Company Name: Federation Internationale de Volleyball
About: The Home of Live Volleyball! One platform. The best Volleyball competitions.
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Developer: Volleyball World
I can't log in with my Apple account
ho un regolare abbonamento in corso ma improvvisamente non posso più accedere alla piattaforma per vedere le partite, il mio account non viene riconosciuto e sono indirizzata continuamente alla pagina degli inviti ad abbonarmi, risolvete velocemente
Cancel my subscription. I logged into the website and tried to do it but it does not allow me
Buona sera, Vorrei cancellare il mio abbonamento a VBTV. Per favore non addebitare nulla sulla mia carta di credito. Grazie
I’d like to cancel my VBTV . Please stop autopay from my credit card now.
ขอยกเลิกการใช้บริการ Valleyball Tv ตั้งแต่วันนี้เป็นต้นไป และหากจะต้องดำเนินการอย่างไรที่จะยกเลิก ขอให้ส่งกลับข้อความทาง email นี้เลยครับ
I'd like to cancel my vbtv. Please stop auto pay from my credit for the next month.
Me cobraron un mes mas del que yo había solicitado. Por favor reembolsar mi dinero cuando solicite sus servicios me dieron una opción de si lo requería solo un mes y así lo hice, pero ahora están cobrándome un mes más que no deseo por favor reembolsar mi dinero gracias.
I need to remove my credit card from Volleyball TV aap
I'd like to cancel my vbtv. Please stop auto pay from my credit for the next month. Pantiwa Pantiwa299@redacted
by Bostonbenny1357890
Really sad the only option is a 24 hour subscription honestly
by Jresse22
Tried watching my favorite teams in the Rosarito event but half the replays are glitchy. If you’re charging as much as Netflix I’d expect matching quality.
On a positive note the camera work and commentary were very good. Fix the glitchy-ness and I might be back.
by Alyalbusalan
This app is frustrating because every single time I leave the app and go back into it I have to sign into my account again before I can watch a game. Please fix this!