Here are my concerns: it takes way too long for home value* to be replenished, there aren’t enough ways to earn money, and building new sections costs way too much considering how hard it is to earn money.
*Every 3 hours, you get like $1,500 which trust me, isn’t that much.
There are only 3 ways to earn money.
1.) you wait every 3 hours and get about $1,500
2.) you complete tasks (you are forced to buy furniture which really isn’t earning anything since furniture is expensive)
3.) you use actual real life money to buy virtual money (which of you ask me, is very foolish)
As for my third concern, when you start the game, the only spaces available in your house are the living room and the kitchen. If you want a dining room, office, bedroom, bathroom, master bedroom, and master bathroom, you have to pay $20,000! (For EACH, so in total: $120,000) That is really not easy since it is so hard to earn money.
I can see the potential in this game, but right now it’s not very fun. If the developers were to make a few changes to the game, I would give it a higher rating.