uCertifyLEARN is fine for studying on a phone, but my complaint comes about the ucertify interface on my Mac.
Ucertify’s inability to be used with Mac text read aloud feature is perplexing. One should be able to utilize the keyboard shortcut (option, esc) to have the computer read aloud any highlighted text.
Instead, one is forced to access the screen reader tech by way of these play/pause buttons on the side of the screen, and you’re forced listen to each block of text all at once, which is very difficult! To back up I have to refresh my screen and restart the read aloud for the block of text, which isn’t practical!
It feels like there is some sort of security feature in place, which prevents the keyboard shortcut from working, perhaps resulting from each page’s inability to be copied and pasted from. If this is the case, then you all have some work to do to get this right. Because your text-reading accessibility features are totally bogus as they stand.
I worked with the WGU help desk to get this issue resolved to no avail.
I really hope you can get this fixed because I use the text read aloud feature all the time, except with uCertify, because your interface gives me these issues.