Find my Pods: Device Finder

Find my Pods: Device Finder Software

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Find my Pods Overview

Select one specific device and see the calculated distance score.

Move around so that the shown Distance Score increases.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

The app can locate any Bluetooth device around you by tracking the strength of the Bluetooth signal! HOW IT WORKS: 1. Open the app 2. Select the device you want to find. 3. Move around so that the shown Distance Score increases. 4. Your device should be near you. DEVICE RADAR The device radar shows you all the devices that are near you. DISTANCE SCORE Select one specific device and see the calculated distance score. Observe how this score changes as you move to find your lost devices. SUPPORTED DEVICES: - AirPods - iWatch - iPhone - Pencil - iPad - Bluetooth Devices - Bluetooth earbuds, earphones, headphones - Bluetooth Smart Watches, Sport Watches - Portable Speakers - Fitness Trackers and many other devices. Privacy policy: Terms, and conditions:

Top Reviews

By artkar255


The lost iWatch I searched the small chest of drawers where I was charging my watch. That’s the last place I had it. Nothing I downloaded the app., downstairs. It took me back to the chest of drawers. I thought it might have found the lap top. But no, it was insisting on that chosen piece of furniture, as I had removed the laptop. I tried the bottom drawer. Nothing. But there, middle drawer, nestling in amongst some socks was the, no longer missing, iWatch. It was tilted sideways and hard to spot. Joy was unbounded. Many thanks.

By kamwendobanda


Don’t think, just pay the 5 bucks. This is an invaluable tool. Be sure to add the Siri Shortcuts for each device! This is one of those apps that just works and is straightforward. No crazy setup or tons of permissions needed. Easily worth the money. Just think, if it saves literally any of your apple products from being lost, the app has paid for itself ten fold.

By zassssweqmm


Found my Apple Pencil I tried another before this, and it had serial numbers for all devices. This is definitely better, shows names. Only thing is you have to go looking so that it can show up but not a problem as I knew it was in the house and I had an idea as to where. Perfect solution!

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