In partnership with Flying Blue, AIR FRANCE-KLM's loyalty program, Mooncard allows you to earn Miles for each expense, both for personal or professional use.
Mooncard is THE payment solution automating the management of your professional expenses, from purchase to accounting.
Mobility: expenses of your vehicle fleet in 100% of service stations, tolls, car parks and electric charging stations.
Lost network connection? Attach a receipt or enter an expense offline.
Activate notifications on your mobile app and be notified in real time about the activities of your Mooncard account.
Benefit from online help, contact your Mooncard contacts, the emergency service or the concierge.
You don't have a Mooncard (yet)? You can also enter your expense reports manually.
Take a photo of your receipt from the app, confirm the expense information to submit it for validation.
Choose your service station according to the type of fuel and its price as well as the services offered.
Track your expenses and financial consumption in real time.
Do not miss any notification thanks to the “tasks and notifications” page and complete the associated tasks if necessary.
In a blink, choose the company or the card you need information on.
The information is synchronized once the internet connection is found.
Find and compare nearby gas stations even offline.