Calca app

Calca app Software

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Calca app Overview

Using a support, such as a glass, a bottle, a box or the ones I recommend on my websites, that maintains the most comfortable distance for you, you can see through your device the area where you want to draw your image from the camera.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

This app is in continuous development, comments and suggestions are welcome at The first week of launch will not have advertising, they will soon be added, trying to make them as less annoying as possible, in some way it is necessary to support the continuous development of it, although you can also contribute your bit by entering one of my websites and visiting some of my other apps. Description: As if it were an image projector Draw any photograph you have or take with your device. Calca app or clone app is a tool that will help you transfer any image you have on your device or any image you capture with your camera to paper. The image will become transparent and together with the camera of your device, it will allow you to see through it. Using a support, such as a glass, a bottle, a box or the ones I recommend on my websites, that maintains the most comfortable distance for you, you can see through your device the area where you want to draw your image from the camera. You can draw on paper yes, but you can also make a small mural on the wall if you hold the phone upright and look through it at the image you have chosen on the wall. You can also use a basic stand to support the device at a 45 degree tilt or whatever you choose, and you can make a 3d effect on the drawing You can also search for any drawing to color and start practicing. Relaxing music in a sufficiently lit environment to enjoy I recommend you visit where I am uploading videos of examples, even direct ones that I do on my Tutograti or video channel with the different ways of using this app

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