Onlynovel specializes in novels and spends all his time creating a reader that makes it easy for users to read.
【Large Data Portable Reader】A reader with multiple selected novels for you to read without stopping.
【Custom Settings】You can adjust the background of the reader, the size of the letters, the font, the reading mode, the indentation, etc., so that you can read comfortably.
【Offline Reading】You can read online, download the novels and load the whole book in advance.
【Multiple Novels】Millions of novels are offered, such as fantasy, romance novels, CEO, science fiction, werewolf.
In the application there are a lot of novels of authors' rights and different genres, such as romance, adventure, fantasy, etc.
【Quick Update】You can read the updated contents at first time and you won't miss the interesting plots.
【Copyrights】 We have copyright authorization of the novels and offers you the novels that you cannot miss.
Then it will not cost you time to find the novels that interest you.
【Smart Recommendation】Novels are recommended for you based on your preferences and personalized reading list is offered to you.
They create a wonderful novel world for you and offer a comfortable reading experience.
So, you can start reading whenever you want.