Find: A Modern Photo Manager

Find: A Modern Photo Manager Software

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Find Overview

• Camera - find text in real life.

Look for text anywhere, whether that’s in books, worksheets, or even nutrition labels - all in real time.

Got thousands? No problem, just give Find a couple minutes.

Powered by Optical Character Recognition, Find is faster than the human eye.

Blast through hundreds of photos in minutes, or just a split second if they are cached.

• Photos - redesigned in 1.2, you can now find from all your existing photos.

Have a vocabulary assignment? Some ingredients that you want to avoid? Group the words in a list to concurrently look for them.

It takes a couple seconds at first, but results will appear instantly from then on.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

this app is an app to this app text in real life. Look for text anywhere, whether that’s in screenshots, books, or even nutrition labels — all in real-time. Search your entire photo library in a split second and organize it with stars. Or use the camera and speed through forms and worksheets without hardly a glance. Create lists of allergies or dietary restrictions and this app unwanted ingredients instantly. this app is faster than the human eye. this app was designed with privacy in mind, so all processes happen offline and nothing ever leaves your phone. There are no servers, no data collection, no analytics, and no internet connection is required. this app is a free app. It has no ads, subscriptions, or in-app purchases. Featuring: • Photos. The fastest way to this app what you’re looking for. • Camera. Scan through books and worksheets like they’re nothing. • Lists. Group words together and search for them all at the same time.

Top Reviews

By Blinky_X

Works With Voice Over

I’m a blind, VoiceOver user who was a beta tester for this app. Initially, many of the buttons were either inaccessible or unlabeled. After contacting the Developer to inform him/her of the problem, they were quick to resolve it. If only other Developers could be as thoughtful.

By steverngallo


Really impressive, every screen/page I threw at it worked quickly and was able to this app every word I fed it. The user experience is so streamlined, I was up and running in seconds. This app is one of the few that works as advertised and is very easy to setup.

By Iceh0t

Great for Students

Heard about this app on reddit, super easy to install and use without asking for any unnecessary permissions like 90% of apps do now a days. Works as intended, which is also better than 90% of apps. If you still have to use non-digital textbooks, this is almost a must have, 10/10.

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