Weekly targets tracker: Not only it tracks weight reduction through the weight loss tracker, but it allows you to contest in fun diet games with your weight loss buddies to achieve the targets.
When you embark on your weight loss journey with friends and family, you are filled with enthusiasm and positive energy because most of your known people are a part of your journey.
A group challenge can be a motivating as well as a fun element of your weight loss journey because when we set goals and throw challenges to each other in our close circle, we make sure to go that extra mile to complete the tasks.
With BetterTogether, weight loss becomes all fun and games when you can participate in fitness challenges and competitions.
BetterTogether helps eliminate the scary part of the weight loss journey of feeling lonely and depressed.
Bringing the change in your health and well-being with a weight loss app that brings friends and family together.
You no longer have to follow a monotonous routine to lose weight, but now you can work out with friends and participate in fitness competitions, all with our fitness challenge app.
No wonder you are searching for a slimming app, and BetterTogether is the amalgamation of all essential features like fitness tips, diet plans, diet tips, and many more to reach that healthy wage.
You can invite them to participate in the online weight-loss contest and achieve the goal of fitness with friends.
The app provides access to dietician advise for your timely consultations with an online dietician, through which you can receive all the nutrition tips and information to get a head start with a healthy diet.
As we all know, drinking plenty of water plays a vital role in improving our metabolism, thus promoting healthy gut and fat loss.
The struggles that you may face in the path of losing weight can be overwhelming for your physical and mental health.
Assigning yourself a dietbet to reach a certain defined goal every week also helps to achieve your dream body.
Thus, this fitness app has an inbuilt bmi calculator to check the cholesterol and fat content of the body and a BMI tracker to keep them in check.