I got AdorableHome as of a month ago, and so far couldn’t find any big bugs, or problems on AdorableHome , but there is some small frustrating issues, such as when you wash or ‘shower’ your cat, it’s so frustrating and what seems impossible to do! It’s so hard to get it balanced on green, I hope the developers could work on that. The other small issue I found on AdorableHome is sometimes when I purchase “love” which is basically the currency in the game, it takes longer than usual to go through, sometimes it even takes up to 3 days, which kinda makes the game seem “sketchy” and not able to be trusted. So I really hope the developers could fix some of these issues. They’re are really small issues though, kinda frustrating to work around, but it’s not impossible to, I do suggest the game to people looking for a fun, simple game to play when you’re bored or have some time to burn, it’s really easy to play as well, it’s a very chill, simple game. There are a ton of varieties to choose from, furniture wise, and I recommend heavily! To buy “love” when you start the game. It gives you double the amount the usual is for the first 12 hours and is so cheap too! Love the game overall! Cant wait to see what the developers have next for it!