Rally Coach™ Reviews

Rally Coach™ Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-23

About: Take small steps toward big health improvements with the Rally Coach™ app. Our
app has programs for weight loss, quitting tobacco, diabetes prevention,
diabetes management, and wellness coaching.

About Rally Coach

What is Rally Coach?

The Rally Coach™ app is designed to help users take small steps towards big health improvements. The app offers programs for weight loss, quitting tobacco, diabetes prevention, diabetes management, and wellness coaching. The app provides users with tools, strategies, and live coaching to tackle everyday challenges from eating smarter to financial wellbeing.



- Real Appeal Weight program to help achieve real and lasting weight loss results

- Weekly online live coaching sessions and anytime, anywhere coach messaging

- Trackers for food, activity, weight, and more to help live a healthier life

- Separate tracks to help prevent and manage diabetes

- Quit For Life program to help quit tobacco using proven tools and strategies

- Live coaches who develop and guide personalized quit plans

- Access to videos, articles, text support, and more anytime, anywhere

- Nicotine replacement therapy (like gum and patches) delivered right to the door

- Digital Wellness Coaching to provide tools and strategies to tackle everyday challenges

- Integration with Apple HealthKit to easily sync data with HealthKit supported devices.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 60,997 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Rally Coach

- Allows you to create meals for quick entry

- Weekly sessions provide cumulative information

- Coaches are professional, knowledgeable, friendly, kind, and honest

- Convenient and has many resources

20 Rally Coach Reviews

4.9 out of 5


Lacks Many Necessary Features

Okay, I’m comparing this to Real Appeal’s former app, but even with that in mind, RallyCoach lacks a number of features that should be in any app for supporting a healthy lifestyle. There is no way to track exercise, no way to track water consumption, no way to backdate your weigh-ins, and not way to add foods that are not in the database (using nutrition facts on the label). The interface with Fitbit is lacking; it only tracks steps, and can’t read the weight from a Fitbit scale. And to top it all off, the food entry features rarely allows you to measure food in grams (which I prefer, even though I’m American), and even when it does, you can’t enter a weight over 99 grams (a little more than 3 ounces). On the plus side, RallyCoach does allow you to create meals for quick entry (for example, if you eat a certain breakfast frequently). All in all, it’s stable and easy to use, and with some tweaks it could merit five stars. But it’s not quite there yet.


Packs a Punch

I have lost 11 lbs. so far, and the weekly sessions have been a wonderful source of CUMULATIVE information. Each week’s goals are not unreasonable, and they add up. Each session addresses a single set of habits that one can change, with a positive result. As a consequence, weight loss can be consistent, even when one’s body might decide to hang onto the weight at plateau level. I have incorporated a lot of the suggestions and to my delight, they’ve worked. Not to say that all of them are easy — a couple have been challenging (like giving up most soft drinks, because they’re my main source of caffeine), but overall, I have transformed some of my unhealthy habits into healthy habits, and I believe this is something I can sustain without feeling tortured. Thank you!


It worked but it dumped me

I lost 35 lbs without special foods, expensive add-ones, etc. I felt great! I was looking forward to learning how to maintain my weight loss but the transition is preventing me from further participation because I switched jobs and have the exact same UHC plan but the new employer doesn’t participate. So Real Appeal is dumping me! I won’t get to finish my first full year either. I’m devastated. Finally found a plan that works with my limited physical capabilities (have had arthritis since age 12, already had my jaw joints replaced at age 18), now at almost 40 the weight loss has been amazing for my joints! All I did was calorie count and their walk it off program. So yeah, being devastated, I fell back into old habits and put all my weight back on. I’m really hoping they get the program available to all, not just employer participation. I’ve tried another calorie counting program (Noom) and while it’s similar it’s not as user-friendly as the old Real Appeal app. I haven’t gotten to try the new one even though I am willing to pay out of pocket. Devastated, and it still hurts.


New real appeal app vs old the one

Let me explain so I was on the old platform loved the other one a lot better I wished the developers would of taken in consideration of the customers and moved us over to the new platform especially if they already did this program that’s frustrating for sure bc I have to take this class in order to keep tracking.

The other thing I wish they would of done is when we track food so like the other one the food and calories was on the front page where as the new one you have to hit the plus sign on the new app. I miss the favorites so like if you ate a food for that day and ate it the next week it would be there or rather than keep adding in the new food. I hope you are going to add this feature back. I do like the new app bc you can track food for future days where the old app you could only do if you missed a day and couldn’t add anything future dates. The new one does have some work but hopefully the developers will see this and make changes for current and new customers. Thanks



So disappointed in the way this company has handled their transition to a “new digital platform”. I’ve been using this program for about seven months now and have seen some great successes and was really happy with the program, however they’ve now decided to change up RallyCoach and site and I’ve been told I have to start over from the beginning and that most of my info, including previous weight loss, saved recipes, progress photos, and other important information will be lost and not be carried over to the new program. Even knowing all this I decided to still give it a chance and try it out and hoped it would be worth it, it is not! The new app is absolutely terrible and I’m now not sure I’ll even complete the program. I don’t feel the new app is very user friendly or intuitive at all. It is much worse than the old platform that they used. Only highlight was it syncs better with Fitbit now which is helpful for me. Other than that not sure it is worth it to continue with the program when I could just use another calorie tracker that would be easier to use or maybe try Noom. Very disappointed in Real Appeal and Rally!


Works ok

The interface gets stuck each time you add in your weight, you have to force close RallyCoach and reopen to get around that. It’s also really hard to enter in the weight, there’s a circle you drag and it’s hard to get to move - may be part of why it gets stuck.
In the weekly group sessions the chat frequently gets stuck and won’t refresh. Or if that’s working when it refreshes it keeps popping to the first chat comment instead of the most recent - which makes it hard to respond and keep up with when it keeps popping to the first comment.
App works better than the website - that has been unusable for over a month now.
This program would benefit from partnering with more apps, if you’re already used to using something to track activity/food then you’re going to using those instead of what this provides (like Apple watches/activity, Lose It!).


The older platform was better

RallyCoach does not include the analysis, macros and the ability to easily track foods with the food scale they send to you. The only options are portions of servings...no grams, cups, ounces, tsp or tbsp measurements. You can’t track important things like sodium and cholesterol. When I brought this up to my coach and the call center it was suggested that I use another app for those....so why use this one? It’s not user friendly like the older version. The program was amazing when I started in February 2019 and I lost 20 pounds in a few months but now RallyCoach is a hassle, the Coach doesn’t seem to care unless you are a newbie that is unaware of the changes and my weight loss has come to a plateau. I have been put back to the beginning of the program due to the “upgrade” so nothing is new. I am someone that encouraged all of my co-workers to join and they were inspired by my progress but now I’m so disappointed I can’t think of a reason to continue. Real Appeal you had an amazing program/product in the beginning but this “digital platform” was a horrible idea.


Miss some old options-New app offers less

I miss tracking my water from the old app. Yes, I can do it with the food track option but this doesn’t show the tally type symbols that give a quick visual total like the old app. Also, I miss seeing the full graphs of my progress for weight loss, calorie intake, exercise, etc. Those quick visuals were SO motivating! (Can’t look back at weight loss more than one month in the new app) The new app won’t link to my Fitbit and does not track any other types of activity except for steps AND does not let you enter step totals manually. New app’s food tracker is not as easy to use and has less food in the data base. (More work!)
Soooo Unfortunately I find that I am gaining weight back with this new digital platform because all the cool tools I relied on for 6 months are less useful (food tracker) or have been totally taken away (progress, water and activity trackers, class and leader). What a bummer!! You advertised that the new platform is “So much more” but so far it’s so much LESS. Looks like you rushed the launch.😔


More than just an app

I started with RallyCoach because a friend highly recommended it. I’ve been using it for a few weeks and I'm going through an 8 week course on Diabetes. I just finished a live class on RallyCoach and it was awesome! The coaches are professional, knowledgeable, friendly, kind, and honest. I prefer this method over going to take a class at a local hospital or medical group. It is so convenient and you have ALL these resources right there in RallyCoach .

RallyCoach as a whole is very easy to use. There are clear links to the information. It’s very easy to schedule courses and talk directly to the nurse support. I like that it encourages you to take steps to set goals and keep track of how that is going.

There is a library to research and has materials directly from the classes so you can see what you may have missed or even if you just want to refresh yourself on the topics you have already gone over.

I am looking forward to finding more courses that pertain to my needs and plan on continuing with RallyCoach for quite some time.


Removed access after told program participants keep access

I attended a year long session of real appeal and at the conclusion, we were told we would continue to have access to the food tracker for our continued success.
Be aware, I participated a couple of years back. The program was ok and many compared it to the way weight watchers run except in a virtual setting. I liked the food tracker quite a bit - I felt it was the single best thing of the program. The meetings were ok but the facilitator was changed many times over the year and the schedule would move as classes combined etc. eventually they set a time I could not attend so I didn’t complete the year but i feel like I did gain a benefit.
Even though my insurance paid for RallyCoach a year with the promise of continued access - since they really want to see us continue to achieve our goals, accounts were disabled. More interesting, they have my personal data and they didn’t email me that my account was removed or where my data went.


Great idea, but SOOO glitchy

We’ve been members of Real Appeal for a year. On both the old and this new platform. I lost 30 pound in the old platforms d have managed to keep it off! Given that a lot of life changes have happened on new platform that are no fault of Real Appeal, but it’s not nearly as motivating when it will not you log in 8 out of 10 times! And there are technical issues a plenty. Makes it VERY difficult to keep a food log, which is what really helped me lose the weight. Another thing that is really hard is having so many substitute Coaches. When you find a coach and build a relationship with them, then they change out your coach. I can’t keep track of just how many coaches I’ve had over the year. Our health insurance has provided a years worth of coaching, I’ve made progress, but think I could have done much better if these issues were addressed.


Helpful but would like some changes

I like being able to login quickly to the weekly sessions. Many of the features are nice, tracking things easily. Sometimes the group sessions are glitchy. For instance, sometimes when the health coach is transitioning from the video lesson back to being with the coach, I can’t see the coach but can hear him. In order to fix it, you have to exit and re-enter the session. Kind of annoying. When tracking food, I like being able to scan a label and enter how much I am eating, but when the item is not in the database, I would like to be able to add new items manually and would be willing to add the data myself. If I miss a day entering my weight but want to add it later I cannot. Would like it to be similar to adding in food and exercise for previous days if I want to.


Pros and Cons

Thank you for adding other workout options instead of only steps tracked. However, it has a preset calorie for X amount of minutes. Ex. I did a 20 minute workout on an elliptical and burned 269 calories at the speed I was going. A 20 minute workout only counted as 150 calories burned on RallyCoach , so I had to change the minutes to get the target calories, which makes me feel guilty for lying about the time.

I miss the daily/weekly analysis.

I also miss being able to copy a meal from a day.

I miss having a text remind me that a session is coming up. I know it shows a countdown to the next session, but sometimes I get busy and if I’m not looking at RallyCoach then I forget about it.

I like the encouraging message from the coach and the daily tips/info.

The connection was a bit better. It never disconnected. The audio was clear but the pic was a little choppy.

I like that the messages are on the same screen as the coach and video.

All in all, it’s still a good app but needs some tweaking.


Could be better

I have had RallyCoach for a month. First time logging in I set it to keep me logged in for 30 days (it won’t keep it longer which is ridiculous). I had to re-enter my password manually 3 times that day to enter food eaten, etc. when I enter what I’ve eaten RallyCoach automatically kicks me out of that section (sections of breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) with each item entered & back to the plus sign to go back to foods. Today, it wanted me to re-enter my password- 30 days are up - but once again I have to do it after entering breakfast, then lunch, and now RallyCoach won’t allow me to login saying my phone time zone has changed? (This was after asking me for my password- AGAIN) More work than I expected; how many times do I have to fight with this to note what I ate for dinner?


It works

It’s pretty simple. You learn how to track calories in RallyCoach and it makes you accountable to staying under the recommended allowance. At first it was pretty hard to hit the goal, but once I stuck with it for 2 weeks, it became a habit. I lost 12 pounds just by counting calories in a couple of months. Then I lost another 12 or so by exercising regularly and keeping track of calories. In 5 months I have lost 26 pounds and now weigh the same as I did in high school.

They have a weekly live chat with a coach. This is good to keep the motivation up.


Improvement needed

First, I will say that I’m enjoying the program so far. I’m 3.5 weeks in. Not losing much weight yet, but making more healthy decisions.

I have some suggestions for RallyCoach . When trying to log activity I don’t have the option to select from the workouts that are provided. I can’t select abs or flexibility or even crunches. Really need to work on making this more user friendly or I’m not going to bother recording anything. Also, for the food log, I hardly ever see fresh veggies - it’s always frozen, canned or restaurant foods. Please make it easy for those of us that already eat healthy. I don’t have time to plug in everything I eat when it’s not already listed.


Rally Coach

I took a look at Rally Coach after I heard about it from work not knowing what to expect, never heard of it. I was motivated from the intro videos and tracking activities, food intake, is so easy. I look forward to tracking and am so motivated. I have to loose weight to feel and move better. I am so excited about this program. You need to try RallyCoach . I’m stubborn and it has me giving up certain foods wanting to eat better just because no fussing shaming just calm new ways to look at what you can accomplish at your own pace❣️



Today was my 1st online live session with Susan and my team. I’m in love! I am loving it! I was timid about joining the live session-afraid I would be exposed. But only the coach is visible. I can learn, listen in, comment through chat and voila’ I am feeling so happy to be a part of a positive environment. Everyone is here to learn about our bodies and how to gain a successful healthy body. Personally, I am tired of me giving me the run around. This program encourages me to DO - BE PROACTIVE. I can’t wait to see less of me. I have a healthy mind set. Susan is an excellent coach. Very patient, knowledgeable and polite. I commit to a healthy me. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙋🏾‍♀️👸🏾🎈 Thank you. Queen V.


Program itself awesome! App & streaming does have issues

The real appeal program itself is awesome; I have been search for years for a couched program that is more than just about limiting certain groups of foods. This is it. Program works with whatever “diet” for food you wish to follow or offers its own, but the moderator lead online chat & videos also discuss exercise, sleep, emotions that can make or break losing weight for good.
The only con is some flaws with RallyCoach streaming which they are working on.
Overall, the program benefits far outweigh the flaws in streaming.😊


Life changing so this !!!

RallyCoach and life coaches has been a huge change for me and I’m telling you to download it and push through this to diet this is a lifestyle change ! I’m down 19 lbs in 2 1/2 months , slowly adjust portions , moderation , eat slow , label reading , isle shopping , decrease sugar , once you do body adjust and doesn’t crave it and then don’t eat it and your stomach starts to shrink almost 2 months In and you eat normal portions again and weight just falls off , remember if ya don’t buy it at grocery cant snack on it at home !


Great program

This program is perfect for me, you can look up almost any food that you want to eat, including restaurant food. The program focuses on nutrition and exercise. Support my fellow members and team leader really helps me.

I wrote the above about six months ago or so. I'm still thinking this is a terrific program. I am disabled and spend almost the whole day in bed. Even with that, I lost 24 pounds. This is truly an app that fits my lifestyle, because I can't get out of the house, But I think anyone I sent the schedule. The coaches are very positive, as are the people in the group.

I am very thankful for this program. Because of the lack of exercise, it's not easy to lose weight, is this program will help you better than any other. It teaches healthy lifestyle.


Informative and Eye Opening

Absolutely love the coaches and assistance they provide. I came in with the intention of just getting information on how this works and what it is and came out wanting to commit lol. I appreciate that they work with you based on realistic goals and preferences such as if you know you won’t or can’t workout an hour everyday, then stick to the five minutes or whatever you can do. They put things into perspective to help you build and maintain your goals with the confidence to even stretch yourself a little further. You didn’t know you wanted to do more until you saw how much you’ve been able to do already.



I have had the greatest experience with this program.I have only been with it two weeks I’ve already lost over 5 pounds. The coaches are very friendly informative and supportive. The food tracking app is so wonderful it really keeps me on track and mindful of everything I’m eating. Since I know I have to log my food it really helps me stay focused. Having those coaches there once a week also helps keep me on track.


Separate water intake tracker

I love the food tracker I wish rally offered a water tracker separate so I can see at a glance how much water I am drinking daily. It’s an important part to weight lose and it’s some what discouraging to have to go through each day and meal to see the total water intake has I track right after each meal. Just a suggestion to add that feature 🙂 I love the program so far and have already lose weight💜

Is Rally Coach Safe?

Yes. Rally Coach™ is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 60,997 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Rally Coach Is 44.6/100.

Is Rally Coach Legit?

Yes. Rally Coach™ is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 60,997 Rally Coach™ User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Rally Coach Is 68.5/100..

Is Rally Coach™ not working?

Rally Coach™ works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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