Bacon – The Game Reviews

Bacon – The Game Reviews

Published by on 2024-03-19

About: Put bacon on E V E R Y T H I N G ! Have you ever tried bacon on..

About Bacon

Put bacon on E V E R Y T H I N G . Have you ever tried bacon on. . . . .


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 170,946 combined software reviews.

580 Bacon Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Everything I wanted it to be

This game has a simplicity that makes it fun. The challenges definitely get harder as you go along, and some I can’t seem to get a few levels after many, many, many tries (cough cough the this app flag) but other than that it was good. Was it the most engaging thing I’ve ever done... probably not, but still it’s perfect for when you have time to kill or just need a break. Anyway, it exceeded my expectations of what I thought it was going to be. My only thing is, will there be more levels? I’ve basically completed them all 😕 so overall good game you should definitely get it it’s fun while it lasts

Edit: ok so basically the best thing about this game was that it let you CHOOSE if you wanted to skip a level by watching an ad, which was great because you only watched ads if you wanted to and it kept the game being free. But nowwww there’s an add after a certain number of tries :( pretty upset not gonna lie. It’s ok though I didn’t put down a star or anything because I understand that the people who made the game have to make money. Just a thought for people who think the might like Bacon, just be kinda prepared for ads


Crazy Concept, But Overall Great App!

I’m really not one to write reviews but I wanted to express how surprised I was when I downloaded Bacon and began playing it. So first off, the concept is crazy, but also unique to say the least. I really downloaded this game with no expectations, it actually was recommended to be by Bacon Store and I decided to download it on the spot without looking at the reviews. I will start off by saying that if you’re the kind of person who likes to play games/apps that have any sort of story or any kind of purpose at all this is not Bacon for you. I will say however that the game design and idea are simple. You try to get this app to land on a variety of random objects. Again, the controls are simple, the idea is simple, the game itself is simple but is well made! It’s just one of those apps you play when you’re bored, and there’s nothing wrong with that! BUT, the single most important thing that sets Bacon apart from the others is that it has VERY minimal ads. I’ve only watched an ad one time and I’m one level 35 because you have the choice to watch an ad to skip a level. The lack of ads really ads to the vibe of Bacon itself, it’s super clean, simple, and minimal.


The Best Mobile Game Experience

Some of the best gaming experiences of all tiem are born from their sinplicity. Think Pong, Pac Man, Tetris etc. They are built on an unassuming foundation, but one which stretches miles deep, to the very core of game design. This philosophy drives this app: The Game, which presents a gameplay loop so basic and repeatable that it might seem at first to be a gimmick. But this is no ordinary iOS shovelware. The mechanics of the game’s physics are so finely tuned that an insane level of depth can be derived in their mastery. You soend hours honing your skills at juggling, swatting and sliding the this app in the pan. And just when you think you have it figured out… well that’s when this game hits you with an obstacle you could previously ever dream of overcoming. It is a slow, methodical marathon to the end. But in the end, one of the most rewarding experiences I could imagine. Literally. I just recieved my prize for beating this game from the creator, today. That tantalizing, mysterious boon should be enough to keep anyone flinging this app for months on end.


Creative and good

I really appreciate this game, and love the ridiculousness but also that getting to the next level is not unattainable. It puts me in a good mood and I keep coming back.
I really liked how creative the options were and that it’s not all food. More food for thought. If it was a good game I’d get hungry and be distracted and not have a pleasant time. But this mixes things so I can focus more mentally on what’s happening and can really appreciate the graphics, the sound, the layout and how things are framed to share with people. It just makes sense. It’s simple and intuitive and I can tell you put a lot of care into this. Especially when things started to get concave or change due to gravity or suction. Or when the this app precariously balances and yet manages to stay on the object and how it wobbles. Keeping the pan, hand, this app and object in mind as the main part of the game likely allowed further creative direction to free up how it was. It’s the perfect amount of not over complicated.



I just did the first 50 levels and the hard one was putting the this app on the.........ok, ok...the crossword puzzle. I have spent the last 1/2 hour giggling, chortling, and making funny noises as I tossed this app from the frying pan onto/ into some pretty funny stuff..poor Francois this app...he definitely got his.....a fun, funny, and greasy game.... The this app actually orbited the MOON!!! Check it out! I never recommend BAD GAMES...this is a winner....developers, keep the next levels coming! It’s going onto my cell phone to....can I laugh out loud just anywhere...?😲😂
Today, there were amazing this app launches....but, guys, turning ON certain items....really? (More giggles! My neighbors will be playing shortly, too!) SOUND EFFECTS ARE TERRIFIC! Two days later...ok guys...great fun with the treadmill..I did not expect need to service it....smooth!🤣🤣🤣🤣LATER...I have a bug to report, but there is no link on your App can I get in touch? No hiding, guys! (And it’s NOT SECURE? Oh,oh!)


Could’ve Been So Much More

When downloading this game, I was rather excited to try a game with such an absurd premise. When booting up the game, I was pleasantly surprised for only a moment as the first few levels were silly and fun. However, very quickly on the game got frustrating, and then randomly back to easy to the point of not even having to move the pan on some stages. The lack of difficulty curve could be ignored if the game decided to stick with the lack of seriousness, however it simply didn’t retain enough charm to keep me interested for as long as it is. Over 100 levels and the game doesn’t even seem to be near the end? No thanks. Overall I wish that the game had stayed silly and had some kind of a difficulty curve, as well as being somewhat shorter as to keep the game fresh and interesting. However, simply due to the premise of the game and the fact that I can tell serious effort went into making the game, I cannot give this game a mere one star. Overall however, I went in expecting better, and was unfortunately disappointed.


I love this game

Hi makers I will I will when I first tried this game it was pretty hard but then now that I’m here I love it I love this game so much that I play it almost every day more than Roblox I love this game so much that I play it more than every game I ever downloaded and this is the Game that I love the most because I love it and I play it more than every game I have ever download it because this can show your skills if you if you were good at flipping an hour and in this practice is me like it always does the practices me and now I’m the best now and the best flipper well not the best flipper well I’m good at it I’m great I’m a great flipper but not the best and because this practice is me and I love it I love flipping everything because the this app I love flipping it on inside of a piña colada inside of red wine inside of a tip jar on a dog on the Mona Lisa and that’s really the things I like to flip it on oh and one more thing on the granny


One of The Best Mobile Games Out There

To the creators of this game, thank you for an amazing mobile game. To readers of this review, this is a must download. This game is mindless yet entertaining, creative, and challenging at times, which should be the description for every mobile game. It is fun to play by yourself or challenge your friends. One of the best features to the game is the ability to have ads displayed on a banner at the very bottom of the screen. It makes it seem as though the game is ad free and has little distraction. I’m sure many people have longed to have a mobile game where the levels are not taken up by an ad each time. The levels itself vary in difficulty, which is nice. Some of the levels are very creative and some make myself laugh. Definitely one of the best, if not the best game I’ve downloaded. I would recommend this game to everyone.


Time to interlock my inerdemon of writing

this app this app is a really fun app for all ages and the many different levels to choose from and the creativity and the other funny things that you do with the game and this is a honest review I saw other people playing and I new I had to play and the second I got in I was zooming down and when your playing it it’s 50x better then just watching it and it’s fun when you for you page has nothing to watch this is the most interesting game I’ve ever played and just the little side secrets that make the game great and fun for all like when you had those foreign language that I didn’t know I texted it to my sister becauseI thought she would know but of course she didn’t and that’s my opinion of this one great game bye


Bacon 🥓

WOW JUST WOW!! I found out about this game just a couple days ago, and it’s SUPER addicting!!! I do have a couple things that you could change though, but they are only minor things.
Could you PLEASE make some of the levels just a little bit easier, for example the one with the long finger nail was SUPER DIFFICULT and then once I passed it a couple levels later I came to the chandelier level and WOW that level was SO HARD!! I thought to myself, “I just finished the super hard long finger nail one and now THIS!!” I was pretty disappointed... After a long time and I mean a LONG TIME, I finally finished the level and I moved on to the next one...
Also I would really like if there could be another way to skip the level instead of watching an ad because I usually play this game when I’m places without internet.
That’s all and thank you again for creating this amazing game 🤩


Perfect for passing short amounts of time!

The video on the main page says it all... frying pan, this app, random object. Land the this app on the random object and pass the level. I’ve done this over the course of 154 levels so far.

Ads between levels are rare. The persistent ad banner at the bottom does not distract from the game at all in my opinion.

Some levels require a bit of strategy, while others are quite simple. As a few people have mentioned, there is no escalation scheme to the difficulty. Some levels are super easy, some are super tricky and it’s all very random. I, for one, actually enjoy that. If you’re looking for a minor challenge for very short periods of time (I usually play for 1 to 5 minutes), then I am certain you’ll enjoy this too. 🙂


This game cured my depression

I’ll admit, at first I was a bit skeptical on a game called this app. I mean really, what kind of fun would a game named this app be? After getting to level 69, I finally understood the truth within the truth. Before playing this game, I was suffering. My depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, ADHD, OCD, and I was paralyzed from the waist down. After playing for a solid 10 minutes, I could feel my legs again. I was happy, everything was cured. This game is amazing, from the bouncing levels to the Mona Lisa. The this app squishing effect is more than I could ever imagine. The game blew my mind with its amazing mechanics, my anger issues and build up frustration vanished after even downloading this god given masterpiece. This game can make millions through its S+ graphics and how easy it runs on any device. Best regards,



Amazing, creative game! Addicted!!!

So, I was in the car with my friend (her mom was driving me home) and we were just chilling when I saw her playing this app, I asked what it was, cause I mean it looked fun, she replied with “this app”, so I decided to download it, and well…. IM ADDICTED.. It’s so fun and I totally recommend the game, yes it can get a little frustrating at times, but hey- I mean it’s a game, we’ve all raged before! Anyway, it’s super fun and it’s just a funny, creative game and i think it’s great, now everyone might now agree with me, or you may have different opinions, but remember, I’m just giving a review, I’m not telling you to play it or not, I’m not your mom.
Ok this is just getting weird now, I was just writing a review..Oh well, bye and I RECOMMEND THE GAME :)


This is how I got my protein

Okay, so here’s the deal with the this app game. LITERALLY the BEST game I’ve ever played. (This is coming from a person who downloads every game I get a pop up add for) anyway this game is literally the best thing that ever happened to me. I fished all 100 levels after just 2 days of having it. My phone usage data shows that 43% of my time in my phone was used playing this game. I played it everywhere. Special shout out to my cast of Radium Girls for helping me past the the hard levels. As a vegetarian I will confirm that this is how I got my protein. My only complaint for this GOD GIVEN game, is that it needs more fun levels, the bonus levels are kinda boring, so PLEASE make more so I have something to do back stage. THANK YOU to the creators. Please give more.


After 200 levels you become very familiar with the gravitational properties of bacon.

Also around level 200 the difficulty ramps up and next thing you know you’re closely examining the intricacies of how “the this app meets the pan”. You’ll try letting the this app fling to the edge of the pan and flipping it just so. Or letting the this app drop and slide only so far before pulling the trigger on the pan. You’ll experience frustration then overwhelming joy in the same breath. You’ll want write about your experiences with this app. You should try this game and tell me I’m wrong. Dare you. I’ll update this review regularly. Is there a limit on length of appstore reviews? I have a lot more to say. But now I must go put this app on a nose.



Yo this game is amazing and my brother have been competing with each other to finish the game first. My brother beat me and finished the game before me, but I was a close second. We are now on the bonus levels and now there is no real purpose because they go on forever. I am really looking forward to an update for more levels, but I do not want it to restart our progress. For example adding levels after the fence level (the last real level) would be a great addition so that we would not have to restart. Thank you for such an amazing game and it is definitely one of my favorite games. Also thank you for doing your best to produce more spectacular levels. 🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓


Amazing waste of time

So I was up at 2 in the morning and was bored,
So naturally, I went to Bacon Store. I was scrolling down
the endless hall of game options I could choose to waste my time, when I saw an option that stuck out to me: B A C O N
Now if you don’t know I’m craving French fries and this app at 2-6 every morning. So I was hungry. As soon as I pressed the install button I knew that was the best decision I had or will every make in my entire pathetic life. As soon as my finger hit the play button, i was amazed. No, there was no actual this app, but I could put this app on EVERYTHING. Highly recommend this game, but please make there an option to put this app on yourself :)


Woman saying “Jungle” in the game

I got about 3/4 of the way with this game before I realized I hadn’t played with the sound on. I started playing with the sound on and then I noticed that every few tries, when the this app hit the object with its short side, you can here a faint voice of a woman saying “jungle” in the background. It freaked me out at first and I tried telling and they didn’t believe me but I got a screen recording of it and showed them. They later messaged me back to tell me they hear it too. Not sure if the developers did this on purpose or not but it’s weird. Anyways, great game. I already finished it and the last level was stressing me out in the best of ways. Thanks Baconators.


The game try’s too hard

The concept for the game is cool and silly at first but then it gets repetitive after a while. It try’s to be self aware but isn’t really able to be good with the ads at the bottom of the screen. And another problem I have is that they make you watch an ad if you want to skip a level, and normally that isn’t so bad since the game is free to play and all but because of its over all “self awareness” it doesn’t really work and just seems like a poor way to try and get money from the people playing the game. Especially since they have a level where you need to put this app on product placement when it says “your product here” or along those lines. So my conclusion is that it’s a good game for the most part. That is until it gets boring, which for me didn’t take too long because of its miss use of its ad placement.


Love this game, but…..

I have to admit, when my cousin first recommended this game to me I told him that it was dumb but after playing it, I love it. The things that you guys come up with are super creative and I don’t even know how you came up with some of these things. I love this game but I do have a slight problem. When I try to skip a level, it makes me watch an ad but when the ad is done, it takes me right back to the level I wanted to skip. I’ve been stuck in the same level for a very long time because I can’t skip it. If you could try to fix this problem soon, that would be great. Other than that this game is great and I got all of my other cousins playing it too!



I was browsing Bacon store when I stumbled across a curious game, its main objective flipping this app on various items. It intrigued me. There I was, pressing install, then “play.” Words cannot describe the true nature of this game, but I’ll try anyway.
This game will make you laugh, This game will make you cry. This game will get your face searingly red from rage. To progress, you are pushed out of your comfort zone. It’s no longer about flipping this app, it’s a message. A message that tells you to go above and beyond, a message that inspires you. You are forced to reach new heights, make achievements you thought was impossible before. You will get tested. Your patience and endurance will be at stake, your ability to balance your emotions. This is no silly gimmick, this is art. It pushes you. It motivates you. It infuses energy into your very core and leaves you with newfound confidence and satisfaction throughout the day. You must install this game, you owe it to yourself. Be prepared for a breath taking journey.


Literally speechless 😶 ❤️

Where do I start!?! Well first of all please download this game it’s amazing!! This is one of the very few games that actually work well on my very old iPad, which I can appreciate. The concept is yes, crazy and creative, but I love that ❤️❤️❤️ Honestly I mostly downloaded this game bc I love this app, and I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was honestly so worth it. Like I’m going on a long road trip; need games for my iPad, and this is perfect. Some of the levels are very hard, some are easy, most are just right! (Surprisingly) challenging, but in just the right way. I was also surprised to figure out there was sort of a strategy to this, which made it really interesting. Plus the few ads that there are make it so worth it.
Overall this game is soooooo crazy but amazing at the same time, with just the right difficulty. If you just like random and weird games like me, please download. Absolutely love.


honestly the best game ever

The title may sound super dramatic, but for me, this app (the game) was an amazing experience. I recently completed all the levels and hope that more people download this game. I’ve had this game for about 3 months, and before you think that it’s an easy game and a waste of time; the game is incredibly hard. I think I skipped almost half the levels just to finally reach the end. I hope that the developers see this and you, the possible customer. The game gets rid of most of your boredom and is perfect for road trips. Additionally, you can make your own levels and do daily levels in this app Studio, just press the plus sign in the top right corner and press this app Studio! Spectacular game, definitely recommend downloading! Much thanks to the developers for creating this. ❤️


Creative and Amazing!

I enjoy this game a lot, even if I get a bit frustrated at times. I am almost done with all of the levels, and it’s only been a couple of hours playing! I’m addicted! But, I have some suggestions. First of all, you HAVE to figure out a shorter way of getting between the levels. Maybe use a slider, or a level screen, I don’t care. I just don’t enjoy tapping 50 times through the level thing just to play one. It’s not very user friendly, if you know what I mean. Next, you should add some more “attributes” to the levels when you make more. For example, I like the levels with objects that are slippery, or have a gravitational field. You should also do, for example, bouncy objects, like jello, or a trampoline. Or maybe sticky stuff, like slime, or glue, or something. Stuff like that, you know? Lastly, if you do end up adding more “attributes” you should mix them up! Have an object that’s slippery AND bouncy! I can’t think of anything that’s slippery and bouncy, but I hope you know what I mean. Have fun with it! Feel free to respond!

I love this game! Keep up the good work! 😀👍


Best games on all of the app store!

Seriously, this guy makes the best games on all of Bacon store, his visuals are so unique and wacky and his sound effects are so enchanting they take you to another world. His ideas are so simple and straight forward, as soon as you set it up you’re just in it and it takes you a few seconds to figure out how to play and immediately fun in just a few seconds, you just load up and play. i already downloaded all the games and suggest everyone do the same. This guy has an amazingly creative mind and a unique design perspective that keeps me amused and dazzled. Marvelous games, fabulous everything! Three thumbs up!


Amazing but has an extremely annoying bug

Let me say that I love this game so much it’s truly amazing. The levels aren’t organized easy to hard or anything, and this new this app Studio and level of the day is really neat. Got one problem though. So for me the food pyramid and simplified body diagram and over ambitious French nails have been the hardest so far. What really ticks me off is how the this app will be perfectly still and balanced and will be sitting perfectly still for five seconds and you are like “why hasn’t the level been completed?” And then out of the blue the center of the this app BY ITSELF will begin jerking around like there is an invisible person grabbing it, and just fall off. Like WHAT THE FRICK. By itself will just be perfect and sitting there and gravity does nothing because it is balanced like the level is done and then it decides to just pick itself up and jump off the level. WHAT THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Please fix it I’m not even asking anymore because it’s so annoying and will eventually make me delete the game bc I hate it and it ruins the entire game.


Amazing Game, but there’s something that should be added…

(Just to start this off, it doesn’t make sense that people are complaining about ads. THE GAME IS FREE HOW ELSE DO THEY MAKE MONEY?! THE ADS AREN’T EVEN REPETITIVE AND YOU CAN SKIP IT REMOTELY FAST! Ok, moving on to the review…) So on one of the levels, you have a carrot that you can put on a carrot cake, but the moment you mess up, you start with this app, and you can keep winning with carrot to complete levels, such as the cigarette level. I think you should be able to have the reskin of this app as a carrot, and since there is already customization, this would be perfect. (You could make it so you get the reskin if you one-shot the carrot cake level) Other than that, I am really enjoying this game. Keep up the good work!


Bacon -cooked to perfection

This game, this wonderful game did not seem like much when I saw it. I thought it would be just a chill thing to play every now and then, but no. No no no. This game is a beautiful work of art created by wonderful people. Nothing is as perfect as this game. I knew the moment I flipped a piece of this app onto Mona Lisa with my face on it, I would love this game more than any game I’ve ever played.

Any negative reviews I don’t understand. Why would anyone feel badly towards this game. I feel as if people don’t appreciate true art. I want anybody who is reading this review to download this game now. The mechanics are great, every level gives me immense joy, and has given me something to do when I was at a point of intense boredom.

The customization is phenomenal, the levels are all unique, and basically no ads whatsoever! I love this game overall because all the levels are unique, it’s completely original, the mechanics and physics are wonderful and I’ve only watched a few ads. I will remember this game for the rest of my life. You should too.


My personal opinion :)

Hi this app people, how is your day, mine was good! Befor I get started I just want to say, I LOVE HOW ONE OF THE ADDS IS OF THE KID SAYING PLAYING THE GAME I HATE ADDS 😂.This game is very relaxing and challenging at the same time. When I started I thought to my self “ oh this will be easy I’ll beat it in one day! Nope.I’m not even done with it and it has been almost 4 weeks. This game is awesome and I see people saying “ there not enough levels apbut there not saying how many there are so I don’t know, I could literally be on the last level and I would not even know. Ok now the part I don’t like, the amount of times it says skip? I think after 100 try’s it should start popping up because it’s really distracting, and if they want to skip before 100, they can go into the cross thing and press skip but not at the top of the screen because it kind of makes me say “I can’t do this, even the game wants me to skip” but other than the skips it’s a great game.



I was thinking about this app. And then I saw this game and I thought “I was just thinking about this app, I thought this app was something I would really think about it, if I was thinking about this app!” Have YOU every thought about this app? Would you do anything to get some? Would you kidnap your own child? Would you kill a police officer? Would you take a dump in the police officer’s helmet? Would you wrap it up in gift wrap and give it to the police officer’s family? this app. I like this app. What are your thoughts on this app. I like putting this app on things. It’s my calling card. Every time the police get to the murder scene they’re like, “yup, it was the this app killer again..” I also like throwing this app at toddlers. They like it when it lands in their mouths. I like it when they choke to death on it. Mmmm this app. Don’t you just love this app?


😋 mmm bacon

I absolutely love this game. I first got it because my little brother had it, and asked me to help him with the levels a lot. I ended up loving it and would always take his phone just to play it. After my little bro got annoyed with that I got the game myself. I fell in love with this instantly. It’s the perfect game to play when you have nothing to do (or if you DO have something to do. The levels of the day keep me coming back to play it, and there’s so many levels I don’t know how I’m ever going to complete it. Honestly guys. A+ on the game! But I do have a bit of a suggestion. You know how you can customize the hand, and the this app itself (it’s odd when the game is called this app and I’m flipping a pickle 😂) anyways back on track. Me and my little bro thought it would be so amazing if you could also customize the pan! You could have it be a rusty pan, a harmonica, a textbook, a giraffe neck, anything! It would make the game more fun than it is now. But honestly guys. You did amazing, even the adds are funny 😆. Great job!


Fabulous, Fantastical, Inspiring, Helpful.

Whenever I’m on the toilet in absolute agony, I make sure to reinstall Bacon. I cannot be on the toilet, floodgates open, brown shooting from out of it, without this game. It’s an absolute must for times of catastrophe. I remember a few years ago, I would use this game when having a panic attack. It brings comfort to me for no reason. Now it gives comfort to me when I’m stuck on the toilet fighting for my life, about to blast off into the ether. So if you’re ever in a time of need or on the toilet dying, install this game and flip this app onto random images. It helps. It’s better than my therapist who won’t even answer her emails. She doesn’t know how to own a business she literally refuses to hire a receptionist because she’s so full of herself. And then she ignores her patients’ emails and calls and does god only knows what. I hope you all can hate my therapist as much as I do. I also hope you can love this game as much as I do. It’s a life saver.


Amazing Plot

At first when I saw this game, I thought it would be a simple pastime to appease the dopamine goblin in my brain. But oh no, dear reader, it has become far more. You see it was just that, a simple means by which to stimulate my brain, but as I progressed it morphed into a realization. We are all this app, all trying to flip and dance our way onto an obscure object of our fascination. You and I, we start out easily mastering the first levels, but then it gets harder to quiet the demons. The silence is too loud, the sizzles burn in your ears. It gets harder and harder until-for the first time-you give up. You give in to that skip button. “Just once,” you say. “I’ll get through them all and circle back to Pinocchio.” No. You keep skipping and running until all that’s left to do at the end is face the ones you could not. You’re stronger now, more resilient. You understand the mechanics of flipping a two-dimensional this app on a two-dimensional pan. But the demons now are disquieted. You are disquieted. You search for a this app prize you will never have. Because, in all those condensed moments at the end, you are faced with an insurmountable hurdle.
11/10, good gameplay. Came for the this app, stayed for the story.


This game is my Roman Empire

I began this game not too long ago, by searching through the apps for a new game to download. I came across this absolute masterpiece and smiled, maybe giggled a little at the stupidity that this game was. However I honestly think the simplicity and basics steps to play this game is what makes it fun. As a mindless player when it comes to brain rotting games, I may hold the crown. This game is one of the best I’ve seen and played in a while, so many different things to throw this app on as I laugh manically in my dark room with the screen all they way up. Moments where I share this game with my friends and they smile at it, days when I just see this app and have to click open this game. It’s very addicting! Oh, also these reviews were TOP TIER and honestly we’re also part of the reason I downloaded this game. If you’re seeing this, do it. I swear you won’t regret it, you’ll get an experience of once in a lifetime, that some may never know or get to enjoy. Please take my advice and PLAY THE GAME!! 10/10 perfect development and creativity.


Absolutely delicious

This game has set the bar for games of the modern era. Never have I ever played a game with such a deep story, amazing physics and deliciousness. I went from thinking “eh I’ll give it a try” to saying “this is the magnum opus of video games” with tears of joy streaming down my eyes. This is not just a game, it’s a gift from the gods, a true obelisk for everyone to look up in awe to. Mere words won’t do justice to how amazing this game is. A friend of mine once said “Who are you? Get out of my house!” and he was right, I should’ve gone out and enjoyed life more, actually lived. This game has taught me how to live, as it’s a true testament to the power of this app and its implications on humanity, art, world peace and the list goes on. Thank you to the gods we know as “developers” of this masterpiece. This game is up there and far exceeds other giants such as God of War, Red Dead Redemption, Skyrim and E.T the video game (seriously that game was awful). This is life, this is art, this is… this app.


Best Game Ever!!

When I downloaded this game in 2021, I thought to my self, “it’s just a game” but it’s so much more than that. This game has taught me patience, wisdom, anger, and perseverance. Didn’t get the this app on the Mona Lisa the first time? Try again!! I will always love this game, and finishing it might just be the best accomplishment ever. Thank you so much Philip, thank you for creating this game!
Side note/recommendation: I personally think a reward system for daily logins would be really cool! For example, creating a daily streak for the Level of the Day could mean you earn that many bacoins for said day of the streak (7 day streak = 7 bacoins for completing the level) !! I think this would make people want to keep coming back to the game everyday and it would entice the people who have already completed the game to come back as well!!!

Thank you,

Is Bacon Safe?

Yes. Bacon – The Game is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 170,946 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Bacon Is 77.2/100.

Is Bacon Legit?

Yes. Bacon – The Game is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 170,946 Bacon – The Game User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Bacon Is 85.3/100..

Is Bacon – The Game not working?

Bacon – The Game works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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