There is no way to be competitive in this game without spending literally thousands of dollars. Overpowered guilds will regularly destroy your troops and steal your resources. It’s a completely unfair system of play that seeks to optimize cash flow for the developer and doesn’t take into consideration the average customer. Additionally, even if you’re willing to invest large amounts of money in the game, the developers do nothing to support you as a player. As a former guild leader in game managing one of the more powerful guilds, I spent over $7,000 on this game, all without receiving anything but a “thanks” from the developer. And even after spending that amount of money building up my troops and defenses, I was destroyed by someone with millions more might than me, which implies that that individual must have spent well over $20,000 on this game. In short, unless you’re a millionaire who likes giving away tens of thousands of dollars, do NOT download this game.
Also, after reading through other users’ comments, it’s funny to see how little IGG cares; they can’t even take the time to answer and acknowledge our complaints, but only use a cookie-cutter response that tries to get you to email them directly so they don’t have to air their dirty laundry. I have emailed IGG, twice, and they do not respond. Companies like this are ruining the mobile gaming marketplace.