
天下雜誌 Software

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天下雜誌 Overview

What is 天下雜誌?

The 天下雜誌App is a news app that provides users with up-to-date news and in-depth analysis of current events. The app offers three main features: "今日" for quick and concise news summaries, "聽天下Podcast" for weekly podcasts featuring interviews with decision-makers, and "雜誌" for complete access to the full content of the 天下雜誌 magazine. The app is free to download, but users can subscribe to gain full access to all articles and features.


- "今日": Provides users with quick and concise news summaries, highlighting the most important information.

- "聽天下Podcast": Features weekly podcasts with interviews with decision-makers and behind-the-scenes looks at cover stories.

- "雜誌": Offers complete access to the full content of the 天下雜誌 magazine, providing users with in-depth analysis and coverage of current events.

- Subscription Plans: Users can choose to subscribe for NT$300 per month or NT$790 for a three-month subscription. Subscribers gain full access to all articles and features, as well as exclusive subscriber events.

- Free Trial: First-time subscribers can enjoy a 14-day free trial.

- Automatic Renewal: Subscriptions are set to automatically renew, but users can manage their subscription settings in their App Store account.

- Existing Subscribers: Users who are already "天下全閱讀" subscribers can log in to the app using their existing 天下會員 account to gain full access to the app's content.

- Privacy Policy and Terms of Use: The app's privacy policy and terms of use can be found on the 天下會員 website.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

重大新聞,深度解讀,天天更新,快速掌握財經產業趨勢。 【產品三大特色功能】 ● 今日:即時議題快速解讀,幫你畫重點,只給你需要知道的事。 ● 聽天下Podcast:經濟學人每週導讀,總編輯對話決策者,封面故事幕後製作全揭露。 ● 雜誌:資訊碎片化時代,完整收錄《天下》雜誌全文,紙本深度與數位化便利,一次擁有。 【天下雜誌APP訂閱方案與權益】 透過「天下雜誌App」訂閱,選擇每月NT$300或者季訂(三個月)NT$790 可享有以下服務: 1.訂閱期間內可完整閱讀「天下雜誌App」內的所有文章。 2.訂閱期間內亦可完整閱讀「天下雜誌網站」所有文章, 不受閱讀篇數限制。 3.訂戶專屬活動。 P.S.:「天下雜誌App」為免費下載,下載後可免費閱讀部分文章,全閱讀訂戶請先登入會員以開啟完整閱讀權限。 【注意事項】 ● 您可以透過應用程式訂閱「天下雜誌App」,費用將以您的itune帳號直接向您的信用卡收費。 ● 首次訂閱可享14日免費試用。 ● 本訂閱方案採自動續訂,訂閱期限到期前24小時,系統會自動為您接續新一期的訂閱。 ● 您隨時可在App store帳戶內「我的訂閱內容」中管理您的訂購服務。 ● 若您已透過天下雜誌網站成為「天下全閱讀」訂戶,請直接登入您的天下會員帳號,即可完整閱讀「天下雜誌App」。 隱私權政策: https://member.cwg.tw/privacy-policy 會員使用條款: https://member.cwg.tw/register-rule

Top Reviews

By Humble at RSF


天下雜誌秉承傳統,從1980年代起就是台灣最優良刊物之一!這次apps改版感覺非常好,值得扶持。以下兩點建議:1)請增加search功能;2)iPad apps太差了,盼儘速改進,否則對「天下全閱讀」訂戶實在有失公允!

By gordon7323

為何沒有支援 iPad

讀雜誌不能利用 iPad 的版面不是太可惜了嗎?

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