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3 Most reported problems 😔💔

4.8 out of 5

Severely lacking features


by Dbeddie

Maybe this is only applicable to the new Modern Warfare game, as that’s the only COD I play. However, this app tells me about 10% of what I can view in the game itself, and what it does tell me is inaccurate. It still has me at level 55 in the app while I’m up to 74 in game. On that note, it also completely omits the barracks section with challenge progress and the Rank progression objectives (that you reach after I believe level 55 or so). The loadout editor is also completely broken and doesn’t load. It would be awesome to change loadouts and have full Gunsmith capability in the app but at the very least I should be able to see my available weapons and stats, killstreaks, perks, etc. Alas, there is nothing but a blank loading screen. I also cannot message any other users via the app, and I have no clue what the squad function is other then it automatically placed me in some random squad, but then tells me that squad is inactive? All I get is (inaccurate) summaries of about 10 of my recent games, and that doesn’t include all of the recent ones, just 10 random ones. Complete waste.

Where’s the loadout editor for modern warfare?


by Lfalcon78

When gunsmith and class creation for modern warfare is added I’ll change this to 5 stars, but without that I don’t really see the point of this app. The heat maps are kinda cool I guess but y’all should probably work on coming up with other features as well. Like add the barracks for example, let people switch operators, calling cards, emblems, etc from the app. Or add a section to find gameplay clips, tips and tricks, weapon builds, etc. Or a section to get detailed descriptions on the in game weapons, vehicles, operators, etc. Those are just some suggestions, but bottom line this app is severely lacking in features. Consider taking a look at companion apps for other games for inspiration, there’s really a lot more you could be doing. Oh and the store seems to be bugged, none of the content loads despite everything else loading without a problem. Don’t take this the wrong way, I love y’all and appreciate all the hard work you do, I just love the game and want to see the companion app be the best it can be.

App refuses to find my psN


by I Am Mastur Cheef

This app is total garbage. It won’t even allow me to connect my psn account (for which I have used the correct email and password) and it gives me this message “Sorry, we weren’t able to find any gameplay data for your account. Check your profile to verify the correct first-party account is linked. Please note that we currently do not have stats for Call of Duty Mobile.” Which is totally a lie because my account very much exists with stats. One star but wish I could give it less. I keep getting put in lobbies that are horribly mismatched. I just want to turn of sbmm because it ruins my ability to enjoy the game as I’m a casual player. I’m giving up on call of duty because it’s mediocre yearly subscription that only changes in negative ways. This is coming from a 11+ year fan. Screw activision and infinity ward for wasting my money once again

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