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Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Clubcommission Berlin e.V., developers of United We Stream.
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Website: 🌍 Visit United We Stream Website
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Developer: Clubcommission Berlin
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Website: 🌍 Visit UnitedHealthcare Website
United We Stream, the successful fundraising campaign for Berlin clubs following the events in March, evolved into a global cultural platform and streaming initiative in the digital space. Since March there have been 73 live streams from United We Stream home-base Berlin, streams from 425 locations in 92 cities worldwide and 2068 featured artists. United We Stream advocates the preservation of diverse club culture and its values and brings international club culture to your home, wherever you are. ARTE concert, radioeins, ALEX TV and FLUX FM have been won as partners as well as the Berlin label SUOL for the provision and technical support of the streaming technology. It connects local cultural spaces, artists, cultural workers, companies and institutions with a global audience. In addition to the live broadcast of DJ sets, live music and performances, United We Stream is also a platform for discussion rounds, lectures and films on club cultural topics. this app is an initiative of the Berlin Club Commission, the Reclaim Club Culture Network and the non-profit association BERLIN WORX.