Dwell: Audio Bible Reviews

Dwell Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-08

🏷️ About: Dwell is an app that provides various ways to immerse oneself in the Bible. It offers 17 different voice options and 12 different versions of the Bible to listen to, read along, or just read. The app also provides features to help users build a habit of reading the Bible, meditate on Scripture, memorize verses, and search, favorite, and create playlists of their favorite passages. Dwell offers a free 7-day trial that gives access to all of its features, including 75+ listening plans, 260+ curated passages, and 60+ playlists. The app is available for download and can be used online or offline.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 54,661 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Narrators are smooth, consistent, and clear

- Dwell mode allows for focused study, contemplation, or memorization

- Pre-set playlists offer unique selections of Scripture

- Yearly reading plan options with flexibility

- Great for new Bible readers

- Female voice option is comforting

- Easy to use with daily reminders and various study sections

- Perfect for those who prefer audio over reading

- Great for ADHD and dyslexic children

Read 26 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.9 out of 5

Anguished Audio


I want to like Dwell. I really do. But the way in which the readings are done is very distracting. The phrasing is often unnatural and stilted, with constant pauses and inflections that interrupt the smooth flow and can make it hard to listen to without constantly thinking that something is not quite right at best and annoying at worst. Some speakers are better or worse than others, but if you’re looking to listen to a particular version of the Bible, as well as a particular version/accent of English, then you may be stuck with disappointing audio. And, I think this effect is even more noticeable if you’re trying to follow along with the written text as you listen. Then you not only hear how disjointed the phrasing and flow are, but seeing the flow of the text through punctuation really highlights the audio deficiencies.

Also, in listening to Matthew in the ESV, read by Mark, I noticed a few occasions where words from the text were omitted (not critical words, but missing nonetheless) and where the way in which a word was stressed actually changed the meaning of the word, making it function as a different part of speech than what was intended.

Great Idea, but a few challenges


Really like Dwell ! Really enjoy the voices that read the scripture!
Adding scripture to a playlist is a bit clunky.
-It would be helpful to have a function where if you are listening through a passage you can select a verse or more and add it to a playlist. For example: The YouVersion bible app has an underline function where you tap the verse or verses and can save/highlight/bookmark. Utilizing this type of functionality to be able to save and add verses to playlists would take Dwell to a whole new level!
-also when searching for a verse, after you type in a reference into the search bar, if you tap on the search bar it automatically clears out the whatever was typed there’s …it would be helpful to have the option to add-on or edit what was typed…maybe have the “x” icon (used commonly) on the right end of the page search bar as an option to clear

This app.. I’m speechless!


I love Dwell because it is beautifully designed. There are four different voices to choose from and the music in the background makes it so peaceful! I love it! It’s so easy to listen to!
However, I do have to say that I was disappointed that there were only eight of the Old Testament books on Dwell . Books like Deuteronomy and Numbers are usually the hardest for me to read because of all the names and I love going through the Bible each year. Plus, I’m paying for Dwell , so it’s certainly a disappointment. Another thing that I don’t like is that you can’t change the version of the Bible (it’s in ESV). I prefer CSB over ESV. If you are KJV only, then Dwell isn’t for you. Plus, it’d be a lot of work to record several different versions, so I understand why it’s in ESV.

Dwell is beautifully designed as I mentioned before. The version isn’t a make or break feature. All of the Old Testament books aren’t on here currently (if there are, I can’t find them) but there is still so much to listen to! Overall, Dwell is definitely worth the space on your phone!

Innovative, Quality App


The Narrators are very good, they don’t over-do the reading, and they are smooth, consistent, and clear. The this app mode (repeating a chapter, book, or playlist) is probably my favorite feature as it allows you to really focus on a particular portion of Scripture for study, contemplation, or memorization. The pre-set playlists also set Dwell apart, as there are selections with messianic Psalms, or with only Psalms written by David, or with a compilation of Jesus’ parables. I don’t know if any other apps that offer these features, or that execute it so well. I also enjoy the yearly reading plan options with the choice of going straight through the Bible (Genesis through Revelation), or a mixture of Old and New Testament readings, and also the option of doing a seven day a week or a five day a week plan. All in all, I rate Dwell five stars.

One suggestion that I have is that the developers made a reader option with all of the readers together almost like a dramatized version, but just switch to the female voice when a woman is speaking and switching between the male narrators during conversion. This would require no extra recording, only re-editing and re-arranging when certain voices are heard. This feature in other apps helps me to follow historical stories more easily and it holds my attention better than the traditional single-reader style.

Please add (some of) the deuterocanonical books!


See other reviews for the many useful features of Dwell, and for how functional it is. So far as all that goes, I’d give it five stars.

I do have one plea, though! I am a confessional Protestant Christian and do not believe that the deuterocanonical/apocryphal books are inspired, but, along with the Reformer Martin Luther, I do believe them to be “useful and good to read.” (For example, Judith tells a great and encouraging story, even if it is likely completely fictional, and verses from apocryphal wisdom literature inspired some of the phrases in the popular hymn “O Come, O Come, Emanuel.”) Furthermore, some Daily Office lectionaries (e.g., Anglican/Episcopal) feature readings from a handful of them. I don’t expect y’all to ever feature them in as wide an array of voices/translations, but seeing as the KJV for a long time included them, and there is an ESV version as well, one voice for each of those would be MUCH appreciated!

My Favorite Bible App


Dwell has helped me to be consistent with my Bible ready plans and to engage with God’s word in a fresh way. I appreciate the variety of voices and the ability Dwell gives you to meditate on God’s word. I have used this to refocus during many a stressful day!

To that end, I would love to see an option to customize the this app function in real-time. Currently, once the meditation time starts, you can’t change the duration. I would love a feature that allows me to extend the meditation time indefinitely, or maybe even include a secondary pause button that pauses the Scripture but keeps the music on so that I can have time to journal or pray if the Spirit leads in the moment.

To the developers - thank you for Dwell! Those who meditate on God’s word are like strong and fruitful trees planted by a stream of water. You are helping believers to live this out! I am grateful to God for you.

Love it more than I thought I would!


I didn’t plan on purchasing a subscription when I first downloaded this because I haven’t been doing too well financially. However, I heard great things about Dwell and have been wanting to read the Bible but have very little time to actually sit down and read it (especially the way I want to) so I thought I’d give this a try with the intention of canceling after a week. As soon as I started in the book of Genesis, I loved it and decided Dwell would be a necessity to my lifestyle and a tool for my spiritual growth. So I couldn’t bring myself to cancel. I think this is well-worth the investment, especially if you’re like me and trying to get the word in whenever you can and as much as you can 💪🏼.

I also highly suggest this for anyone who’s new to the Bible (I’m new) because of how simply and beautifully structured Dwell is. I can tell a lot of thought has been put into Dwell to spread the word of just how great our God is. 💛 I’ve tried other bible reading apps (free ones) but none of them stuck with me like this one does. I really love Dwell and will use this as a daily staple.

Thanks, this app.

Easy to Navigate, Good Narration


this app has a number of different ways to listen and dig in to Scripture. Dwell offers plans for getting through portions of scripture (classic Bible-in-a-year sort of thing), playlists oriented around themes or topics, and other groupings. I like that you can put things in the queue so that i can play through sections I choose from different books. As an Anglican I am very appreciative of the Daily Office readings. Where other apps are clunky, this app is simple, aesthetically pleasing, and easy to navigate.

The narrators are excellent, each one offers something different. For instance, my daughter and I find Rosie to be very soothing, so we utilise her voice for psalm readings. On the other hand, I live in New Zealand and listening to Felix is a great reminder of the global church. Each voice is clear and genuine.

I’m very pleased with Dwell! Great purchase. I would highly recommend.

Best Out There


I shopped around for an ESV audio Bible app for quite sometime. This one was definitely worth the annual subscription because I wanted to support further content and features in the future. Dwell is extremely user friendly. I love that you can choose the speed of the reader and play background noise at whatever volume suits you. I’m currently listening straight through books of the Old Testament but am excited to see many of their own plans of various lengths - “through this book in 7 days” or “through that book in 30 days” - as well as topical studies. The background music is beautifully written and helps catch my ear which helps me focus. Another great thing is that the books are “tracked” by verse. Meaning when you skip ahead or need to go back, it does so one verse at a time. I love that it’s not by 10 or 15 seconds like other audio apps. Well done! Well worth the subscription! Keep up the great work!

How it was heard long ago


I was thinking,dwelling, you might say, on Dwell and I realized that back in the day this is how people digested the word it was read to them and the people listened. Many things were passed down orally including scripture. And I must say, it’s a different experience listening to it. Gives it a certain life that is hard to achieve by reading. Nothing beats personal study and reflection but it also is a blessing to be at work, not being able to read the word but being able to listen to it. The ambient music is really nice to in just setting a tone to it. Gregory is my go to narrator. Anyway Dwell has been a blessing especially going through the Old Testament. It made a book like Leviticus, which most people agree is a hard book to read, it gave it new life to me and I appreciated its deeper meanings and I began to realize the theology in it which New Testament writers like Paul drew from.
Thank you for Dwell.

Perfect for moms!


I treasure God’s Word. I love it. It is my heart’s delight and my heart’s cry. But I am a busy homeschooling mom of 6. I rise early to spend time reading and studying. But throughout the day wasn’t making time to come back to the word. Dwell is perfect, whether I have one minute or ten. When I am doing dishes, tidying up, preparing lessons I can turn this on and it is immediately the best thing my kids and I could ever be filling our ears and hearts with. I would love for there to be a feature that an alarm could be set so that it would begin playing automatically. More than just the available reminders, but actually just have my morning alarm start playing the word. And have an alarm signaling time to get ready for lunch start playing the word. Thank you for the care you took to making Dwell so useful, organized well, and aesthetically beautiful. What a gift Dwell is. What redemption of technology. ❤️ this is Dwell I want to be addicted to.

Renew my mind


Thank God for Dwell. For years I’ve struggled to read the word every day, I know it has a lot to do with my possible ADHD as well as my learning style. Because Dwell has several options for various narrated voices + music it keeps me engaged and creates a strong emotional connection with the living word. I feel Gods presence work through me as I’ve listened to this app this last year going through a very painful life circumstance. God is renewing my mind, when I feel the lies of the enemy and I can’t reach for my bible, I listen to Dwell through the day and use Gods authority to squash out the lies. Now, through this uncertain time and as a nurse on a COVID unit Dwell has truly brought the peace from God that is VERY much needed as mentally I need God more than ever. The enemy cannot work on you if you flood your mind and heart with the truth of the word and Dwell is an addition to armor of God. Amen.

The Definitive Bible Listening App


Beautiful. Elegant. Intuitive. Innovative. Original. this app is the only app entirely devoted to a pure listening experience of the Bible. While other Bible apps have an audio Bible as an option to listen to while reading, Dwell is designed solely for listening. So much so that the look and feel is that of a music app. Complete with playlists, devotions, repeat/replay functions, etc. The only downside to Dwell are the occasional bugs, which can vary in degree. But that’s the cost of building an original app from the ground up. Thankfully, the this app team are constantly at work squashing those pesty bugs and looking for ways to creatively innovate and streamline Dwell . They are are more then welcoming of user feedback, which is invaluable. So proud of the tremendous work that’s gone and is going into Dwell. “Let the words of Christ this app in you richly” (Colossians 3:16). “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17).

Amazing for those who finding reading challenging


While I am fully capable of reading, I much prefer popping onto audible to listen to a book than to have one in hand. Similarly, Dwell has made the Bible’s words come to life in a new way and eliminates the distraction that often comes from having to personally read the Bible in my hands. Sometimes when I’m tired, I can listen to familiar passages instead of having to have a light on and make sure I’m alert enough to read it myself. I also enjoy keeping it on during outdoor walks or when I’m prepping dinner—and most especially when I’m worried or anxious. If you enjoy audible, then Dwell is your new best friend for knowing God in a more accessible and nourishing way.
Highly recommend Dwell for adhd and dyslexic children as well. Late readers shouldn’t have to miss out on all God has spoken for them—and Dwell demonstrates this truth with such beauty and engagement. A real gift that our past generation couldn’t have fathomed.

A must-have for every blind person


As a blind person, I've always looked for a good audio Bible. Several apps have audio, as a kind of nod to hearing the word, but even though they have several versions, the voice is rarely that good, there's no music, and accessibility of Dwell with VoiceOver, especially when using footnotes, is liable to change drasticly from version to version. Dwell is perfect in almost every way, except for reasons of time, like more books of the Bible, other translations, especially the CSB, please, and commentaries. I'd like just one other thing from Dwell , and that is footnotes. Whenever they are in a Bible, it makes understanding a lot easier. They can be spoken by the currently selected voice, and a toggle in settings can turn them on or off by default, and a toggle in the player can turn them on and off for the current queue. Also, I hope that a version like the Complete Jewish Version is recorded, so that I can know the actual pronounciation of the Hebrew and Greek names, along with the other advantages of having a Messianic Jewish Bible.

Super Great App! 😃


Have had the this app app for a few months now and have been enjoying it immensely! I tried out the various options with the music and voices and found that I enjoy them all, but especially enjoy the default settings.
I appreciate how they have it easily set up the have a Bible portion of the day, rather than just a verse and have it set so I can have a reminder each morning where I can just swipe and go straight there first thing when I wake up. 😊
I also like how they have various study sections, reading plans, and even short portions set aside that you can listen to if you don’t have a lot of time.

The only thing I would add to Dwell if I could is having the Word present in a written form as well when you’re listening to it, so you could follow along if you desired to. I figure this would probably slow down Dwell a bit, and is probably why they had chosen not to do so. I resolve it by having an additional Bible app that I can easily go to, since I can listen to this app and be in whatever other app I desire at the same time- which is super nice. 😊

What an incredible app!!!


This is a truly amazing app! I have always struggled with getting into the word daily and Dwell transformed my life! Through Dwell I have been given a love for the word of God! I always enjoyed listening to God’s word but I always found the voices to be robotic and male. Having a female voice is so comforting because it sounds more like my own thoughts. I also just listened to the Jesus’s parables playlist and it was lovely to hear and meditate and Jesus’s words. Thank you so much for this wonderful app!

One suggestion that I would have is when you are listening to a plan or a playlist that is reading from multiple places in Scripture having a pause between those different passages or maybe reading the reference before hand. I have found that it is difficult to decipher when one passage ends and the next begins. Also I would love if it was possible to download audio. It would be awesome if I could listen to it on the plane. Also the premium version was quite pricey but a price I am more then willing to pay. Again thank you so much for Dwell!

Dwell is the app I never knew I needed!


I read my Bible daily, but Dwell. I’ve LOVED being able to listed to my bible aloud. There are people in the Bible whose stories I’ve never much thought about, but hearing their stories read aloud has brought me to tears. Hearing the Bible was the only way the Hebrews and early Christian Church were exposed to the Bible. Dwell brings a little bit of that back to us and allows us to listen as they would have.

Dwell has four voices to choose from. The graphics are beautiful. They have plans and playlists if you don’t know where to start. They have made long listen stories and passages like “Abraham’s Story” “psalm 119” and others you can choose to listen to if you find a block of time and can listen. They also have short listen passages for the time crunch. And if you like listening from start to finish, they have a library with every book of the New Testament and they are actively working on finishing up the Old Testament (currently there are 7 books: genesis, exodus, 1,2 Samuel, psalms, proverbs and Ecclesiastes).

Dwell is so well done and I am thrilled with how it’s turned out!

Thankful for Dwell!


Hello! I am on day 2 into listening to this app and wanted to share with you what an incredible blessing it has been! First of all, I am the owner of a podcast called Oh Hey Truth, to equip women to know the Word and know how to know it so that they can live it out in their lives! It’s target is 18-28 year olds. We heard about this app from several listeners and I finally decided to try it. IT IS AMAZING! Seriously. There was a need and y’all met it. I’m so grateful to have it and now to share it with our listeners.

My second reason is that I have a very painful and all consuming disability that leaves me bed-ridden a lot. I listen to a lot of worship music and try other bible reading apps, but with the pain it was like fingernails on a chalkboard, you know. I really struggled the last 24 hours to get the pain under control with even the strongest of meds. Now, this app did not take my pain away BUT it was easy for me to listen to and was so soothing. The music and Rosie’s voice calmed my mind and my spirit. I am so grateful. I may sound like a quack, but I am not. I am just so so grateful that the Lord met me through your app. THANK YOU!

helped me to sleep again! Matthew 11:28 Romans 8:18-19


I heard about Dwell from a friend, usually I’m the kind of person who reads the Bible whether that be on Dwell or pick up a Bible I have in my room, and I really have to say Dwell has already helped me in so many areas of my life and it’s only been a few days of having it on my phone. I used to be heartbroken that I no longer had a partner that I could sleep with on the phone or talk to at night, as silly as that sounds, I wouldn’t even be able to sleep from how lonely I was but Dwell has made it to where I now sleep early and on time I look forward to only putting on my this app app and falling asleep to the peaceful night plan! I’ll even wake up with it still playing and it really changes the atmosphere of every single day. I’m so blessed and grateful that the Lord showed me Dwell and spoke to me this way! I would like to see however more books of the Old Testament and more translations that I can listen to. Thank you guys❤️ Matthew 11:28 Romans 8:27-29 Romans 8:18-19

I like it a lot

I used to use you version bible app, I stopped because it became more about socializing then reading Gods word. I use currently bible gateway and its ok. I really like this app a lot. I can listen and not get bored or distracted while listening.
The readers voice grabs my attention along with the music.
I do read my physical bible in the morning, now reading has risen to a whole new level with listening and reading along at the same time. I will highly recommend Dwell, as it is better than other apps I have tried that are not mentioned here. I also love that I can set the background music to random or a specific sound or instruments.
This is a wonderful app! Thank you Josh and Jon for developing Dwell. Gods hand was and is definitely in and on Dwell. May God continue to bless both of you and everyone who helped with Dwell.

Audio Bible?

I absolutely love Dwell! I am a paid subscriber and I love the different voices and background music. There is no audio Bible like this! HOWEVER, is is not a listen through audio Bible. While the plans they have set up are helpful and you can select an entire chapter to listen to. It is very hard to keep track if you want to listen through the whole Bible. While they do have the listen through in a year listening plan, it’s just not enough for me. I work alone and I enjoy listening to hours of the Bible. I like to get lost in the reader voice while listening but to pull out my phone every few minutes, refresh Dwell , and then reselect the next chapter is very annoying. I like to be able to hit play once and that’s it. I believe there should be a option for auto play or continues play... besides that it’s the best listen app out!

Yes! Perfection!

I’ve never reviewed an app before, but this app is so gorgeous and life-enhancing I want everyone to know about it.

I own several scripture apps, but this app is in a league of its own. Finally instead of robo-narration I can listen to nuanced, thoughtful narration of the Bible (ESV translation of all the New Testament and several books of the Old). You can even toggle between narrators (my fave, Felix, is African). There’s peaceful background music to the reading that really enhances it, and clever volume controls so you can decided your own balance of voice and music. (I turned the narration down and just played the music to put my toddler to bed tonight. It’s so peaceful.)

And on the aesthetic side, this is just a stunningly beautiful app. Plus although I like listening chronologically I appreciate how many categories of smaller listening packages there are (Messianic Psalms, for example, or specific doctrinal themes).

I could keep going and going! I’m just so delighted with having found this app. I’ve already told my whole family about it. Honestly it’s the rare app you could gift someone and they’d be thrilled. Really deserves 6 stars out of 5.

In future updates, I’d love to see another translation included, and another female voice. (Currently 1 of 4). An easier way to listen to just the music would be helpful as well.

Beautifully designed for listening to God’s Word

Dwell is beautifully made to support listening of God’s Word wherever you may be. The background music, if you desire to include while listening, appears to be designed to not take away from but be a companion with you on your journey into the Scriptures. Brilliantly done. Through curated playlists to individual chapters and books, I often find myself reading along as I hear the talented, men and women read the text. They have recently added additional translations so we now can choose between KJV, NIV and ESV. I believe Christopher hit it out of the park with his reading of the King James translation. Well done. Thank you this app for a great app. Whenever I’ve reached out you are professional and have been helpful to resolve any questions. You have also been inviting of feedback and ideas for improvements. Thank you. Glad to support Dwell.

Best Audio Bible App to date

Super excited about Dwell. I have been playing with it all day now and it’s super easy to use and very friendly to the ears. The immersive experience which includes narration with subtle music in the background makes this a very relaxing and spiritual experience all around. Being able to change the voice and type of background music is well thought out. I would highly recommend downloading the free version and play with it for yourself. Didn’t take long for me to realize I needed this for my quiet time and I bout the unlimited version which opened everything up. Looks like there are also many listening plans for in-depth studies so looking forward to that as well. Thanks to the developers for this well laid out experience I will be using this for some time to come.


I’m on a 7 day free trial. When I tap on home or explore button nothing shows up.

Is Dwell Safe? 🙏

Yes. Dwell: Audio Bible is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 54,661 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Dwell Is 60.4/100.

Is Dwell Legit? 💯

Yes. Dwell: Audio Bible is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 54,661 Dwell: Audio Bible User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Dwell Is 73.5/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Dwell collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Identifiers
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    • Purchases
    • Contact Info
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    • Identifiers
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    • Sensitive Info
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • Diagnostics

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Dwell Yearly $39.99
Dwell Monthly $9.99
Dwell Monthly $9.99
Dwell Monthly $7.99
Dwell Yearly $39.99
Dwell Yearly $39.99
Dwell Yearly $49.99
Dwell Yearly $59.99
Dwell Lifetime $299.99
Dwell Family Plan $14.99

How was your experience with Dwell: Audio Bible? Post a Review


- Listen to the Bible with 17 different voice options and 12 different versions

- Read along with the synchronized scrolling text of Scripture

- Read the Bible with customizable themes, fonts, and more

- Fall asleep to the word of God being read over

- Meditate on Scripture with the Repeat and Reflect feature

- Memorize verses with the Repeat and Reflect feature

- Build a habit of reading the Bible with 75+ listening plans and notifications

- Search, favorite, and create playlists of favorite passages

- Browse popular verses or curated playlists by theme or book

- Access all features with a free 7-day trial

- Enjoy unlimited access to 75+ listening plans, 260+ curated passages, and 60+ playlists

- Choose from Dwell Annual or Lifetime subscription options

- Manage subscription and turn off auto-renew in iTunes Account settings

- Available for download and can be used online or offline.

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