Critical Strike CS: Online FPS Reviews

Critical Strike CS Reviews

Published by on 2025-01-24

🏷️ About: Critical Strike is a multiplayer first-person shooter game that offers a fast-paced and modern gameplay experience. The game features AAA quality graphics, easy controls, and a variety of game modes to choose from. Players can compete with people from around the world and show off their skills in battles that last under 4 minutes.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 27,459 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Daily gifts are epic

- The Barrett rifle is a game changer

- Easy to start and get money to upgrade

- Upgrade armor and other things to protect yourself

- Good fake CS:GO game to play if you don’t have a pc or a laptop or the money for the actual game

Read 44 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.6 out of 5
Love game but……

So every time I play, I do the missions to earn reward of 6 HOURS of premium. But if I even think about exiting CriticalStrikeCS , for let’s say using the restroom. A 5 minute process. When I come back to CriticalStrikeCS , the premium is gone. So why did I spend 3 hrs playing to unlock 6 hrs of premium, only to have it taken away when I exit game for 5 minutes. Same with switching devices. Let’s say one is dying, so I switch from phone to tablet or vise versa. When I get logged into my account thru Facebook, MY PREMIUM IS GONE! So I think im done with this game unfortunately. Wasted to much time to earn that reward only to have it taken from me MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY times. I use my 6 hrs very wisely. As in upgrading weapons, persons, and purchasing weapons due to the 10% discount with premium ! I’m sure the purpose is to get people to pay for premium but unfortunately, MY BILLS supersedes all. BTW been playing game for 2 weeks now. Love game but too frustrating! But other then that, BEST MOBILE GAME IVE PLAYED YET!

This is crazy

I have played tons of counter strike like mobile games and this one has to be by far the worst one. The mechanics are not good, you don’t have a choice of shooting at your own free will. The aiming is very bad and setting are slightly limited. It’s a pay to win game, within the first 2 minutes of me playing it’s asking me if i want to spend money. And these maps aren’t even counter strike maps they are Call of Duty maps bro. And you don’t play real players and don’t get a nice experience playing this. And there are a ton of bugs.

However, this does have potential to be a decent game. This is a good game for people who are wanting to start playing mobile fps shooter games and can help build the basics of shooting and such. And can be a game to play when you arr bored.

In all, this game is very bad and buggy. But does have the potential to be a good game. Just not good at all and i would not bother downloading this game at all. It’s just any other remake.

For the devs, maybe make it more interactive and add your own twist to the game and less buggy. Make something about it that will make people download and keep the game.

1980’s Style

If you like a laggy 1980’s style shooter game this is for you. I would recommend only playing for free as this games gameplay is horrible. It has a lot of potential but is not very accurate as far as gameplay and interaction goes. Not really sure how they determine winners as I’ve gotten 20+ kills in there special winter event and took 8th place and there 1st place person had 8 kills. I think they just pick the highest slender that game I’m not sure. Has potential but not a game I will talk about better off with CODM or CM by far the best shooter mobile games out there. Wish it was better I’d love for it to be that but it isn’t. Good luck!!!

Anyone who tells you this is a 5 star game is lying to you!

This game is a literal copy of counter strike. They’ve added elements of COD, like dual SMGs and the such. The game is fun actually HOWEVER, the game has been ruined by an extreme level of pay to win. On top of that you have an insane amount of ads and pop ups of pay to win specials. I mean it’s absurd. Log into the game and you have 5-6 pop ups to close, all of which are timed for the x to appear.

The game will throw your level 13 profile in a match with people who are level 50+ and tell you to buy their specials at the end of the loss game. I mean… You don’t even stand a chance. The 1 shot kills aside even if you catch someone off guard and empty a magazine into their head you’ll do 25% damage and watch that person turn around and 1 shot you, all because they’ve bought all the nice goodies like armor, masks, weapons. Some of this stuff you have to spend money for, no way around it.

The devs have allowed money to shift the tides so the whole game is shifted to their advantage.

Great Game.. If You Pay To Win

Let me start off by saying this is the first time I am leaving a review for any game…. With that being said the developers are an absolute joke! When I first started playing, the games were competitive and fun. Now, every match feels like I’m fighting bullet sponge bosses. The guns you start off with might as well be nerf guns.

This game has unbelievable potential for a mobile game, but sadly the developers just want your money to enjoy any type of competitive and fair aspect. There’s no skill involved when the enemies decked out pay to win armor eats an entire mag and then they turn around and 2 tap you with guess what… a pay to win weapon.

Sadly, this counter strike knock off will die out and the developers will move on to another cash grab knock off game.

Remove Fathel

Attention all players and community members,

It's time to unite and take action! We've had enough of Fathel's ineptitude as an admin, and it's clear that he's not capable of handling the responsibilities required to keep this game thriving. His biased decisions are ruining the experience for all of us, and we can no longer stand idly by.

We demand a new administrator who understands the needs and concerns of the players. Fathel's lack of action regarding the hacked clans and his inability to address the issues that plague this game are a disgrace. We deserve better!

To the developers of this game, hear us loud and clear: We won't tolerate being milked for money without any meaningful rewards or improvements. It's time to invest in the game's future and the community that supports it.

However, we must be cautious. Speaking out about Fathel's incompetence may lead to unjust retaliation. But we refuse to be silenced. We will continue to voice our dissatisfaction, demand change, and strive for a fair and competent administration.

Let's come together, raise our voices, and fight for the game we love. Spread the word, share this message, and let the developers know that we won't settle for anything less than a competent admin and a rewarding gaming experience.

For the future of this game and its community, let's take a stand and demand the changes we deserve!

#NewAdminNow #FixTheGame #PlayerUnity

Cheaters Everywhere

I have played this game for over a year and it is becoming not fun. Everyone cheats where they have 100 weapons and characters. It makes it very difficult to get kills. There is an option where you can pay $10 a week and then maybe you can get those weapons or characters maxed out but then it would still take a long time to achieve. They need to make it a fair playing ground for all their users premium and non premium. I used to average between 12-15 kills a match but now I am lucky to get 8. I need to pick up someone else’s weapon to get more kills but in order to do so you have to kill them which is more difficult now then ever. I would pass on this game unless you can figure out how to cheat or if you are ok with spending $500 plus dollars a year on it!!! It is very sad!!

Major Pay to Win and cash grab!

So after my first hour of playing this game I thought “hey, pretty fun mobile counter strike game with rpg elements.” But after that hour, I quickly realized how much this was a pay to win game. I got placed in matches where you could clearly tell people dumped money into the game and my gun just couldn’t kill them no matter how many headshots I got. I had to hope for an ally to kill them and then steal their money dumped weapon to even remotely stand a chance. And then I start looking through the store and think “Awesome! A John Wick skin!” Seriously guys!? $200 for a skin? You’re out of your minds! Or I could pay money and get a super cheat for a “chance” to get a puzzle piece of the skin. And then there’s VIP. You want $10 a week, that’s right, A WEEK for me to get bonuses that aren’t even worth it? I’m good with cod mobile.


1. Whenever I spend money on the gold so I can play seasonal or lucky draw I never vin any special item. Usually, it’s a skin for a special item or some additional points for upgrading special items but never an actual item (then you need to buy additional gold because the first 15-20$ is worthless )… so don’t be an idiot like me, and buy gold for draws (if you spend money, use it for upgrade equipment) 2. Matching players is also in most cases terrible. You will be matched with someone who is 10 levels above you. So it's gonna look like you are a toddler and play against a high school player. Believe me, it’s not fun when you get matched with someone who is a couple of levels under you… 3. Lags. There are a lot of lags when its more players on the screen (3vs3 example). I don't see any difference between playing on the wifi or mobile data, keep lagging when it's more players on the screen (it's not my phone. I'm using an iPhone 14 Pro, or maybe need to upgrade to a 20 Pro max. And it's not a connection. I’m using Verizon fiber 1g for home and Verizon 5G unlimited for mobile …)

Hackees, bugs, weak admin team

This game used to be fun, now it is out of control and admin team is unresponsive or inefficient; whatever it is, if you want to start playing a game like this choose another.

They have added a lot of weapons and equipment making from start to max out 3-4x time, making it perhaps a couple years. Except if you are a hacker and instantly get everything to the max including abilities like teleporting, unlimited ammo, invulnerable, etc that obviously you will never have. The problem is that they do not get classified for whatever weapon or metric on a league of comparables but against you and it makes it frustrating. Very easy to identify those player bcs the game also becomes less smooth while moving or targeting (choppy slower nothing with missing frames) so you know in advance you have a cheater in the game, unfortunately today is very often as I say, a year ago was fun but has been deteriorating constantly.

This is all beside the crashes and vicious global messages that are out of control. Seriously, don’t invest a penny, try it if you like, you will soon realize it might be better invest you’re time in another game, specially since you just started.

I will hope there will be a fix, like hiring some of those hackers to close the vulnerabilities but seriously, it is either very weak security, super skilled hackers, or an inside job.

Used to be good

I have played this game for little more than a year. There is no skill needed to play this game. The higher you move up on the leader boards you start encountering people that hack the game and/or have bigger and better credit cards than you. The have Ancient characters that have maxed health, the best armor maxed and the best weapons maxed at 100 stars. It is impossible to play against these people, as soon as you see them, you’re dead. Also I get shot through walls, can’t connect to my friends squad, and the boys that the developers allow all have better characters, armor, and weapons than you to make up for their lack of player base. I will uninstall in a few months time if these issues are not fixed and I am definitely done giving these people my money.

Great gameplay but without paying for stuff, it’s just not fun to progress.

Great game. But it will inevitable force you pay in order to having even a chance at competing. They do not allow for any sort of skill ranking system which keeps you from going up against dudes who are essentially human tanks. Their armor requires about 30 seconds of continual shooting to penetrate and their guns will obliterate you in about 2 shots. The gameplay itself is phenomenal and I honestly wouldn’t mind paying a bit of money to progress but you’re going to have to fork over big money in order to play against some of these guys and actually have fun. I wish they would allow you to play people at your level while progressing.

Play it

Good game to play to pass time but not safe for players to put in personal financial info. Subject to Identity Theft. Game crashes a lot because of ads being crammed in and Timer manipulated to make ads last longer than should. Absolutely no effect in upgrading equipment, guns and vests. Exa., with a Tier 3 vest, still get taken down with one (1) shot from a Tier 1 gun. Cheating goes on as well. A player(s) jumping around like something that can’t be describe still maintains perfect target acquisition. Either a extremely high level cheater or a computer bot. Also when you win big in money and coins, game always crashes. Don’t look to Apple for help, they won’t.

It’s become so stupid…

This game used to be great. For a mobile game, the graphics, weapons, storyline and settings have always been pretty good. Where this game seriously falls apart lately is that there is a growing discrepancy between honest players who want to earn weapons and merit without cheating and/or paying, and those that cheat or buy their way to OP status. In the most recent addition, early February 2023, they’ve included a banana clip style shotgun that essentially takes all the fun out of the game. Rather than relying on skill, lazy players can just run around the environment killing opponents with one shot, taking all the fun out of the game. If you want to use strategy, skill and wit, this game is not for you. If you want to cheat your way to the top, obliterate everybody in your path and/or spend a fortune to move up the ranks, critical strike is your game. I wish the developers would realize that they’ve made something that used to be fun into something stupid and upsetting. If you haven’t downloaded this game yet, you’re better off finding something else.

Nice game but..

This game nicely built, and the fact that you play online is amazing, but this game is paid to win strictly
I played this game for 60 days. I spent a bunch almost hundred dollar and was enjoying it very much but the game keep pushing you on tiers much higher than your characters so you feel desperate and by this I mean you get into a fight that you get killed by one shot of their Weapons while your weapons can deplete the whole 60 bullet without doing anything to them
Fact that free to play is no Hope here because whatever you do you’re not gonna have any cash or gold that you can upgrade your weapons to any descent level. It’s really peanuts cash and peanuts gold that you earn no matter how long you play.
I would give only one star for what I mentioned, but I gave a second star just because the game is really nice. The foundation is very good and maybe just maybe if they change their Play to win policy it will be a very good game.

Pay to win

I downloaded this game with very little hopes and fully expected to delete it after a few hours.

The game itself blew my expectations, great graphics, responsive game, and starting off little to no ads. As you play ads increase, but it’s a free game, so fully expected. At a minimum the ads are cutting off in mid game. So big plus 1 for that.

Starting off you mostly go into bot games, which is absolutely fine. Once you unlock more game modes the “skill” level increases significantly. By skill I mean, the pay to win. Sure there’s some skill involved. You need to upgrade guns to do more damange and update armor to take more damage. I think this is an issue, you can dump an entire magazine into a person with upgrade armor and you won’t even break the armor. It’s super unfair, I do get devs need money, but even if I was delusional enough to dump 50 dollars into the game give it an update or 2 and its back to the beginning.

Use to be great

Game use to be great fun and time passer. Was favorite mobile game UNTIL the last update and the new special weapons and soldiers came out. Now you cant kill anyone because of all the cheaters having maxed out special weapons and soldiers. Also hard to adjust your inventory because cant click through wi dow options because all of the coders have messages running across the top trying to get you to send them money for maximum coins and upgrades on your guys.

Shame shame shane cant stop the coders and ruin all the good games.


Look, I am level 15. I'm paired with people who already have diamond camos and tier 7 weapons. I would love to continue playing but it's not even fun because the armor, weapons, and just sheer experience of the other players are above my abilities by a mile. It's actually infuriating. Impossible to kill somebody with a tier 4 assault rifle when they already have akimbo diamond uzis. Like cmon. Do better. And stop asking us to pay 100 dollars on resources that will maybe level your armor or weapons up from 1 to 6, when the max is obviously 15. Nobody who actually has a social life wants to do that. Thanks for listening.
p.s. yea this game just keeps sucking by the hour.

Just why

Few hours ago I saw an ad for this game and thought “Man this looks pretty fun” so I downloaded it little did I know to get a gun you have to level up and it would take hours just to get past level 1 (and you need level 10 for the never gun and it gets harder to level up the higher the level) but also did I not know I would be level 1 facing people who are level 50 with the best guns and best weapon skins which also boost there gun. It’s a good game and all just why would you make a FPS based on levels if your gonna face people 50x your level with guns that do 3x what yours does even with headshots and what’s the point of the levels if you need 20 weapon parts and 50k just to buy the next gun like I’m around spending time to level up 20 levels now I have to save 40k when you get 100 a game and save 30 weapon parts

grossly unfair

once you get to level 30 you are playing against users at level 150+ and stand no chance. When one user has 36 kills and everyone else has 3-4 its ridiculous. Also, the premium isn’t worth it. even though it multiplies the rewards, It feels like once you start paying $40 a month the rewards are harder to come by. a friend of mine has yet to spend a dollar and has won all the good stuff in the lucky draws, i’ve yet to even get a gun good enough to compete with and I’m the one paying weekly. crazy expensive too; you buy a Call of Duty once and that’s it, this is never ending. a weekly membership should get you way more, I will be cancelling immediately.

ORIGIN 12 and campers

This game is really fun and I enjoy playing it it’s just that they completely took all the fun out by adding the Origin 12 special gun. It one shots anyone and it takes all the fun out of the game. I am only lvl 31 so I don’t have t7 and special guns. I’m not saying that all special guns are bad I mean they are cool (most of them) like the revolver or m16 but the origin 12 is just to overpowered and takes out all the fun because lazy players spawn kill with it and get like 40 kills per match which to me just isn’t fun. Also now no one uses any other special gun because the origin 12 is just an insta kill weapon. Since it was added I haven’t seen one person use any other special gun. Please god remove this gun. Also admin team doesn’t do anything about cheap cheaters and lvl 20 players get put with level 100+ which isn’t fair. Also these cracked pay to win sweats just sit at your spawn and unload like 50 rounds into your team and get like 80 kills. The sad thing is, is that the admins probably won’t ever do anything about it 🙄 this game used to be fun but it has lost its touch. Yet I still play it lol

Good game but Special Events are rigged

The current event, Night Falls, has a lucky drawing which is anything but a scam to get you to make a purchase (which I unfortunately did). First level at 1,000 points - armor points (worthless), second level 3,000 points - armor points (double worthless). Spend $50 to get the required 6,000 points for level three drawing - I get a skin for a gun that I don’t have and would need 12,000 points to draw again (that would be over $100). Doesn’t it make more sense for the system to get me the gun first to keep me enticed to play more and invest again. Feel completely ripped off. Last time I spend a dime on this game.

Unbalanced game battles

I’ve been playing the game and investing money for a while now and stopped doing so recently because the game has died. It’s completely overflowing with 1-shot kill shotguns and players that abuse the weapons. I have recently moved on to other games of the sort such as Counter Strike where it’s more balanced and less flooded with the same maps and abusive players like this game. I am not completely separated from Critical Strike but definitely not playing as much and not recommending to friends because I know the shotgun abuse kills ever session. You can’t spawn without being shot with the shotguns. Overall review is that it’s over flooded with one shot kill guns, the same maps, and same shotgun DT12 and Origin abusers and wayyyyy over priced purchase options.


Absolutely love the game, my husband and I play it together but however some updates needs to happen, the count is off on how many kills are made and we should be able to pick which gun we want to use instead of dying and then picking a different one. Considering the amount of videos and ads we have to watch I feel like we should get more free stuff…… thank you Although every time I actually buy the .99 offer y’all have been taking an additional 4.99 how is that even right?
AND why don’t you add a women so I could pick a girl player?

Fun but costly

All in all it’s a fun game. Graphics are good and movement is pretty fluid. Seems to have a lot of bots that you just can’t kill or they shot you with the side of there weapon and just show up out of nowhere, when they aren’t indicated on the map. Very costly. If you want to keep up, you got to pay up. I’ve played A LOT of players whose only skill is spending money to get the best most powerful weapons, which makes it really hard to move up in rankings. So does the pairing algorithm. You will be a gold rank fighting against challenger and grand master ranks which makes it even harder to move up.

The big rip off!

I did enjoy this game very much, UNTIL i saw what i see I every freaking game out there. Sorry weak tactics trying to get you to buy stuff. Can’t even play the darn game and enjoy it CAUSE 1 got dang shot kills me every darn time , even after the stinking upgrades to armor. I’m so sick of these money pit games with commercials everywhere and you really don’t even get to play the game. You made the vest super hard to buy. I’m sick of all these phone games. They are a waste of time. I’m a stick to the dumb easy ones that don’t require spending ridiculous amounts of money to be able to enjoy them. Crap they’re all crap.

Needs a rework

I’m not going to lie this game is good but the problem here it’s really pay to win, this game has a lot of potential it just needs to change from pay to win to just down to skill and The game needs to be more free to play friendly, i’m not talking about having ads so free to play players can get those items I mean just through the leveling up system they could get different weapons and having the skins do more damage it’s just ridiculous. This game has a lot of potential to become a very great game it just needs to get rid of the problem of the skins adding damage to the weapon itself and being more free to play friendly.


I’m leaving a second review. This last update made all of my characters powerless. I’ve been playing this game for a couple of years now, and enjoy it, paying my money to upgrade my characters and my weapons and now you update it and now, all of my weapons are powerless. And I’m playing games with people bots perhaps who are just killing me which is causing the consumer to purchase more. In my last review, I suggested that the developers drop in my account 1 million coins. Now, of course, while this might sound extreme. Is it? Because I will still play this game may be a little less because now after playing it for a couple of years I’m now back to square one seemingly. Developers the consumers will never see your faces. Creators, those who are making money off the consumers know that in any consumer realm it’s always good to give your consumers some kind of, compensation, if you will, for the inconvenience of the next level of how you advance your game, and I believe that that’s all, I’m asking you to consider.

Please read this developers, or anyone tryna download this.

So I’ve been playing for about a year now and it’s real fun! Just it’s starting to become Pay to Win, like you have pay 30$ or something just to get some OP weapon and OP characters. Like am over rank 20 and I gotta fight some Pay to Win guy using Minigun and The Striker, like why? It might be worth the fun, but not at the same time! Like one time in Defuse my whole team was against a single Tommy User, it’s not even fair, and speaking that he used real money or something. Like waiting for 5 months in daily rewards for Jackson is worth it and not money using. But besides any of that, this game is so fun, although it kinda feels dead. It’s great honestly, but heres another red flag. The Glitches: When ever I kill someone and they we’re using knife, I like die in 5 seconds after I kill him, and I see him respawn! Also, that happened to me more then once when that incident when my whole team was on a Tommy User, he used a knife and after I somehow managed to kill him, I died 3 seconds later, like how? But this whole game, CS:GO type, it’s great for anyone, it’s worth trying. Trust me!

Awesome Game

The game has been GREAT! Right up until this mornings update. Now, I keep getting shot through buildings and knifed by people that have been dead for 20 seconds or more. The game keeps glitching and people moving all over the place, without warning.

There are also people that are very obviously utilizing cheat codes in the game. They pop up behind you at the start, in defuse mode, and the person that does this always seems to have 10 star+ weapons, and always have maxed out Alcatraz armor.

Other than this, the only thing That can be difficult in the game is that the game allows you a great weapon or armor in the beginning 30 days. Naturally every weapon has advantages and disadvantages. So, if you are not of the lucky ones that get the Alcatraz armor in the first 30 days, you have a decisive advantage over the ones that get better guns. Most of the weapons can be bought initially with green buck money in the game. Alcatraz armor, as well as the level beneath it, must be bought with Gold, which is far more difficult to come by. And you must purchase level 3 armor before buying level 4. There is no unlocking it and then buying it. You must buy both. 3000 gold for level 3 armor is expensive. I have no idea what Alcatraz armor costs because I’ve not been able to save the 3000 gold for level 3.

It’s a great game, but these are just things to consider when playing

It’s amazing just need some fixing

It’s absolutely amazing I love going on a rampage and it’s just awesome I usually never write reviews but I had to for this one but there are some fixes that it needs like hacks hackers every were they always spawn and at first they look like there wearing basic armor and sun glasses well all of a sudden it turns into alcratz armor (sorry if I spelled it wrong) and the highest head wear I forgot what the highest head wear is but and then they spawn with max level machine gun like I understand there are easier download hacks now but still they freaking hit you one shot ya dead anyways it great it really is

Pay me

The game itself is probably the best fps for a phone I've played, but they go ahead and make it worse by BEGGING for your money every 5 seconds. I couldn't believe that it asks for 10$ per WEEK for the "premium pass" instead of a one time purchase. They even have the in game currency you can buy, and what you buy, you'll for sure need more soon after. So it's a giant money sucking game. If you play without buying you will have a hard time advancing in the game. They don't evenly match players. So be ready to jump in a game with someone who's dropped over 100$ into the game.. Yeah..

Always Late

While Walmart and grocery stores might be already displaying Christmas decorations now that it is November, the Critical Strike team waits until after every holiday to release that edition. I just got my Halloween edition now that November is here. While I enjoy the updates, why do the game developers always wait until the holiday is past to release that edition? Shouldn’t the Halloween edition have been released in late September or early October? Shouldn’t the Xmas/New Years edition be released in late November?

Has potential

Great game, enjoy the mechanics and all, but the guns are all underpowered or over powered! The spring operation ruined the game for me cuz I’m shooting people five times in the head with a shotgun just to get 2 shot by another shotgun in my leg or something. It’s kind of ridiculous! Not to mention sniper headshots are NEVER one shot kill. The mp5 can put a whole magazine into somebodies head and they don’t die, but there’s an uzi that can kill people in half a mag by shooting their leg! The whole damage output of this game is wrong! I love playing it, but I can’t play multiplayer and most of my friends got rid of the game already cuz it’s unbalanced so I’ll be switching to another FPS!

Used to be a great game

All you are anymore is a target for the gold gun. Shoot the heavy armored 20-30 times and do nothing they shoot you one time and you die. If two gold guns are on one team it’s over before you get startled. Went from playing 30-40 times a day to 3 - 4 times a day very unhappy with it next move is deleting game. Gave it five stars so I will be at the top of the list…but the game is trash!!!!!!


This game is a mix of every game I’ve played on the IOS platform. But this game here is by far the best one I’ve played yet to this day. I love the feel of the gameplay and the voice announcements when getting kills headshots etc. thank you so much for a very fair not pay to win game 😎😎😎thank you for being fair and a number 1 topped played game for me!!’

Very goood game

I love this game I have been trying to play counter strike but my computer can’t handle it but I found this game and it is so unique because you can now upgrade weapons and you don’t have to pay money to buy cases and get knives and weapons you get free cases and you can buy them with coins which you earn by playing matches and overall it is a really great game

Read now

If csgo’s mom cheated on csgo’s dad with call of duty mobile this is the baby it’s really fun and no it’s not pay to win it may seem like that at the start but you just have to be better if they had the same level guns it would be to easy and not fun so really cool game needs bug fixis tho sometimes I’ll get killed and the guy is just standing still where he spawned I don’t know if that’s glitch or hacker but it rarely happenes

Love the game!

Good game to mess around with in your spare time. One thing I would love to be implemented is a finale kill cam at the end of the game. I feel like it would give the players more drive to be first! Just my opinion but overall great game and easy to pick up. Controls are super easy to get down.
There are in app purchases but it is super adorable and if you spend like $20 in the beginning you’ll be all set. like you purchased the game, It’s worth it!

Very good game, thank you!

This game is great. I love how it’s so easy when you start and you get so much money so you can upgrade everything and I love that you can upgrade your armor and other things to protect yourself unlike many other phone games. Critical strike is a good fake CS:GO game to play if you don’t have a pc or a laptop or the money for the actual game. I have one thing to say, please remove the exclamation marks on the arsenal if I don’t have enough money to upgrade the weapon or armor. If you did see this and read it all, please say “doot doot” at the end of your response.

Great, mobile game

You can pick if you want it to automatically shoot when it enemy comes or you can be simple and shoot on your own it’s a great mobile game to play but when you’re on a road trip or just come out of town, it ain’t that good because you need Internet but when you have Internet, you can play it and it’s a fun game really fun. I’m 10 years old and I don’t listen to 17 years old enough because it’s a fun game and it just shows like squirting blood and that’s it not realistic blood and that’s really the only thing that it says 17 years and up great mobile game

Best game ever for Free 2 Play

I have played alot of games. Most to get anywhere a person has to spend tons of money. This game is not one of them. I want to thank the developers of this game. Its the best one I have ever played. The daily gifts are epic and the Barrett rifle is a game changer. The average player can build up upgrades on just about everything. The developers of this game have made it so its very competitive for everyone. Its truly a fantastic game and by far the best one I have found. I do hope they add some more locations for matches. But overall an outstanding game for all levels of players.


I’m sad to say I’ve been banned today from playing the game. I’ve played for 2 years and reached level 118. I play every day and spend thousands of real money with in app purchases. And had to deal with players hacking and mod the game which pretty much makes them impossible to kill. I’ve made a number of complaints and got no were. I’ve been banned indefinitely because of third party app purchases. Which I’m not sure what that is. Any way I hope that administrator can help with my game account and find away to allow me to play again. Critical strike is my pass time and I love playing. This is totally not fair. Please help

Critical Strike is a great mobile game, and I highly recommend it.

Critical Strike is definitely the best CS:GO parody I have seen. The game is very comparable to CS:GO but the entire concept is changed. You have to grind, buy, and upgrade your guns in a very interesting way. You have to level up your soldier to get higher tiered, and better weapons in combat. And, there is events every now and then. Right now, they have Arms Race (CS:GO’s gun game basically) where you can earn rewards. In my opinion, the only thing that is annoying about the game is the more you grind, the more op you are. Some players are literally unkillable. Besides that, Critical Strike is a great game and a fantastic game to play in your off time. I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a solid mobile game.

Is Critical Strike CS Safe? 🙏

Yes. Critical Strike CS: Online FPS is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 27,459 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Critical Strike CS Is 73.4/100.

Is Critical Strike CS Legit? 💯

Yes. Critical Strike CS: Online FPS is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 27,459 Critical Strike CS: Online FPS User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Critical Strike CS Is 90.6/100..

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- AAA quality modern graphics with easy controls

- 8+ maps to try different tactics

- 40+ weapons including pistols, snipers, assault rifles, shotguns, and grenades

- 5+ combat game modes to play with friends and worldwide players

- 250+ skins with unique styles

- Perfect optimization even for weak devices

- Clan creation and invitation system

- League system with trophies and advancement

- Global chat with friends and other players

- Arms Race Events with regularly updated themes and rewards

- Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Defuse the Bomb, Arms Race Tournament, and Private Room game modes

- Chat with friends and other players

- Up to 5vs5 multiplayer online PvP battle mode

- Use less mobile data in real-time matches

- Many teams for counter and terrorist factions

- Regular game updates and new features

- Join the Critical Strike community on Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and Tiktok

- Privacy Policy and Terms of Use available for review

- Contact support for any questions or comments.