Scary chat stories - Addicted Reviews

Scary chat stories - Addicted Reviews

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About: Addicted lets you read amazing scared chat stories FREE without pauses. These
are scary, engrossing nail-biting horrors that will keep you reading through the

About Scary chat stories

What is Scary chat stories? Addicted is a free app that offers short chat stories in various genres such as horror, romance, science fiction, humor, and more. The stories are told in a bite-sized text message conversation format with photos, making it feel like you're reading someone else's chat history. The app has dozens of creepy pasta, texting stories, scary stories, creepy texts, romantic stories, thriller, steamy fictions, and many other text stories. The app is designed to make reading snappy, spooky, and fun.



- Short chat stories in various genres

- Bite-sized text message conversation format with photos

- Dozens of creepy pasta, texting stories, scary stories, creepy texts, romantic stories, thriller, steamy fictions, and many other text stories

- Immersive lure text stories

- Unexpected plot twists and cliffhangers

- Free to use without pauses

- Ultimate time killer

- Perfect scary chat stories and hooked text stories app

- Horror text game

- Addictive and engaging stories that will keep you reading through the day.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 15,286 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Scary chat stories

- The app has a variety of scary stories to choose from.

- The app is entertaining and addictive for those who enjoy scary stories.

- The app does not have ads or require a VIP membership to finish stories.

- The app is suitable for airplane rides or other times when one wants to be entertained.

20 Scary chat stories Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Please update it or fix some stories

Addicted is a app where you can read scary text messages, but none of them are scary actually. I read a couple of them, they didn’t spook me at all. It does have bad words in it and words kids shouldn’t know, but it’s not over the top, this should be 9+ or 4+ because all of the scary stories is like a 3rd grader made it. Can you please put thought into your stories and make the start and ending make sense?

The begging of the messages is just going right into the horror, for instance: “OMG A MAN IS IN MY HOUSE!!!” Do you ever seen a begging like that- and what’s up with all the exclamation marks? You’re only supposed to put one or at least two if you’re doing question mark and exclamation mark. I read a lot of them and they’re like: “A man is in my house” or “Omg y/n just died!..” The photo of the story looks cool and kinda scary, but.. When you read it it’s nothing like the story, the story is boring and not scary.

Can you update this and give more work and details into it? I’d appreciate it if was actually scary. I’m 10 and I’m not even satisfied with your stories, I can even do better than that. I mean like c’mon- But the stories do get me a little entertained so I’ll give you a star for that.


I got a lil scared cuz of this.....

So I finished reading one of the stories. 2 people died in it. But, that wasn’t the scary thing. Right after it ended and said someone died, it kicked me out of it. I tried to go back in, but it didn’t work. So I deleted it. I just downloaded it again and went back in. Now it’s working, but it really creeped me out. I read up to The First Night and none of them made me that scared. They aren’t scary but some are kind of sad. Mama almost made me cry because the baby died, and The Third Sister was sad because 2 of the sisters lived but Grace died. :’( EDIT:so I downloaded it again and I just read Blind Date Gone Wrong and it’s not even a picture of the guy who wants to kill Emily it’s just a picture of Michael Myers like no offense but use better pictures btw none of them are scary my favorite is Chain Letter. EDIT 2: I was reading The Imposter and u messed up dan was supposed to say something but emma said it trust me u messed up EDIT 3: in dont fall asleep THATS NOT A RANDOM KILLER THATS JASON LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ITS LEGIT JASON!!!!!!!!


So Interesting and I love it so much!

So first of all let me get started,i LOVE this game so much and the pictures that are scary and so spooky entertain me a lot and I stay up all night to hear these spooky/cool stories and I am really addicted and so in love my most favorite part is the drama scenes and my problem is that NOTHING! this game is awesome and I love it so much keep up the amazing work i am just 10 and I really love scary stuff even though my mommy tells me to not watch these stuff but I don’t listen because scary stuff keep me interested and addicted to these stuff I have a lot of scary games and I just want to say that this game is one of my favorite out of all the games that feels spooky stories other games have ads and you have to be VIP to finish the stories but this game is way better that the rest, and all I have to say I reallllllllllllly love this! 💙💙💙💙💙


A few problems, but great overall!

I’ve only read four stories so far, but i’ve barely had any problems, definitely not as many as the other low-rated reviews.
To get started, Scarychatstories is decent! It’s a lot higher quality than most texting story apps, but it’s still cheap.
The stories are intriguing and make me want to read more, but not all of them are amazing, some of them have weird plots and weird twists, which makes me want to stop reading.
The grammar (again) isn’t perfect, a lot of messages have words that were just mashed together and don’t make a whole lot of sense, but most of the story has decent grammar.
I don’t like the one-liners, however. It takes up a lot of space and it’s hard to read properly, this is minor though.

One MAJOR flaw of Scarychatstories is the ads, I do understand you have to make money off the ads but it infuriates me how you have to watch a long ad to see the images. The ads in between the messages are obnoxious and bright, but they don’t bother me as much as the first problem.

In conclusion, Scarychatstories isn’t perfect, it has a few too many ads, the grammar isn’t great, and some of the stories have weird plots, but Scarychatstories definitely isn’t horrible! If you’re into spooky stories and don’t mind ads, I recommend Scarychatstories! It does a great job on the horror factor, and some of the stories are phenomenal!



I love Scarychatstories so much on Scarychatstories it’s creepy it’s it’s well some of the stuff actually happened some are short some are long I am talking about the stories some of them even actually happened in real life and that’s the super creepy part I got Scarychatstories also because I watched videos of them of the stories but I never actually got to read them myself so I asked if I could have Scarychatstories I got Scarychatstories and now I would do the stories all night and they are great I love Scarychatstories and I hope that you can love Scarychatstories too it is amazing and you have to have it it’s creepy it’s fine there’s millions of different stories I’m telling you and even if there is not 1 millions then there’s at least hundreds because this is a cool fun creepy scary app just don’t do it at 3 AM please thank you!! From your friendly maliyah



I love Scarychatstories so much you get creeped out and it’s so cool you do you like text stories and it’s so good for going on a plane and all of the cool stuff because you’re doing good and is keeping you off of the mind when you’re actually in creeped out at the same exact time and it’s not that bad but you got some cool stories is like the third sister was really good and yeah you don’t have to do a payment for a seven day trial you don’t have to do none of that stuff it is so good and I am nine years old and I love Scarychatstories and if it if you love horror movies and Chuckie and all of those movies go on Main Street on Elm Street or whatever it’s called you would love Scarychatstories I’m just doing all it is though cause I love it this is the Best Ave., I’ve said this so many times that I love Scarychatstories


The stories are so bad and low budget

The fact that it's free is kind of suspicious because all the other chat stories cost money because they're actually good scary stories. These sound like the stories anyone could make like kids wrote them. They're not scary, they're not entertaining, and they're really disappointing at the end. They also have extremely low budget pictures that they just found online and put it in there, the pictures are so bad and look so fake that it would make their chat stories look better if they didn't have pictures at all! I could've found better pictures just by searching online which is exactly what they did! It looks like they looked up something and chose the first picture they saw, they didn't even put that much work into looking up a picture for their chat story. In my opinion, Scarychatstories is a wannabe. The only reason why I didn't give it one star was because of the effort they put in to "make Scarychatstories "


This game is fabulous!!!

Hey y’all this story is absolute the best I would have to say in my opinion. I love all the different stories they have but in my personal opinion I like the horror stories cause I like scary things. I would totally recommend this to anyone that likes scary things cause it has stories that are scary and some that aren’t in my personal opinion. The only thing I would recommend for the game is to make it actually look like a text message screen and have calls and not just pictures that again is just my personal opinion. All in all I love this game and I already read like 5 stories cause it is addicting!!! Everybody that gets this game I hope you love it as much as I do and I just got this game today and I am obsessed. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


cheap stories

I love how you only have to watch a 5 second ad to unlock features in Scarychatstories , but of course that comes with consequences. I've been looking for apps like this that don't have the worst reviews like Yarn and Hooked and then i finally came across Scarychatstories. People in the reviews were giving mostly 5 stars so I decided to download it. Now I'm guessing the people giving the reviews were very young because of how cheap the stories were. They were so fast paced, didn't make any sense, were not realistic in the slightest, and don't even get me started on the pictures. There are so many pictures online that could be realistic for the situation the person is in but they're all so bad, or a stock photo obviously not taken from an iphone held by a terrified stranger. Also why are they sending random bitmojis in the middle of an intrusion? Scarychatstories has to be made for children cus the stories are genuinely so cheap.


Please read this.......

OK so it’s good now but I don’t really like how after looking at the picture and add pops up every time is that a glitch a bag or is it natural I really don’t like it and I was wondering if you could remove that but other than that this is a great app I think it’s pretty neat I love that you can do anything you want on Scarychatstories without having to pay for it I love it so much I read all the stories already and I’ve downloaded five other apps there’s not many stories but it’s very go to app so I highly recommend it enjoy everyone who likes scary things just like I do oh and if there’s any mistakes I’m only 10 years old so don’t blame me.😅🤗😜😉🥰😎😱🤤


It’s ok but one thing..

Ok so this games is super fun like I love reading these juicy stories before bed but when I first got the game there was one thing I didn’t like. Ok so I was in bed reading then my cat started scratching at the door but my cat was next to me so I stopped playing and the scratching stopped so I went to bed and the next day the game wasn’t on my phone! I tried installing it again but I couldn’t so I didn’t play for a month but now it’s all good It also glitches a lot and freezes up and also WAY TOO MUCH ADDS! That’s something I think they should work on about the game but other than that 20 out of 20 stars! I WOULD DEFINETLY recommend playing this. Ok bye!👌🏽


This app is great and amazing

Omg I have read soooo... many stories and they are all great! They have different categories, some are more scarier then others but that’s fine because some people don’t like really scary stories. And they put so much time and effort into making these stories and putting them all in one big great app. Scarychatstories is actually amazing and if the developers respond I just wanna say you did a great job on making Scarychatstories. Not only that but the layout and colors of Scarychatstories are just way better to me than the other apps I have tried.



Scarychatstories was okay for the most part but it’s only the second day and it won’t let me go back into Scarychatstories . it keeps kicking me out. there are also SO many ads, i’m just trying to read a story, then it just gives me like 5 ads or more in ONE story. it’s good if you want to have Scarychatstories for sleepovers and stuff to creep out your easily scared friends, but me personally, i don’t really get scared by this kind of stuff. it’s good to have if you’re really bored and want to be entertained. ways to make Scarychatstories better:
i get that you need ads in order to get money since this is a free game, but please make less ads; it gets really annoying. if you could also make it so that you don’t get kicked out of the game (and can’t get back in) on the second day that you have Scarychatstories , that would also be fantastic. everything else is pretty good. hope i’m not sounding too critical lol


Excellent all in all.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a great app. Good stories and they are interesting enough to keep going. I value the fact that there is no waiting time- you can read as much as you want. However, the crappy banners with membership advertisements ruin it, and every time you tap on a picture you need to watch an ad to see it. At least get rid of the banners and put an ad before and after each story is finished. This review still deserves at least 4 stars. If the person who is reading this needs to decide wether to download it or not, you would surely appeal to these nice stories. However, there is some cursing and bad language. If you can tolerate that or if you are convinced, you can get Scarychatstories.


I love it just one issue

For the most part I love Scarychatstories ❤️! The only problem is that every time I click on a picture to watch it, an ad shows up! I understand that you need ads to make money since it’s a free game, but I just wish that it wouldn’t be every time I click on a picture. On the positive side, these stories are really creative and interesting, and they freak me out (which is kind of what I wanted) and these kind of stories are supposed to freak people out! So you did a good job! 😊👏🏻! I also say this is the perfect app for me 👌🏻 because I am very daring with scary stuff but I also get paranoid easily and I’m very fear sensitive, but like I said, I love scary things! 😈! You guys did a great job 👍🏻


:D i hate the adds on the pictures!

whenever i push on Scarychatstories it glitches out right away, i tried powering off my phone and deleting Scarychatstories and re downloading it. what should i do?

the stories are fun, but some have very disappointing endings:( i wish they were truly scary!

and the pictures...there the same ones as in other stories.....and when the say they are in a dark room and they can’t see and they get hurt or something, they send a picture to the other person and in the picture it’s bright and it’s not creepy or anything! like the story that’s called “the cursed corpse” but overall i like Scarychatstories ;)


The scary stories

The scary stories are us scary as you! Lol this is a good game I recamend it if you like scary stories. I love it! So I have ready about like 200 messages and this is like a good app! If you like 3am stuff and scary things this is the right thing for you! Oh and you should read the original stories I was reading a story about this girl or a boy was at a hotel and then... a lady infected all the people at the hotel! But she escaped that is all I have heard so far. You should get this game! :p and also go check out Roblox okay and follow bobynixiug123 that is me! And maybe I can be your friend! ( ^ω^ )



I love Scarychatstories because you get to read stuff for free and all the other apps you have to wait like 2hours to read the next part and see pictures for free and Scarychatstories is really organized and amazing whoever made Scarychatstories is the most thoughtful person ever thanks for making Scarychatstories it’s sooooooo incredible and amazing it’s not like the other scary reading apps when you haved to like wait a day or an hour to read the next part Scarychatstories has nothing saying when you tap to read the next text it says 3.99$ to read the whole story



So I bought it his app, I was excited to use it, because I love scary stories. I read one of the stories that was called do t sleep part 1 and part 2, this is what happened in the story, this girl was reading, and a serial killer comes into her house, and instead the police, and waking her parents up, or getting ready to defend herself, she decides to text her useless, worthless best friend to help her, and he doesn’t give a freak, because you don’t text a person at freaking 4 in the. Morning, and also she was texting her friend, that her parents were screaming, and while she was being stabbed she was still there texting her worthless so called friend. And I think you need to learn that if your parents are being stabbed you need the police right away, so please learn how to right, thankyou. If you I can make them better.



It’s a really good horror story app. But there has been this story that said “to be continued”, but it was never continued! The story “Sarah’s Not Dead”. I’ve been wanting it to be continued, but it never was! Also, make it where you don’t have to tap to read messages, like if you hold the “next” button, it will automatically play. AND, I can tell the stories aren’t real. There was a picture used for a story, then I read another, and the same picture was used! I also read one where the person was alone in a dark place, but it showed a picture of someone in bright light and someone else taking the picture.


Mostly great

The stories are fun to read and many fairly creepy. I read at least one every day. The only problems are that the stories are mixed with dumb memes and the occasional romantic or otherwise not horror story. Also it’s not possible to mark a story or section as read. That means when the paid version auto plays, you may see a story you’ve already read, or something you have no interest in. Not applicable to the free version, but in premium, since the stories are posted with newest first, you often wind up reading stories with more than one section “backwards.” If you could search the stories, divide them by genre, and read them in order when pressing Next, this would be the perfect little chat story app. All just minor annoyances. I still give it 4 stars.


Be Grateful

I don’t see why everyone is getting upset about the Ads coming up when u click on a picture. They have to have Ads to get money and you should be happy that it’s Ads and not money cause usually these types of apps make u pay to look at pictures and videos for example Scarychatstories Hooked they make u pay so at least this apps lets you do it for free. I love Scarychatstories and the story’s and different genres are amazing.



This game is too inappropriate for little kids like 5 year old,and my kid played it and I grounded her for 2 months because that game was so addictive to her and apparently she didn’t listen to me so I did. It is very bad. So this is when I noticed, we were going to target to get a new notebook for her so when we bring it home I told her to write in it and she did. It took her like a week to write everything down and I said I was going to look at her writing and she said no. So I was really going to look at her writing and when I opened her notebook, I was shook. She wrote that this game was for 12+ and it was also romantic and there was a killer and she also said she liked it because she was to little for those games and mommy will get mad if she showed it to me and I saw it.


App kicked me out

I love Scarychatstories but I only got to read a couple stories sadly. Every time I open Scarychatstories it kicks me out. I finished the masked and suddenly Scarychatstories “crashed” or so I thought and when I tried to reopen it it would quit. I know that other people have this problem and I really wish it were fixed. I might try re-downloading Scarychatstories . I like the fact that the adds are really short but I wish there were less of them. I’m just really sad that I can’t use Scarychatstories now and I really hope that’s fixed in the future. 😥



So I got Scarychatstories today and I absolutely love it! The only problem that I have is that you have an add in EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO! When I’m reading I have a rectangle as the the bottom, when I look at a picture before I can see it an add pops up, when I finish a story an add pops up, when I go to the home icon an add pops up, and when I go to a new story before I can’t start reading it with that annoying rectangle add the the boten, guess what THERE IS AN AD!
I would be so happy if you could fix this problem and if so I will share your app with everyone I can! Thank you!❤️


What have you done to me developers

There is one question here what have you done to me I've been reading a lot of stories from that app like hungry or you can say thirsty I didn't get bold and it's more fun than the other such apps or yeah that's right that's why you name Scarychatstories Addicted I get really addicted to Scarychatstories amazing it's really really really amazing and thanks for now I'm heading to read more stories and more



Don’t get me wrong, I loved this game but if failed me. I have one problem with this game and it was that I was on it for an hour and twenty-seven minutes and then all of a sudden it doesn’t let me get back on and keeps kicking me off of the game. I loved the stories, I loved how I was able to view the pictures without having to pay for them, I loved how I didn’t have to pay to see more than one story a day. I loved it all. I really wish this wouldn’t have happened. All in all this is a very great game buttt, it just really upsetted me after I was really starting to connect with the scary stories and everything. I hope the creator sees this and responds. Thanks and have a Great Day!



I love how Scarychatstories doesn’t pressure you to buy stuff like other apps and I love how all you have to do is just have an add pop up for you to be able to see a picture..!
Even though I absolutely love Scarychatstories I would like the stories to be organized and easy access, instead of scrolling and scrolling...
That is the only thing I would improve on Scarychatstories!


Awesome app

I truly think Scarychatstories was awesome I got to read as many stories as I wanted without waiting and one only problem I had was commercials but I really liked everything else I had on last problem but it was no bother most of the stories were left wide open and what I mean by that is it really had no ending but other than that it was truly awesome !


It’s the best

I love Scarychatstories because most of the texting stories are like you have to have a “free day trial” and you have to pay a lot. Now Scarychatstories you don’t have to worry about that! Something I don’t really like about it is when there is an image you HAVE to watch an add, but the adds are only 5 seconds long so that’s good. That is why I like Scarychatstories .👍🏻

Is Scary chat stories Safe?

Yes. Scary chat stories - Addicted is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 15,286 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Scary chat stories Is 38.9/100.

Is Scary chat stories Legit?

Yes. Scary chat stories - Addicted is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 15,286 Scary chat stories - Addicted User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Scary chat stories Is 51.7/100..

Is Scary chat stories - Addicted not working?

Scary chat stories - Addicted works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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