•New concept of game/social media platform
•Newer style of game design
•The overall game was on point
• Long Tutorial. Tutorial takes FOREVER, for example if you accidentally made a new account and needed to log back into your old one, well good luck because not only can you not log out in the main starting screen but you have to go through basically the whole tutorial just to log out. Pretty dumb flaw.
• Account Deleted. If you don't play on your account for a certain amount of time they just delete your account, no heads-up, no way to get your account back, nothing.
• Dialogue takes long. I don't wanna have to hold the screen for who knows how long just to skip dialogue, Most games with npc to player interactions have a skip option to cut out the long, boring, and un-needed amount of dialogue like this game has.
• Bad Instructions. They show you how most of the game works and feels but forgets to teach you how to navigate everything, like all the settings, where to find things, and overall all system setting/controls.
My thought:
If the game devs would actually listen to advice they would fix these basic flaws and make it a more interesting platform to be on. I do like how the game was structured, the scenery, and the scenes they chose, but that doesn't regard the fact that the game is un-finished even though its been out for long enough to fix these issues.
(P.s) My accounts deleted:
#Achilles, #Zeus, #Bee