Drone Strike Military War 3D Reviews

Drone Strike Military War 3D Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-21

About: Drone Strike Military War 3D is full of action and combat warfare game that
takes you right into the middle of battle. You are in command of aerial strikes
to fire rockets at the enemy and slay them through drones with a helicopter or
gunship view.


Overall Customer Experience šŸ˜Ž

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 39,817 combined software reviews.

Read 36 Customer Service Reviews šŸ‘暟¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜ šŸ’¢šŸ˜¤

4.5 out of 5

Fun game, with lots of room to grow and improve


The game is a very fun time passing game. One complaint I have is that the progression seems really quick. I made it to the AC130 within a few days of playing for a couple hours each day. Also, there could be more of a variety of mission types. It seems like there are under 10 unique missions and then it just just cycles through them. This also means that the levels donā€™t get any harder. As you progress, the difficulty should progress. Maybe that means adding enemies with more health, or adding more enemies that can attack your drone to add more to the shield functionality. Iā€™d also suggest adding a campaign mode with a storyline to keep the player engaged. Right now it seems like the line of progression is get to the AC130 and stop playing. There needs to be something after that to keep the players playing. Another suggestion to do this is make a daily mission where the amount of rewards you get is based off of how many enemies you destroy. I think there should be more ways to earn diamonds other than the crates you get for missions. Also, I think the card based system for powerups is cool but I think there could be a lot more powerups. Maybe even add a system where you can open crates with chances of getting rare ones. It would be cool to see other players on the leaderboard not just your own stats. Lastly, I know this would be a big step, but adding a multiplayer mode would be cool.

Has potential but definitely room for improvement


The gameplay, UI, and effects are engaging and the controls are easy. My main problem is that the game is not very challenging. Later on, there is air defense that engages you but they are easy to spot and destroy. I also find the ads before and after every level annoying and excessive (I understand having ads in a free game but a 30 second ad before and after every level, which usually only takes a minute to complete, is too much).

I know the game is still in development so things like new content will be added and the difficulty problem will probably be addressed, but thats why im writing this review. I want this game to improve and become more popular. As it stands now, I truly do feel like a totally fictional nation in a totally fictional war holding off a 3 day invasion, but adding more difficulty, content, maybe something like voice lines, and addressing the excessive ads would totally elevate this game.

Not a game, just advertising


This is not a game because it has no strategy. You simply point a cursor at a couple targets to destroy them and watch an advertisement. Early levels have anti aircraft fire for your bombs but then it goes away. After level 30 they stop asking for reviews because they start the ads and recycle the same objectives.

The game does have all the workings to be good. But there is no objective difficult enough to require any thought. I would expect more times objectives, limited friendly casualties objectives, or puzzles to find and destroy the enemy with available ammo. Unfortunately there are none of. These that require any thought. No thought, no danger, no excitement. As far as I can tell your drone is never in danger. You just run out of ammo.

Since this seems to be a tool to get paid for advertising I would skip it. Donā€™t bother playing the first few levels. It unfortunately doesnā€™t get better.

Rating: ā˜…


I recently tried out the Drone Strike Military War 3D app, and I have to say, the graphics and gameplay are absolutely amazing. The developers did a fantastic job creating a visually stunning and immersive experience. The controls are smooth, and I enjoyed playing the game overall.

However, there's one major downside that significantly impacted my enjoyment: the excessive number of ads. While I understand the need for developers to monetize their apps, the frequency of ads in this game is simply overwhelming. It feels like every other minute, I was forced to watch an ad, and most of them were for other game apps. This not only disrupts the flow of gameplay but also becomes quite annoying over time.

I would be more than happy to support the developers through in-app purchases or even occasional ads, but the current ad implementation is just too much. It takes away from the otherwise enjoyable experience, and it's frustrating to have to constantly close out of ads while trying to play the game.

In conclusion, Drone Strike Military War 3D is a visually stunning and fun game to play, but the excessive and intrusive ads hinder the overall experience. If the developers could find a better balance between ads and gameplay, it would greatly enhance the enjoyment of the game. Until then, I'm hesitant to fully recommend it, especially for players who prefer a smoother, uninterrupted gaming experience.

This game is good but there is flaws


The gameplay is overall pretty good. I would just like some things added into it which would make it more realistic and fun. The first is I think you should add orange light for when the vehicle is destroyed and the fire/explosion has light during the destruction. The second is an animation for the death of the ground troops. When dropping an explosive they donā€™t get flung or anything, they just lay down on the ground like they have been shot with bullets. They should instead be thrown away from the explosion from the shockwave of it. The third is make the IR models more detailed. When using normal vision they are detailed nicely but using IR it looks a little weird. Please add these and thank you if you do.

Repetitive Adware


Repetitive levels of ā€œshoot 2-4 targetsā€ and sometimes an added sam turret thatā€™s more of an annoyance than a threat. This is also one of the worst cases of adware iā€™ve ever seen, they play an ad before you start a level then play one after the level, keep in mind each level is around 15-30 seconds long, so for 15-30 seconds of actual game time you have to sit through 30-60 seconds of ads. At work I get no reception and thought this would be a fun place to enjoy the game on my breaks and not have the ads, however you can not play this game without an internet connection or paying to remove ads, showing that the devs do not care about their product at all and only about making money. This is barely classified as a game and should receive zero stars if possible

Fun to play, a bit too easy


Overall itā€™s a fun game to pass the time. I have a few suggestions, one would be to be able to turn off the main menu music, I like to play the game while listening to podcasts. Second that volume could be adjusted instead of just on/off, again because I listen to podcasts while playing. Third, that the game would be a little more difficult. Thereā€™s an option to boost drone armor but Iā€™ve literally never been damaged let alone shot down. It would be cool to have some sort of skill involved to make it more challenging. But overall I enjoy this game!

Has potential, oppressed by Ads


This game has potential. The missions are very limited, usually you hit 2-3 targets and itā€™s over. I would make the missions longer, more strategic. For example, the missions where you defend a base are good, but itā€™s just too short. Itā€™s over in less than 20 seconds. Then you are subjected to ad after ad, itā€™s just too many ad interruptions. Iā€™d pay to go ad free but with the limited content it has today itā€™s just not worth it.

The better way to use ads is for adding features, that way itā€™s somewhat optional when the ads are shown.

Also, I travel a lot on airplanes and not being able to use DroneStrikeMilitaryWar3D without an internet connection is a total turn off.

Pretty fun


This game is pretty cool overall but honestly itā€™s not challenging at all. There is hardly any return fire from the enemies and they are usually clumped together so you donā€™t have to search hard to kill them. The graphics are good and the vehicles you get to use are cool. Would be nice to have different camera views other than the IR or normal view. Wouldnā€™t hurt to have more vehicles/soldiers to kill on a level.

Besides that, obviously like every other game, a ton of ads in the game between each level, which I get because it helps fund the game. Other than that not a bad game.

Reasonable ads


This is a fairly straight forward point and shoot game with decent graphics. Cool variations as you are either defending a base or taking on a convoy. Plenty of ads but they are spread out and mostly waiting for you to build up coins.

No action game


The game is nice, first you would think you are progressing through the game but I reached John Wayne 45 and completed more than 310 levels and I still can complete my mission with the first drone option. Also, didnā€™t understand the purpose of building the base?? And whatā€™s the purpose of upgrading the drone if I can destroy the object in the same missile?? And why there are over 8 tiers? Silver, gold and other levels? Idk it just feels there are 10 or 15 maps and theyā€™re circles over and over. But i tell you what, its a good time killing game

Amazing Ukraine-War Drone Sim


I like the games graphics, mechanics, and structure, however, the current crosshairs definitely takes away from the immersiveness. Something simple would do much better, like the old one. Additionally, it all feels very arcades at times, which, in a game like this, is hard to avoid, nonetheless, giving in game AI more responses and ā€œemotionā€ to the bombs exploding around them would definitely make it more realistic and feasible

Ads! 3 plus just to play a single level


I understand free comes with ads but up to 3 ads per play not worth the wait. Sad because it is a fun game to play but 5-10 sec level and have to wait for 60-90 sec ads. Thank you for responding to the development team again I understand free comes with ads but everything you click on almost has a ad to watch. I mean click ads for upgrades or bonus I get it but just for opening DroneStrikeMilitaryWar3D really. There must be a timer set on seconds not only game play now but again fun game way to many ads for free play wish you all the best.

When does it change?


Every level is the same. So crazy super easy. This is a little kids game. I purchased because the ads were annoying. Level 32 already and it just never changes. Never gets hard. Never more army to attack. Never any consequence for the wrong move. This isnā€™t a game. This is a time waster. Be that as it may, itā€™s a good time waster but without repercussions it is not a game. This might as well be popping air bubbles.

chaff flare chaff flare


The new update is pretty nice with a ranking system to keep players, tunguskas shoot again and MANPADS troops have been added. The problem with it tho is that at least on the ac130 please give us FLARES!!! even if we can use them 2-3-4 times (upgrades?) per level, it would be nice to have and be more accurate. Itā€™s still a good game but minus 1 for no flares.

If you like ads, this is the game for you.


Overall a fun game, but too easy and WAY too many ads. Iā€™m the kind of person who will play the extra ads to get more $$, I donā€™t mind. But then I have to watch a 30 second ad before I play a round, which last about 15 seconds, then I get to watch another one after the round. Deleting for that reason.

Fun but donā€™t pay


I paid and while it did remove commercials the game is so glitchy and jacked I feel ripped off. With each update all your progress is deleted . For example after maxing out some weapons I open the game a few days later and Iā€™m back to level one. Lots of other issues but that was the last straw. Also itā€™s way too easy. You canā€™t die even if you try.

Very entertaining and realistic.


super realistic and entertaining though the quality and the explosions could be better.

Fun, but no challenge


I actually have a really good time playing this game. But thereā€™s no challenge. Itā€™s just aim at a target and shoot. The Tunguskas only shoot at the large drone. Also, leveling up fire rate, armor, etc. basically does nothing. Leveled up my fire rate on the huey like 50 times and barely made any difference.



The game was a lot more enjoyable when there wasnā€™t an ad before and after playing EVERY level. I donā€™t play it enough to warrant purchasing the ad free version so itā€™s a real bummer, also canā€™t play it without internet so if you donā€™t have service and wanna pass the time pick another game.

Very little progression - way too many ads


After a while you start to see the same challenges over and over again and the ads start to appear not only between each session but also multiple times between sessions and during the middle of game play!

Iā€™m going to delete this game as itā€™s obvious the developers care more about money than my time.

Great once adds are gone


Add more content and longer, harder levels please.

Otherwise, well worth the 3 bucks to get rid of adds. Entertaining, not very challenging, but a lot of fun.

Fun game, just way too many adds


Itā€™s a fun game but I do not recommend to people who like to play 1 specific game for a long period of time. The game has potential but overall you can tell the devs are money hungry & simply donā€™t know what itā€™s like to play free mobile games. Overall the concept of the game is great. But devsā€¦ do better find a different add system. Nobody will enjoy this game without reaching in their pocket to do what ?? Give you more money??. Anyways Goodluck. I seen your previous response to reviews regarding ads but doesnā€™t seem like you have any changes from months ago to now.

Latest update


Now theyā€™ve added thumbnail ads during (in the active screen) game play.


The developers appear to have removed the thumbnail ads. Kudos to them for listening and removing those.

I really enjoy the gameā€¦


Game is very simple and easy. But, must I have an add at the end of every action I do? I try to go on a mission and I get an add. It lakes longer to get through the ads than it takes to play a mission. once I complete a mission I have another ad no matter if I want to double my earnings, upgrade or not. And just to make it worse, I cannot play if I am offline. Why do I need to be online? Just let me play. This game could easily be a five star game for me if it didnā€™t take so long to get through the needless ads.

Best game I ever played šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


Hi guys, Iā€™m Tom. I never played anything better in this game. This game is outstanding very awesome. I love playing the little drone and creeping up on the bad guys and hit them hard when they donā€™t see it coming. This game is so awesome. The best game ever played and Iā€™ve been downloading apps since 2009 many years of gaming experience thank you excellent game šŸ¤©šŸ¤©

Short game


I keep playing hoping thereā€™ll be more updates and levels added. I keep racking up coins but at some point the vehicle upgrades just donā€™t make a practical difference anymore and once youā€™ve build all 25 bases you just keep collecting tools for no reason. It would just be nice if there was more to it because it kind of a fun relaxing game to play.

Fun but needs levels added


Iā€™ve been playing this for over a year and the game is good but needs levels added. Canā€™t go past Obsedan level.

Also when u play the sat part, once u destroy a target u have to destroy the target again. Itā€™s a great game .

More Ads Than Game


Could be a decent game if it wasnā€™t for the constant ads interrupting gameplay. I get that this is how free game developers make money but this is going way overboard. The ads last longer than the missions do - 15 seconds of game, then 60+ seconds of ads, then 15 seconds of game, then another 60+ seconds of adsā€¦

Tone down the ads to an acceptable level and Iā€™ll give you more stars.

Great concept, poor execution


Great graphics and love the aerial drone concept. Team did a great job building this game and the hard work is clear. My issue is this team has no funding which is evident when I have to watch an ad before a mission and after a mission. The time Im watching those ads is honestly longer than the mission execution itself. Maybe if they make enough money off this game the next game release by them can have more game time less ad time. Again itā€™s a good game and well designed just to many ads and asks for money.

Good game


Itā€™s a really cool game and itā€™s surprisingly pretty fun for something so simple. The ads are pretty frequent but itā€™s not too bad to go through. Only complaint is that the FPV drone doesnā€™t make contact with the targets before it blows up which is weird and I feel like it makes the bombs weaker.

Repetitive Game but Great Maps!


The game is a simple point and shoot game that requires little skill, is non-competitive and provides no instructions. As such you loose interest once you get the best drone and can eliminate all opposition on the ground. As you progress you gain assets, excluding coins, that have no worth except for building bases that provide no value to the game.

I highly recommend that the developer provide instructions, danger to each mission and incentives to keep playing besides jumping into a new league.

Where is the content? Itā€™s very buggy


After you get to the Silver league there is nothing new. It is all the same looped over content like an endless grind or farm. I stuck around until platinum hoping for something but thereā€™s nothing. Whatā€™s the point in playing? Same kills, same scenery, same background, same targets. Sometimes items destroyed isnā€™t counted. Sometimes it leaves content on the board when it is shot. Sometimes fuel tanks explode and sometimes they donā€™t. Itā€™s a mess. Since when does a predator fly like a DJI drone? Why are there helicopters, in a game about drones unless they are a target? Why do we have endless ammo? Why are missions not clearly defined? The controls are even cheesy. If I shot a hellfire missile at a vehicle full of gas the explosion would wipe out everything around it especially if it had explosive ordinance in it. This means soldiers and vehicles next to it as well. Software manufacturer site doesnā€™t load. Game crashes a lot. Canā€™t get any multipliers not that youā€™ll ever need them.

Fun Butā€¦


I tried it againā€¦.i got thee AC 130 in a couple of days. Hardly got shot at. Never lost a droneā€¦.never need to buy anything because itā€™s too easy. dropped my rating to one star. Updateā€¦only the bayraktar drone gets shot at. Nothing for the other aircraft. I honestly donā€™t need any of the prizes offered. I only use the shields. I came in first in bronze silver ruby. Becoming less funā€¦ā€¦Fun game until they stopped shooting at me. I donā€™t need shields anymore. I like the challenge of trying to survive. I deleted and reloaded the game to see if return fire would come back but it didnā€™t.

Amazing addictive game butā€¦


Love the game. Very easy and to the point. However, I did find a few glitches. Flying exploding tanks. I few times I saw the edge of the map and an invisible shield that protects the enemy units from getting hit so you need to close DroneStrikeMilitaryWar3D and log back in in order to proceed. You will need to change from drone to gunship or vice versa if you want to go back to that stage. Hopefully another version will rock better in the graphics and sound effects department.
Other than that, recommended.

Great game butā€¦


Like I said in the title itā€™s a great game fun action different modes and upgrades I will say unique in the sense that not everything is locked behind a paywall, they give you and option to just buy the planes but you can still get them and itā€™s a fair and balanced leveling system although one big problem is the ads like always there are too many of them and I understand that the dev needs to profit thatā€™s fine but if there were a little less ads that would be great, second problem with the ads for some reasons after each mission the screen will freeze up which doesnā€™t allow me to just return to the menu I have to close and reopen the game. All in all good game minor tweaks good jobšŸ‘

Is Drone Strike Military War 3D Safe?

Yes. Drone Strike Military War 3D is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 39,817 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Drone Strike Military War 3D Is 59.2/100.

Is Drone Strike Military War 3D Legit?

Yes. Drone Strike Military War 3D is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 39,817 Drone Strike Military War 3D User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Drone Strike Military War 3D Is 74.3/100..

Is Drone Strike Military War 3D not working?

Drone Strike Military War 3D works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Drone Strike Military War 3D? Post a Review


Experience modern warfare with drones in flight and aerial military shooting to slay and destroy the base and tanks of the enemy.

This game takes you into a realistic aerial military warfare action environment with jets flying around you with their heavy jet sounds and fire sounds.

You are in command of aerial strikes to fire rockets at the enemy and slay them through drones with a helicopter or gunship view.

A thrilling experience with jaw dropping suspense causing destruction in the enemy lines while in heavy combat and aerial warfare.

Drone Strike Military War 3D is full of action and combat warfare game that takes you right into the middle of battle.

Youā€™ll need to aim your rockets at enemy tanks and fire rockets to destroy them and wreck them completely in 3D.

From the first strike to the last, you need to overcome enemy tanks in the battle while being in flight from the sky.

Dive into contemporary warfare with drone strikes and the air force mission.

You have to aim your target to perfection and bombard enemy targets and their base.

You have to focus on your aim and avoid all distractions to fulfill your battle mission.

Youā€™ll be provided with weapons like rockets.