• Team up with all the other players to find a secret word in community games! In this mode, you get to see which words the other players have tested already before you test a word yourself.
• Explore the statistics to see how many players were able to find the different secret words and in how many attempts on average.
Find a secret word by figuring out what your best words have in common.
• The weekly game with "hidden scores" makes it even harder to find the secret word by hiding all scores and progress bars.
• Share your victory diploma with your friends to show them you were able to find a secret word before them or in fewer attempts.
Everyday, find secret words before time runs out.
• Challenge your friends to find your own secret words.
• Play real-time multiplayer with your friends and versus your rivals: the words you test are shared with your team, whereas your opponents' progress shows without revealing their words.
• There are several secret words to guess everyday, varying in difficulty, both in English and in French.
The scores were computed based on thousands of texts for a total of billions of words from which we were able to tell which words tend to appear together often.
• Earn points by playing regularly and by finding secret words.
To do so, propose as many answers as you would like: each word gets scored on a scale from -100% to 100% based on how close to the secret word it is.
The secret words to guess are often quite simple and well known.
Cemantik requires permanent access to the Internet to test your words.