Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to Bushnell Golf.
- No option to clear rounds
- Difficulty registering scores
Bushnell app not downloading. Window comes up saying that it is loading courses but it does not do anything.
Error code 400
App not logging in, Internal system error
App won't sync with watch (iON) says "there is a problem, please try later"
Wingman voice is too fast and can't understand
My wingman only gives me center of green reading and leaves out front and back yardage
My new ION ELITE watch will not pair with App. Message says "Timed Out. Try Again." I've reported this to Bushnell they said they are working on an app fix or update that will solve the problem. Call back in a few days.
Keeps giving me an internal error and to contact support.
I am getting internal error Can't get to login
Bushnell app not allowing me to log in. Giving an Internal System Error message.
Cannot log in and getting an Internal System Error message.
I am trging to sign up for bushnell golf because i have recently recieved the bushnell wingman as a gift from my mother. For some reason when i try to sign up in the app it states,"Maximum retry count reached, unable to generate otp" please let me know how i can get around this and create an account in the bushnell golf app.
Trying to install the app I get an error when creating account. Bushnell Golf Maximum retry count reached, unable to generate OTP.
Trying to set up account. Keep getting nessage Maximum retry count reached, unable to generate OTP. Will not proceed with account setup. This message showed very first time I tried so the Maximum retry count does not make sense.
Downloaded the new app and it is not allowing me to signup. When it comes to the where one enters the code. I am not receiving a text or an email. The app also doesn’t allow me to select “Didn’t receive the code?”. So not sure how I can ever use the app if I can’t get a code at all.
wont give me distances from the fairway. only gives distance for entire hole from T box.
I have downloaded the new app - old app is gone. I've gone through the steps numerous times. Successfully see the Wingman in my connected blue tooth devices but when I go back to the app and under pairing instructions it won't let me continue. Confused at this point.
Opens and loads fine at home but like everyone else I get the 'Internal system error' at every course.
Internal system error
If you guys haven't figured this out yet, you need to delete the old app and download the Bushnell Golf App. The Bushnell Golf Legacy app no longer works.
App keeps showing system internal error will not open
App not working
Internal error keeps coming up when I log in
Utterly ridiculous Bushnell would make us all go through this. JUST STUPID! Send an email to everyone saying the app is done and users need to update to the new app. Even worse the new app won’t synch up after finding out that was the issue. Extremely frustrated!!
Keep getting the same as everyone else. Internal server error. Nice when you are on the course and it does not work. Let me know how to fix this issue!!
Internal system error when I click forgot password. I have rebooted phone, I have delete app & reinstalled, and continue to get the same thing
Internal System Error Cant login to app
Internal system error, needed it on the course. Need resolution ASAP, so many people having the same problem.
Getting email validation error when trying to login to the Bushnell App.
Internal Systems Error.... can not login
Internal system error! Please help
I can't open my app on my phone, gives me an error while trying to log on. When I selected forgot password, got an error on my email
Failed to login , internal error message
Attempting to sign up but get error message internal system error
Whoever noted that you have to delete the app and download a new one is spot-on. I then had to re-register but after doing that was able to login. Why the #%#&*(^ couldn't Bushnell tell us all that, I don't know. I even have an open support case and they didn't tell me that.
System is saying internal system error. How can I fix this
Keep getting Internal System error when logging in
Unable to sign in or reset pswd, internal error with unusual email address
Won't let me log in to start .. said error internal system error
Finally got my app to work so the old app (orange color) is no longer supported, you have to download the new Bushnell app (white color) from your respective App Store.
Eternal system error Does not let me log in don't know what to do
Internal system error last 8 days or so
Internal error is the message I keep getting. Cannot even reset my password. Please help!
Same as everyone else, internal system error
My wingman does not connect and keeps showing internal error.
Internal error..what's the fix?
I can't get my wingman to work it says internal system error.
wingman, internal system error when logging on
can't get my wingman to work it says internal system error.
I have been receiving the internal system error message for the past week. Says to contact support@redacted Any idea when this will be corrected?
Internal system error. I cannot login. I cannot even get a new password sent or anything. Uninstalled app. Installed again. Still the same problem
App has stopped working. Getting internal system error. When will it be fixed?
When log in I keep getting a Internal System Error. How do I resolve this issue?
App suddenly stopped working. Everything I've tried from device reset to reinstalling the software to using different email addresses all come back with... Error: internanal system error
Same issue as most, internal system error.
Same problem as stated above: internal error
Try to log in and it says internal system error
How do I fix the internal system error on my wingman ?
I trying getting an internal system error when to log in to my wingman. What should i do ?
Trying to log in and get a internal error message
My Bushnell Wingman will not let me log in. Keeps giving me an Error (Internal system error) and to CLOSE.
Internal system error
They stopped the old app. Download the Bushnell Golf Mobile App, the one with the white background. It’ll fix the issue.
Internal System Error. Tried re-installing app, no luck.
I get an error message on the phone app..internal system error .
If you’re having issues with the wingman, delete the orange app and download the new Bushnell golf app(with white background) and re download and re-pair the devices and follow on screen instructions like it’s a new product! Happy weekend!
Internal system error everytime i try to login to the app
internal error and won’t allow me to login waiting for a fix.. do we know what the problem is?
Internal error. LETS FIX THIS!
About the 3rd day or so of "internal system error" message when attempting to log into the app.. at least the Wingman is still bumpin tunes ☺
App not working. I get an internal error message.
My Bushnell app keeps saying internal system error. It won’t let me login with the password I know is correct.
Can’t login into the app says internal error
Same issue as other - internal error and won’t allow me to login
day 3 of interal error message with no response from the Bushnell team. Please help resolve this issue!
can't log on to app...internal error--contact customer support on some email address that is not legible. Deleted and reloaded 3 times--same message.
App will not work. Has had issues shutting off
Same as others, app not working and says contact support with an email address that is not legible. It’s been days, they should have fixed this by now!!!!
Internal system error
Getting internal error. How can I fix this?
Internal error message and i cannot login
My app crashed. Getting and internal error message telling me to contact support@(some weird unreadable) address. Is there a fix for this?
Internal error message when I try to open the app. On phone. My son the software engineer says it’s a server problem on Bushnell’s end. I better start working by Saturday when I playing again.
Won’t let me log in to my wingman. Says there is a internal problem
cant login or make a new profile, won't accept an email address. have tried reloading app, deleting it and nothing changes
My Bushnell Legacy app always says ERROR INTERNAL SYSTEM ERROR. What is going on?
Every time I try to log on it says internal email validation error
Error message is "internal system error". contact customer support
Wingman-Getting message internal error, contact support at some unreadable address
Internal Error? How do I fix this
Exact same issues as of today. I use my wingman several times a week for the past year now this.... I cannot connect to my wingman. Message is internal system error. Contact customer support (support@(unknown symbol).com. Weird address symbol.
App will not let me log in. Tried for glt my password still got the same Internal Error Message.
I cannot connect to my wingman. Message is internal system error. Contact customer support (support@(unknown symbol).com. Weird address symbol.
App was giving me an internal error message today and wouldn’t run. Messed up my round as didn’t have my distances.
Internal error won't load
App not working. I get an internal error message.
Been stuck in loading the screens all day
I have the Wingman and have been using the app for a few years but I bought a new Wingman and tried to log in and it rejected my known password. I tried setting up logins on 2 different email services. It appeared to accept them but when I went back to login it did not accept my passwords. I tried "Forgot password" and it said it sent a temporary password but it did not. I am at a loss. The other 2 emails I used were hallschild@redacted and hallschild-1@redacted.
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