8-Bit Battle Star: Galaxy War

8-Bit Battle Star: Galaxy War Software

Company Name:


8 Bit Battle Star Overview

Welcome to the retro arcade space shooter game that will keep you entertained for hours .

Download the game today and start shooting the evil aliens.

The game is full of 8 bit aliens that tries to kill you.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Welcome to the retro arcade space shooter game that will keep you entertained for hours . The game is full of 8 bit aliens that tries to kill you. Shoot them all and conquer the galaxy. How far can you go? Download the game today and start shooting the evil aliens. Have fun.

Top Reviews

By ERR0R 3876


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By Quexlo

Nice, but...

The game itself is pretty good, I can find myself playing for hours. But there are only two things I can’t stand in this app: The Ads, you send ads every time I open the menu or anything, and two, the controls, the user should have the ability to change controls, like moving the shoot button or to make them bigger, and the joystick is very bad. I like this game, but I believe many people see eye-to-eye with me on this review. I hope you fix these issues. +5⭐️ when you fix these

By Divisive judicial

Controls are garbage

My only problem with this game is the joy stick it’s garbage you can’t move any where with it and there’s also no control options I want to be able to move the buttons wherever I want them once fixed I’ll give 5 stars

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