Dead by Daylight Mobile Reviews

Dead by Daylight Mobile Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-20

About: Dead by Daylight™, a multiplayer (4vs1) horror and action game now welcomes a
huge update. Time to enter The Fog and start this deadly game of cat and mouse.

About Dead

PLAY AS KILLER OR SURVIVE WITH YOUR FRIENDS – Players can experience the thrill of both Killer and Survivor in this deadly game of hide and seek.

Whether you enjoy making your friends laugh or scream, this 4vs1 asymmetrical horror and action game has something all players will enjoy.

FITS IN YOUR POCKET - Dead by Daylight Mobile is the same survival horror game you love on console and PC, but fully optimized for mobile and now always by your side.

ABUNDANT CHOICES OF CHARACTERS AND TRIALS - Dead by Daylight Mobile comes with iconic characters from some of your favorite horror franchises.

Dead by Daylight™, a multiplayer (4vs1) horror and action game now welcomes a huge update.

Play as legends of horror and see through their eyes in a variety of Realms and unpredictable Trials.

Experience, skills and understanding of the environment are key to hunt Survivors or escape the Killer.

Enjoy every moment as the ambiance, music and chilling environments combine into a memorable experience.

Play as a Killer and sacrifice Survivors to The Entity.

With 5 players in the same Killing Grounds, unexpected moments and unforgettable jump scares wait around every corner.

Time to enter The Fog and start this deadly game of cat and mouse.

CUSTOMIZE YOUR STRATEGY - All the Killers and Survivors have their own perks and plenty of unlockables that can be customized to fit your own personal strategy.

Survive with your friends as a team or outlast them all.

Contact our customer service at [email protected] if you have any questions.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 25,538 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Dead

- Faithful recreation of the tense and addictive gameplay of the original PC/console release

- Fun and unique multiplayer experience

- Good for horror fans

- Easy to learn and play

- Good account migration system

800 Dead Reviews

4.5 out of 5



Before the update where I had to download a whole new app this game was so much more fun some things I don’t like it how you change what mode ur character is in like running walking crouching it’s now Titus and annoying to switch between the 3 I wish it was how it use to be it doesn’t run as smooth and the skill checks are so much more slower it feels like gens are slower to complete because of that and it’s also just annoying but the biggest issue I have is all of my stuff being taken away I had bought so many characters I had the pig the nightmare and I even had Nancy which I all bought with money so it sucked that it was taken away but besides those who I bought with money the character I worked hard for are gone the twins Kate densen Claudette the nurse and many more all of my stuff it gone and on top of the changes I earlier mentioned being put into this game I’m just very unhappy with my playing experience a plus to the update tho is definitely better graphics that’s nice but that’s the only good thing


DBD mobile veteran but wasted money

I played the old this app By Daylight Mobile and I loved what I saw for the new version of it. I played this new version 2 days after it came out and it was a huge improvement compared to the old version. However, most of the characters and cosmetics I paid for with real money were missing and were replaced with Auric Cells and Iridescent Shards. Will you give back the missing characters and cosmetics which people purchased once its released back into this game? I also bought Steve and Nancy, as well as their cosmetics before they went off-sale in the game’s store. Most platforms of DBD allowed the people who bought the Stranger Things Characters to keep them and their purchased cosmetics. Will you give people back their Stranger Things Characters and player owned cosmetics if they had purchased them before they went off-sale? I love this version of DBD mobile, but please help me and the people who had purchased characters and cosmetics, but lost them because of this newer version of DBD mobile.


In Depth and Exciting

I have been playing DBD mobile for about a year or two now, and this update has been long overdue. The graphics changes are great and the new additions to the in game play are incorporated well. My only issue is that my teachables are locked for some of my characters and I can’t do anything about it. My prestige 3 characters’ teachables are all locked and I can’t even use XP to fix it. I really don’t want to have to play hundreds of games just to unlock them again when I already did that around 2 years ago. Please fix this soon! Other than that, everything has been flowing so smooth.


Another example of if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

The newest update was truly a mistake. Yes, visually it’s more defined. But it didn’t need to be. It’s supposed to be a horror chase game. In other words, darkness & murkiness are supposed to be key things to have in these games. It’s way too bright now.

Also-and this is honestly my main gripe with the update- it’s wayyyyy too easy now. Whether you’re a survivor or a killer. It’s almost like you’re playing against super easy bots every single game.

And the skilll checks?? Why are they so slow now? Like look, I understand they were difficult at times before but that’s what made the game exciting.

I pretty much exclusively played as a survivor before the update. But no matter how much I used to get frustrated with game before the update, I never once thought to myself, “man, they need to make this game easier”. This game, although it was difficult for me to get at first, mostly just encouraged me to get better with practice. And I did get a lot better eventually, which was honestly a very accomplishing feeling. It took work to get to that point but that was ok, and I was proud of myself.

But now, with how easy the game is? It’s like, what is the point now? I feel like all the hard work I put into it is meaningless now.

Please developers, please put things at least relatively back to the way they were. At least put the difficulty back to the way it was. Please.


I let a chatbot write my 5 ⭐️ review

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or feelings as humans do. However, here's a sample review.

If you're looking for a terrifying asymmetrical multiplayer game to play on your mobile device, then this app by Daylight is definitely worth checking out. The mobile version of this popular horror game has faithfully recreated the tense and addictive gameplay of the original PC/console release.

As a survivor, you'll need to work with your teammates to complete generators and escape from the murderous killer hunting you down. Meanwhile, playing as the killer requires patience and strategy as you stalk your prey and use your unique abilities to take them out one by one.

The mobile controls are surprisingly easy to use and responsive, making it easy to pull off tricky maneuvers like juking or dodging the killer's attacks. The graphics and sound design are also impressive, capturing the dark and foreboding atmosphere of the game perfectly.

While the game does suffer from some slight performance issues and occasional bugs, they don't detract too much from the overall experience. Overall, this app by Daylight mobile is a fantastic horror game that offers plenty of thrills and chills for fans of the genre.


Great Game, has issues though (I’m just an idiot)

Personally, DBD is a really fun, multiplayer game, and I would really have loved to be able to play it on my phone. Yet, I can’t. Whenever I open up Dead and get the “Tap to Continue” screen, I tap. It always tells me to select a server to get started, but the server select screen never comes up and I cannot play the game. I know that it works and my taps register because I can always see a little loading sign under the text, but it only stays for the second I tap it. Really hope this can get fixed so I can play it in the go soon! Edit: Found out on Twitter that the release is at 22:00 ET, so changed my rating from 3 to 5 stars!


Killer too OP!!! Too fast. Fix hit Distance to shorter.

You guys made each of one of the killer too OP. Less in 15 seconds the legion already damage all survivors right when the game begin. All survivors were spread out too. All killer’s hit distance is too far. They’re too fast. Literally when I turn around. I see the killer 7 yards away from me and still be able to him me. And the frustrated part is that they’re all too fast. Literally I can’t even run away from them now. Literally when the killer is chasing me. I have enough time to throw a pallet down and when I’m 2 yards away from the pallet. The killer was still able to hit me threw the pallet, even when I’m literally far enough where it’s impossible for killers to hit that far. This issue has never been look at and please look into it. The ps5 this app by daylight doesn’t even have this issue and idk mobile has it.


OG Veteran

So I’ve played this app by daylight mobile since I discovered it 3 yrs ago,while bored of call of duty mobile and let me tell you this game is sooooooo much better now than what it use to be and by the way I found out about this game in the mobile version so when I found out it was out for Xbox pc and PlayStation I was stocked I played it on my Xbox series S and let me tell you I honestly prefer the mobile version a lot more, for returning players that spent money for characters and costumes you won’t get all your Items back but they re-compensate with cells, honestly love this game been waiting a while for this update !


Amazing Work So Far

This version of this app by daylight is technically an updated version of the old Dbd (this app by daylight). This update brings many thing to the table, such as a graphics upgrade and new morís. The only thing that disappoints me is the fact that you have to spend money in order to unlock the new killer/survivor is the event. I am sure that by the time you are reading this, the event will be over and my complaint will be irrelevant. The account migration system worked perfectly. I am not sure if this is intentional, but you cannot steer during a lung attack like in the original mobile game and PC/Console version.


New update, same horrible experience

This whole new gacha system is a rip off. I spent my 4000 auric cells that I had before the update to try to get the new Sadako chapter character skins or any of the other high rarity items and only got the common rarity stuff. It’s a total scam. Don’t make the same mistake that I did and use that “flip” thing. They charge outrageous prices to be able to flip those cards only to get the common stuff every time. I could have used those auric cells for something else and now they’re gone. It was worth it to test out if it’s impossible to get the good stuff though. I’ll be uninstalling this scam of an update and not play it ever again. I also experienced a lot of bugs and lag. This game isn’t optimized and still doesn’t run well. Save yourself the trouble and stick to playing this on PC or Console if you can.


Great for Starters

First of all i really just want to say that i gives you a great explanation how to play the game you really just have to read like usual then you get to play as the killer and survivor than you get to actually play the fame basically you just run around finding a generators and the killer has to chase around the players trying to capture them all at once when their 3 more players around them and its simple you really just have to capture 4 people and yeah it might be a bummer losing but i mean its great for what the game is and i enjoy it a bunch and this is my first day playing the game!



DBD mobile is a good game for horror fans like me but I don’t support kids under 8 playing this and of course it’s not my decision if you let your kid play this but this game is really fun and easy to learn, I even got my parents to play it and they love it but the bad thing is this is on other platforms and it’s not free like mobile but me personally $8:00 for DBD is worth the money if its not $8:00 by the time your reading this I’m sorry that’s the price it is when I was writing this so yes this game is worth the time and definitely get your parents to play it with you and all your friends its definitely worth it



Love the game been playing for a year or two now it’s great love the characters the chase thrill of not knowing if all escape or meet my fate however the new update should be tweaked a bit for example everything feels slower and I am not a fan of that and new killers and perks would be awesome as well as new maps and maybe make the difficulty go up for survivors more because now it’s a bit to easy and I would change the graphics yes their better now but it’s two bright and feels like the game is trying to catch up with the movement it’s just not lining up but if u fixe those 10/10 game


It’s amazing … but

I love this app By daylight. I’ve been playing for three years, on mobile and desktop. Amazing graphics, love the the characters, and the little stories they have explaining about them. Each have very unique experiences. Especially the killers.


Just recently there’s been an update. It kicked me off my actual account, I was level 200 on there and it somehow deleted all my data on there I spent some money on the account and now it’s permanently gone. Some major glitches in the maps. Please bring back the old version!!. I think a lot of people would be upset too if their old account got wiped out because of this new update!


Interesting title here

This version of DBD is awesome. It’s just like the PC/Console versions but now mobile.

There are only a few issues thus far.

1) no known controller support, I will test it later, but I don’t see settings for that option. I suppose this definitely levels the field on fairness, though.

2) it keeps saying there’s an issue connecting to a lobby and after waiting over a minute each time, that’s a little frustrating. For many this could be game breaking, so this needs to be addressed ASAP.

3) It has a gacha system, which doesn’t truly effect gameplay at all, and they at least admit it straight to your face that’s it’s gacha because it says so in the title. Everything else seems to be unlocked like normal and fair, but these systems are dumb. It’s not even like other gacha systems where if you spend enough you unlock the items, this one you get 6 cards, and you can only choose 3 of them before they’re shuffled again.


I love this game but I think it needs Voice chat, and more frightens

It needs more brightness more blood in Baltimore jump scares more everything to get scary to survive like getting chased a lot and finding a hiding space without getting detected by hiding under ground and it’s needs like different types of hunting maps like japan and other countries but needs more a lot of stuff and ideas to come up with this game you can make a scary you can make it frightening and you can make it scary so we can survive and fight it’s needto enter the dreamworld of nightmares



Great app. I am a dbd veteran and the game was exactly as it is on the pc and console version. Dead is awesome and every thing is perfect except the graphics. The graphics on the characters make it look like there pictures and the surrounding could use some Improvement but this is what you expect from a recently released game. Another issue is the in game lobby. The in game lobby looks like the basic background witch is fine but the characters still look like pictures. It would be way better if this was improved but over all great game!


Solid Port

I think what the mobile team has done so far has been rather impressive. This is a solid mobile port for the game, and you for whatever reason you can’t play the game on console/PC, this is a fun alternative. I like the slight changes with the blood market and the leveling system. When the game first came out they have out an exorbitant amount of free cosmetics which were very drawing and kept me hooked. I think what the team had was good then and now even better with the integration of Netease to further help with optimizations and improvements.


Creepy but just the right game

I honestly loved this game when It released and I had a very old device so now that I got a new one this game is so much fun I get some people might not like this game cause of the jumps-scares but I love this game and it’s very hard to find spooky but fun games these days most of the games are just not fun or has way to many obstacles but this you just choose should I be a killer or a survivor and with all the character selection it’s very unique and I have tried to find fun horror games but this is right for me.


Overall unfun game

If you like to be camped and tunneled about 98% of your matches, this game is for you. No perks or basekit borrowed time to help it. New update was great for the first day. Now there is a disconnect timeout for mobile, that’s nothing but unpleasant games!? Nah. I won’t be spending anymore money, nor wasting anymore time on this game. Dcd twice and got 10 mins, that’s absolutely absurd, especially for a laggy mobile game. Let’s talk about the hitbox. The hitbox on almost every killer is horrible. Got snatched from a pallet in though I was over it multiple times, stunned the killer and somehow to got it after the stun went through. I got mori on first hook multiple times, no devour hope either. This game has more glitches and lags than before. I’m over disappointed in this game.


I think the DBD original should have stayed the same

I just don’t want to give detail.. I think that the new update is cool for example if you log out or your internet disconnected and u logged back in it will give you a choice to stay in the match or quit it.. I think it’s really cool. I like how there are settings for what u want but I’m not a big fan of it.. It’s like all those three options is what I use. I don’t know why but I feel like I can’t control it very much..Have to do stuff to get cells… I really want the old DBD back, it’s ten times better than the new update… But this is only my opinion only. I do really miss the old version… For me, I’m not sure if I did it wrong.. even though I logged into my account on the other version my shards and cells are gone because of the new update… I literally work hard and for what.. It Was For Nothing. I had friends in DBD… and now I don’t… I appreciate your hard work on This New Version.. but I’m upset and kind of disappointed in this new version… It doesn’t feel like DBD no more… The Original..I’m glad I’m sharing my opinion.. Thank You Very Much For this Opportunity For playing DBD on Mobile


Terrible experience

It’s a pretty common opinion that this recent update was a huge let down. For starters, it’s even more glitchy and buggy now than it was before, not to mention the design quality which overall has also declined. But my main reason for this rating/review is for the content they cut from the mobile version of the game. I spent real money a while back on Dead for characters and skins that were removed by this most recent update. Like many others, I also lost my old account altogether, which meant losing any excess auric cells I was saving, also costing money. I reached out to Apple about a refund who ultimately told me that because of the time in which I made those purchases, it fell out of their policy for a refund and that it was up the the developers to make it right. I have heard and read many times before that this app by Daylight’s developer team were hard to reach, but after searching and finding no scheduled plans of returning my lost content within the game, I reached out to them anyway regarding my issue and, about a week later, received a superficial email with a broken link on where to go to reach the right party to help. It’s clear to me that they can’t be bothered to right any of their wrongs for their supporters and that, as of right now, they have no plans of helping me. I don’t support app robbery, and definitely wouldn’t recommend Dead to anyone.


I love this game but a few issues

To start, I completely lost my account and all my purchases. I had a high level and owned both the Wraith and the Twins. I lost them both and not to mention that the twins aren’t even playable characters anymore, nor do they exist within the game. I spent real money to buy them and yet they updated it and I lost everything. I had to make an entirely new account and buy all new characters. One thing that happened (and is still ongoing) is that I opened Dead , and it loaded like usual, but when i tried to tap to play on the main screen, it would not open the actual page to play a match. It only said it was loading. I am still not able to play because of this issue. I used the bug fix button about 5 times, and nothing. I also closed out the game multiple times, also to no avail. So then I resorted to restarting my ipad completely. Still nothing. I am completely disappointed in the game right now, but I still do love it. Hoping this can get fixed soon because I am still waiting to play.


Has improvements but still needs much work

I’ve made an review before that didn’t even allow me to play this game but my friend recommended I should try it again, so I did . But it’s crazy how a game that’s on console and other platforms doesn’t allow you to use all the functions you would use with a controller. I mean, u already work perfectly on console, why can’t I use my controller because they didn’t fully program the game to allow me to do simple things like run and turn my head?? I hate that this game is only good on console and PC’s. That just proves how much they care about the mobile game and how they can’t make it cross platform. C’mon creators!!!! If u really cared, u would make it possible to do the things we already could do on console. Why do I have to take the time to connect my controller when Ik every function u already have on console doesn’t work on my mobile device. Do you just wanna make money or do u care about the player? Ik that’s a dumb ? Because you only care about the money. But still, pls fix the issues with the controller so we can have half the experience we have on console. Don’t make this a cheap knockoff just because you think your name is enough to make money off of mobile devices without caring about the people who play it.


Pretty impressive for the mobile version

Been following DBD since it first came out and watching it grow over the years has been joyful. I first started off playing on console then when it became available for mobile I immediately started to play on my phone when I’m not at home and I’m very pleased to say that
as it matures it continues to impress. It runs surprisingly well for a mobile game given all of its functions and sweet graphics, sure depending on how much service you get in different areas it can run a bit slower or lag but overall it runs very well even when I only have one bar. The mobile experience is definitely a bit different than on pc or console but that’s what gives it charm and the developers have done a great job adapting the gameplay for mobile use, the only thing I would change thus far is making it so mobile users can still use a bluetooth or corded controller like some mobile games do and adding a restore purchase function if you have bought things in the past.



I love Dead and everythings good except for the lack of harder and more maps. The school was a hard map but thats what made it fun, it was bigger than the other maps. A mansion or a graveyard with mausoleums would be dope. Overall some new style maps that are bigger, maybe some more cool outfits for the characters, simple stuff like that would be really cool because it gets a little repetitive and boring when its the same maps especially if theyre smaller. Lastly i saw a lot of people complained about the elementary school map and i agree with a lot of the reasons but i still thought it was a cool map maybe you can change it up space out the exits add some more different scenery in it maybe some areas with flickering lights or add like a teachers lounge type room it would be really cool to get it back with improvements especially since it actually challenges survivors in a fair way.


Fun game, but you lose your data/progress

This is a fun game, but unfortunately I and several other players I know have lost all of the progress and characters that we earned playing the original BE version. The migration support is so complex and broken it’s impossible to look up your old cloud ID and even submit a request ticket so I’m screwed. Definitely makes one think twice before spending money on a game. I think they worry more about squeezing every dime out of us than just encouraging us to play more and migrate our data. The game itself is fun, but it can be frustrating against players (killers) that face camp and tunnel.

Update: 3 more tries to get some kind of consideration and no luck. It’s been months and I’m less than halfway to my former progress. I still can’t use two of my killers unless I buy them with cash.

It’s a shame because the game is pretty fun. I’d even be happy to pay because the gameplay deserves it, but they’ve treated me with utter disregard I would be rewarding them for terrible customer support and I refuse to do that. On the contrary, I’m on the warpath to tell everyone I meet.


Absolute trash

The game crashes every other match. They stole money because the new “update” deleted all the stuff anyone bought and made you make a brand new account. You can’t email them because the link they send you is a fake/broken link. The killers are way overpowered. You have to pay real money for a lot of the stuff you may want. If you want extra words or phrases or anything in the game, you need to pay for it. It doesn’t match you with people around the same level as you, they can be just starting out and have nothing good to give and you’ll have a maxed out killer and nobody can win. They can’t even respond to emails, they have generated responses that are absolute crap. They can’t help you. They don’t care about there customers, and when you call apple they say they have gotten a lot of complaints but to get your money back you need to speak to the makers of Dead . And if it continues much longer apple will no longer allow them to have people buy anything through apple for their game. The update took everything good away. The update stole money from people. The game has way to many bugs, and way to little characters and killers. It is the worst thing they ever did.



Guys everything is perfect, the graphics- quality of the game, i have been waiting for the release of the mobile/pad version for a long time, and i also believe that app will be constantly updated and developed.
But what i miss is communication, communication with players - communication with killer, im talking about voice communication of course, it's 2023, players are no longer on a text platform, we love to talk during the game, express our emotions and it's fun to hear them, tried using discord and other apps but the game automatically turns off parallel other apps when we start the game in the mode, please maybe work on the communication issue, also when we enter the lobby i can't see who the killer is, this is the most important when starting the game, as a survivor, i need to know what tactics to start the game with - sometimes when i find out which character is the killer, it's too late.
But, again, game is perfect for me and fully recommend 🤝🏻💜


This new version was a letdown

We waited nearly a year for an update and when this new version finally released I couldn’t help but to feel disappointed. Half of the roster is missing, lack of maps (with most of the jungle gyms containing double pallets), terrible lag from both sides killer and survivor (as a result of making the servers global and not regional), with the perk system still being glitched, meaning you only unlock general perks and perks only belonging to the character you’re playing with, making you unable to use any other teachable you’ve already unlocked. In conclusion, all the issues mentioned above have made my experience playing this game absolutely miserable and the fact that most of these issues won’t be addressed any time soon because the devs are only focusing on cosmetics is what’s going to end up driving people away from the game. The fact that we waited a whole year for an update just to get a beta version of the game is what baffles my mind; meanwhile, the Asian version is getting major changes, we have to wait another year to catch up to them, which I’m not willing to wait. I regret wasting time and resources on this incomplete version of the game, a big fiasco.


As a Chinese, I am very disappointed

Stop destroying game agents, NetEase, don't humiliate Chinese people. Although the network latency has been greatly improved in China,But you made dbd a mess:You don't want to think about how to produce new characters or the map, but the international version of the skin every day. But you haven't even opened the RMB recharge in the international service. I hardly care about the skin. I only care about the gameplay. But isn't it ugly to make money in the way you destroy the game experience? The new version is not an illusion that Chinese people have already seen through NetEase's behavior. The balance of dbd computers is extremely poor. I thought you could save the mobile game. My only expectation is that NetEase will update quickly. You ruined the Chinese version of Minecraft. I bought an international server. Do you still want to destroy D B D? I'm just a junior high school student from China, so my English is not very good, and most of it comes from machine translation. But I have been following this game for five years.(At first, I really liked dbd when im ten.)But you really don't destroy dbd.


This game use to be fun…

I feel like many people have stated this which I’m going to restate it too…old dbd was better. It was balanced and fair, now all you get is camping and targeting killers, also killers are way to overpowered and very speedy. Lit every match as survivor it’s lit just like all the other matches you have played. Also when I first played the rereleased version of this game, it was alr but progressively got worse because of those reasons. Also idk if the devs are even trying on this game because everyone has been asking for more characters and maps, but each update all we get is a graphics update or a cosmetic update which s honestly starting to get annoying now. And tbh lit the company they merged with is a company that owns identity V and lit I think that’s why the quality looks so cartoony. Tbh wish the devs could honestly listen to their community because many people are going to leave this game if they don’t. Oh one last thing they should really update the Mori’s because it is aggravating getting off hook and getting downed then Moried because it makes the experience worse.


Why dbd is trash old game is better

Pay to win killers haft the time you get bot teammates and you lose the game I do all most all the work and guess what happened to me in that game the killer goes for me then hooks me and my teammates don’t help me they leave not try to help me and I die and I did all the work to make them win they get more xp for wining game killers have such a higher advantage and I don’t just want to play killer I want to play both equally there should be 4 generators not 5 and I got scammed all so because they made the this game the old game I had everything they did not give me my stuff that I pay for so this shows why the game is trash and don’t say it because I am bad at the game even if you were good at the game have one or two bad teammates you lose the game they purposely miss the skill checks and then we lose the game because they can’t do the generators the kill can camp at the hook then you die the killer can chase you the hole game and you lose the game and I takes to log to be able to buy something in that game for free with the tokens you get from the game I can name more reasons but all ready did a lot


DBD MOBILE veteran

This game used to be so fun. I had every killer and spent a bit on survivors. The fact that they just restarted everyone’s game to where they had no survivors, killers, or skins they had for both parties, was just the dumbest thing they can do. And don’t get me wrong, it still kinda is but it’s aggravating when I play survivor and there’s literal BOTS on my team instead of real players. They can’t loop, all they do is run around, easily dying. I’m not even playing quick match, this is ranked. So I’m losing my pips all because this app by daylight can’t find me some real players to go against real killers. I’m doing all the work on my own. Meanwhile killers are prestige 3 and have all the perks they want. this app by daylight needs to fix their bot players because soon enough, no one is going to play this game if it’s not fair for both sides. They shouldn’t have teamed up with net ease personally. They just made the game worse, I just want the DBD team to do things by themselves with their development team. Might regret it later but I’m still gonna spend a bit of money on this game.


Old player

I’ve been playing this app by dayligbt mobile since october 2022 At first i loved it then over time the old version got boring since no updates were happening until this came out… I loved the old versions maps and characters and it had a few glitches but the game never lagged. now the graphics are amazing! and we’ve gotten so much free skins! but… cells have to be bought regardless and there not much characters or maps in the game any more. custom games are not as fun anymore. i’d like to choose any perk again and also maybe add more features to custom games make it more customizable maybe like select how much killers and survivors your want as long it follows the 1-4 ratio. i’d like new maps badly and also more characters even if it’s ones we had on the old version such as pinhead just came back! the main problem is FIX THE LAG… i always get kicked off and also the hit boxes are a pain. But i’m here for the game i am a youtuber for dbdm. my yt channel name is Tanbeast!


ok but has potential

I enjoy DBD, and when I heard the mobile port was being re-released, I was very excited. I even pre registered. However, while the gameplay is fun there is a lot that makes zero sense.

First of all, this game still has older, broken versions of perks like this app Hard. It is not up to date, which is to be expected, I don’t expect it to. But the lack of controller support really kills this game for me. Controller support would make it an easy 5/5. Every other mobile port has it except this one. PUBG Mobile, CODM, Fortnite Mobile, etc. But this game doesn’t have it, and the developers refuse to add it. I could not tell you why, it seems they’ve already given up on this game and it just re-released less than two weeks ago.

Touch controls for killer are horrific, I mean you can’t even change directions while lunging, it is unreal. Especially when you try to mind game pallets into a lunge it’s just a mess with touch only controls, an option for controller like every other mobile port ever would be greatly appreciated and elevate this game to an easy 5 out of 5 star rating



Killer Issues: The Clown’s Gas Bottles Make My FPS Go Down, Please Fix This. Ranking Issues: Every time I Leave The Game After I Get To Rank 3, After I Get On The Game Again, It Kicks Me Back To Rank 4. Gameplay Issues: There’s Almost Never A Match With Any Humans, They’re Always Bots And It’s So Boring And Unbalanced. What’s Worse Is Killer Bots, A Spirit Will Always Teleport Directly On Top Of Someone And Down Or Injure Them. Camping And Tunneling Is Fair In Some Cases, Other Times It’s Unfair And Broken. If Nobody Has Borrowed Time, Tunneling Can Be Abused. The Camping Is Absurd, You Could Do So Much As Loop Someone For A Split Second, And They Will Camp You Until You Die. Shop Issues: The Shop’s Items Are Too Expensive, The Brown Items Are 3,000 Bloodpoints, Red Items Are 9,000!!! NINE THOUSAND! The Bloodpoints Are Nearly Unobtainable Due To Campers And Tunnelers, Even Killer, It’s Agonizing On How Long It Takes To Get A Killer Match Just To Go Against 4 Bots Who Don’t Know How To Unhook. Causing The Match To Be 3-6 Minutes, Resulting In Barely Any Bloodpoints, If You Bring A Mori, Waste.


New Update is Horrible

This recent update had taken all balance out of the game. This game is extremely killer sided now and almost impossible for survivors to even play. DBD devs have a history of making the game killer sided and it was a sigh of relief to finally have some balance the past few months in this game. Now with this update, killers are being spoon-fed 4k’s again because all they do is complain. It’s so annoying not being able to have fun on a game you’ve spent countless hours and money on. All of these new changes need to be erased and go back to how it was, the game is no longer balanced at all and killers, yet again, don’t even have to try to get a 4k. Survivors are lucky if they can complete 2 gens in the time the killer has already hooked everyone. Please fix this as many people just as I have spent hundreds of dollars on this game and don’t want to watch that go down the drain just because killers cry if they can’t get a 4k every game. It’s ridiculous that survivors are always taking the short end of the stick because we choose to play the game instead of complain. Well.. now I’m complaining. This is ridiculous and the worst update this game had had in a very long time. Do better.



This is is perfect! One do the best mobile games for sure in my opinion. Can you just change the icon/symbol for when the game ends and it shows the scoreboard and the skeleton if they died or the escape door if they escaped but can you please add a new icon for when the last survived escapes through the hatch. I just always get curious at the end of the game when I can’t find the last person as killer if they escaped through hatch or left through exit. I think this is something that should be officially done as soon as possible. It’s just common sense to add this why wouldn’t you want to let the killer know how they actually escaped why make them guess that’s not fair. Respectfully please make this change because I play this game everyday and I love it and this change would make me even more happy playing 😆


Toxic people and kids

The game is absolutely amazing! I'm really impressed with all the updates, new characters, and the opportunities to earn more bloodpoints and stones. However, there is one major downside that I've noticed lately. It seems like there are a lot more kids playing the game now, and it can be quite challenging to carry them while they backstab you in the end. Initially, it didn't bother me much, but it has become a constant issue. There are just so many kids playing that it makes it difficult for killers to enjoy the game, and even when these kids play as killers themselves, they often lack the necessary knowledge to progress further. It's not just the kids though, there are also toxic people that can make the experience less enjoyable. I don't blame the game or the kids themselves, but rather the parents who should be monitoring their children's gaming habits. Last night, I finally gave up and deleted the game from my phone once again. It's just frustrating to encounter so many kids and toxic individuals.


Too many bots but good gameplay

Die hard fan of DBD on steam with 3k hours on pc, loving all the steady updates for mobile and all the cosmetics that you can unlock. The game runs amazing on my iPhone 11 with great frames and the controls are easy to understand and get used to. All in all I love the gameplay and visuals but there’s one MAJOR issue.. there’s TOO MANY bots in games. For every game I play theres 3 bots out of 5 players (killers included).. it’s grossly obvious when it’s a bot as a survivor as they will continuously attempt to loop killer right next to an open exit gate and more than enough time to escape. It’s even more obvious when it’s a killer using bots as the killer will be mid chase and randomly 180 and attack a survivor who is hiding with no scratch marks visible (crouched and completely still with full health while killer is in chase with someone else and turns around once within “auto attack” range of the bot) No line of sight is necessary for bot killers and so it’s actually an unfair advantage as it completely eliminates the stealth aspect of the game. All aura hiding perks are useless until bots and auto attack are taken care of.



controls are abysmal and uncomfortable to use no matter how you configure them (blight in particular in basically unplayable). there is no controller support and more likely than not never will be any since the devs have stated that they have no intention on adding it and will act bizarrely hostile towards anyone who asks for it; instead aggressively insisting that there is nothing wrong with their broken controls and/or that everyone should simply contort their hands into extremely unnatural, uncomfortable positions in order to hit more buttons at once (which only makes the controls even less precise and more dysfunctional overall). the killer side of the game is an absolute joke, even more than it is on the pc/console version of DBD. the sheer amount of survivor catering and constant unnecessary buffing to survivors all while killers can barely even be controlled let alone mastered is honestly insulting. the moble version is somehow even more grind heavy than real DBD as you can’t even spent bloodpoints to level ip with the only way to gain XP and unlock perks being to play over and over for countless hours or spend money on boosters. ultimately the game itself is nothing but a front for endless microtransactions and insanely overpriced gacha mechanics as the overwhelming majority of new content is paywalled with extremely low draw rates; you can easily spend hundreds of dollars and still not get a single skin you want. garbage.


Great Mobile adaptation but…

Ever since Netease took over there have been a lot of improvements in this game. The addition of a gacha system was debatable, but it works. They haven’t really added a pay-to-win aspect, and that’s good. They keep adding killers, bringing it closer to the console/pc version.
My biggest problem is the constant crashing. It will crash to home screen about every other game, so I have to restart after each match to avoid crashing. Even then it often still crashes at the post game screen, but at least I get to finish the match. Right now the newest killer, the artist, is UNPLAYABLE, since the game crashes 100% of the time when I play her (or against her). Her map seems to cause the same problem, so long story short, even if I restart after each match and never play as the artist, I still might end up on her map and the game crashes anyway. It’s not just me either. Other players have the same issue, and I have seen several posts from iPhone/iPad users having issues with the game crashing.

This would easily be a 5 star game if you could solve the problem of frequent crashing on apple devices. Every update/patch you release seems to add more problems for me than it fixes, and at this rate I’m only a few updates from not being able to play at all.


Needs some work.

The game is fun, but I find that the killers can be too overpowered. I am new to the game so I might be missing information but It’s nice to have a challenge but when you have killers whose perks out rank survivors (especially low ranking/non prestige) to the point that you are dying in the VERY beginning of the game and back to back every game it becomes unfair. Like the trapper being able to set so many traps around the map, they already have a perk that makes it hard for survivors to escape the trap. killers have more of an advantage. I also wish the game had a feature that punishes killers who constantly camp the hook in the very beginning of the game. Like if the killer is camping survivors the survivors get an increase chance of getting off the hook and the effect creates a flash bang to blind the killer but only if it’s the beginning of the game. I wanna be able to play the game with a fair chance at surviving and not constantly get one shotted knocked by the Hillbilly, Myers, The spirit ETC. ESPECIALLY on very small maps because you have no where to run, and barely anything to hide behind. If your going to make killers over powered then at least give survivors extra ways to survive the overpowered perks-


I enjoy it.

I’ve been playing the console version of dbd for about 4 or 5 yrs now and I do gotta say dbd is a amazing game. As someone who loves this app by daylight ofc they might download the mobile version so that’s what I did. One thing I do absolutely love about the mobile version of dbd is the cosmetics. My reason to loving them is bc they are way detailed the the pc and console ver. One thing I hate is the gameplay. It just feels like most of the times ur going against a bot as a killer or someone who does not know how to play killer. And when I play killer it feels like the survivors are bots or they just don’t know how to play. I am not sure if it’s bots or people who just don’t understand bc I feel we are playing against people who don’t understand mobile or the game. So maybe one day there can probably be pro servers to those who have a at least I’d say about 20 or 30 matches. Overall I’m loving the new version of this game but it still can use more to make it better and better. Thank for responding if u do.


Gacha System

The game is doing pretty well and I’m glad to see DBD mobile back on Dead Store. One of my only complaints is about the Gacha system which wasn’t in the original DBD mobile nor any other console where you can play the game. I was alright cause you could get skins that weren’t already there and were newly made for mobile but my problem came up when you had to pay extra for gachas for skins that you could get with a simple purchase on the other consoles. Like the zoo gacha event that occurred where players had to pay extra for auric cells to be able to use the gacha to get skins that you could get with a simple purchase instead of spending more. I understand that with Netease and IDV5 gacha tied in and their players are used to it but since DBD was never really a gacha game, it just feels like a irritating cash grab to get something that should’ve been way cheaper. Especially with how rigged the system is of getting the same item repeatedly to get one skin and that the chance doesn’t even increase with each attempt. Nobody wants to spend $20+ on the game to get a skin that is probably like $10 on PC and other consoles.

Just keep the gacha system in the sense of limited skins that PC and console doesn’t have and don’t apply it to skins that didn’t have to use gacha to get.


Cool game!

DbD is a really nice game(both mobile and console version)! I’m really liking it so far it’s a great game to play when you have free time or are just in the mood for an action packed game, either way love it so far. The only thing I wish could be changed a little or I feel like is a bit of a downside is that mobile doesn’t have all of the perks that the console version has, as it isn’t upgraded as much with the new maps or killers and survivors(they are a little more limited on the mobile version), but it doesn’t make the game unbearable, just kind of a little disappointing since it doesn’t have everything the console version has. Besides this thought, mobile is still very playable, enjoyable, and genuinely a really fun game. If they fix it up a bit and add in everything the console version has, I’d give the review 5 stars, but everything else is great, and I feel as though they’re already adding more updates to make the game better so so far so good! Hope y’all can check it out or that this helps! :)


Extremely enjoyable, some minor notes.

I’ve had a ton of fun with this app by daylight mobile, and I’m definitely going to play the actual game. I guess one problem of mine Is certain things, such as skins can feel pretty overpriced, (A sentiment that seems to be shared by the full game community) also they seem to be somewhat reluctant to make changes to aspects of the game, or at least they wait quite a while to do so (again probably just a general problem and not mobile). I play a lot of onryo (sadako) , ghostface, and legion so I wouldn’t be averse to some buffs. Then again these killers are still pretty fun, and strong in their own right. Especially onryo (you’d be surprised) I play about 63 percent killer and 37 percent survivor and have fun. However despite being a killer main I feel the game might be sliiiiightly killer sided. I don’t know though, I just started a month ago. Anyways I guess I’ll just end off this review by saying, keep up the good work because, it really is good work and I think if you keep doing it, then a lot of people are going to be very happy with it. P.S. I think community contests should have 3 winners per catergory.


Needs controller support

This kind of game would greatly benefit from being able to use controllers wether they are Bluetooth or an attachable one like the Backbone. The game is still fun but the touch screen for turning doesn’t work sometimes with all the icons on the screen. The touch controls to look around feel cumbersome as a survivor main, I tried out killer and the touch controls are even worse especially when you are trying to hit a survivor since the attack button is on the right side of the screen making it almost impossible to aim and hit at the same time. While the game is fun it’s not on the same level of fun as its console/PC version of this app by Daylight to the point of where playing can become really annoying/frustrating. Adding controller support would increase the player base too by bring more people over from the console version along with PC players.


Unplayable since new update

It’s May 2024- since the new Chucky update, I have been completely unable to play the game. I have been playing DBD mobile for at least 4-5 years and never had the issues with lags and crashes like I do now. I will get kicked out of a game 2-3 times and be this app by the time I get back in. If I’m running- suddenly I’m in a completely different part of the map then I just was. I can’t hit skill checks unless I press them right before the actual skill check bc the lag is so bad. I freeze before unhooking someone for a good 10 seconds so half the time when it unfreezes, I’m on the ground slugged. It’s so disappointing. I finally got over losing my entire account from the netease transition. I had done the necessary steps to save my account and then had issues getting it to transfer over so I lost everything I had, and lost the hundreds and hundreds of dollars I spent on all my killers and survivors- I owned every single one, I had every perk, every teachable, and everyone was prestiged. And by the time I got any response from the developers- the info was wiped and my account was gone forever and they gave me 100,000 bloodpoints for my trouble. Are you kidding me? Now this? I think I’m done. For good. That makes me so sad as I loved this game and it’s the only one game I even play.

Please DBD- fix the global server issue. Or whatever is making it lag so poorly. Thanks guys.

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Yes. Dead by Daylight Mobile is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 25,538 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Dead Is 60.9/100.

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Yes. Dead by Daylight Mobile is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 25,538 Dead by Daylight Mobile User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Dead Is 90.4/100..

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