus War Legit?

Yes. Nexus War is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 3,147 Nexus War User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Nexus War Is 61.1/100..

Is Nexus War not working?

Nexus War works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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