Ever since the support was ended for the last app and this one was created, i’ve only noticed a drop in quality for this product. you can no longer see the Hz values of the audio equalizer, and you also can’t see any values the preset audio settings use. this obviously makes it tedious and near impossible to set up audio that you know for sure is a fit. with the previous app losing all support, it’s also impossible to go back and see your old EQ settings. i find myself constantly needing to change it after every single song i listen to. ——— in addition, only now has my right Grind Fuel earbud began to act up. i’m not entirely sure if this 100% has to do with SkulliQ , but now it more often than not has issues connecting, disconnecting, playing audio, and holding/ displaying accurate battery percentages. it seemingly drains slightly faster than my left earbud, and sometimes the displayed charge will quickly fluctuate between numbers as high and low as 80% to 30%. ——— most insulting of all, the of the new features are seemingly completely irrelevant to non-voice using listeners, so i feel as if this interruption and loss in quality was for nothing. i’d imagine most people don’t use voice controls, especially in public settings. ——— all in all, i could see SkulliQ-shakeup as a forgettable small bump in the road for most people if the aforementioned EQ regression and other bugs are fixed. ——— i greatly apologize to all Skullcandy teams involved for my review being rude. these earbuds have easily been my favorite for years which is most appreciated, however i would like these complaints to be noted for our comfort and enjoyment.