Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to MadMuscles.
- Workouts get dull because you have the exact workout every week
- Needs to inter change different exercises to keep people interested
- Takes time to find a different and suitable workout
- Half of the app/program is missing or there is false advertising
- Just an app that has some premade workouts
same problem, stuck on the select language page after paying 25.99$. What a disappointment!
Same like most of the complaints on this page... When I try to start the app I am stuck on the "Set your app language" page. When I press continue, it does not work.
I just downloaded the app first time user on my iPhone and it won’t let me go past the set language screen i am very disappointed. You guys took $15 for me and I can’t even use the app
I just bought the program and I just downloaded the app and it got stuck on language page
I downloaded the app and want to achieve my goals but the app isn’t working
App stuck on select language page
The app is not responding and is stuck on the set your app language page
The app isn’t working
Complete guide to troubleshoot MadMuscles app on iOS and Android devices. Solve all MadMuscles app problems, errors, connection issues, installation problems and crashes.
Table of Contents:
Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Amomama Media Limited, developers of MadMuscles.
Mad Muscles helps users to reach their weight goals and look better. In MadMuscles , you can find workouts for users with different levels of fitness, lifestyle, problem areas, etc. 1. 6-month workout & meal plan - $39. 2. 3-month workout plan - $29. 3. 1-month workout plan - $19.