King James Study Bible - Audio Reviews

King James Study Bible - Audio Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-19

🏷️ About: The KJV Study Bible app is a great resource for Christians who want to study the Word of God in a deeper and more profound way. It contains extensive features such as a Bible dictionary, daily devotionals, prayers, Bible quizzes, audio Bible, and a Bible section for Deaf people. This app is especially beneficial to women and men, Sunday school teachers, theologians, Bible believers, and pastors who want to begin their study of God’s Word but don’t know how to start or where to start.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 4,957 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Allows users to send daily devotional scriptures to each other

- Has a feature for displaying scripture in the morning

- Offers a video for the deaf (although the location of the video is unclear)

Read 21 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.8 out of 5

Seductive advertisement


I tried to contact the email provided to tell of a wicked ad of seductive looking women and no one responds. I am highly unsatisfied with KingJamesStudyBible. A Christian Bible app should be much more careful of who they allow to buy add space. This ad keeps popping up such things should not be allowed and KingJamesStudyBible designer really should have responded.

Also I’d like to mention that the last chapter or two in Both the new and old testament are very breathy and hard to listen to. A simple edit in audacity of the audio would fix that.



I just download KingJamesStudyBible because of the video for the deaf but I can’t find it. Where is it?



The use is good so far

Not bad


This is a good app for reading your Bible on your phone, but the ads are annoying. Also, the game has typos and isn’t as good as it could be. I haven’t explored the other features much. It serves its purpose.

Isaiah chapter 20


KingJamesStudyBible ascribe 6 verses to this chapter. What happened to the other verses?

KJV Study Bible Review


Love it, but know I’d love it better if I could get the morning/evening devotional stories to load...not understanding why I can’t. Do I have to upgrade?

Great app


Great bible app use it everyday

Can someone fix this


Ok so I when I write notes and look at them later it won’t let me go back to the previous page I was on before I have to close KingJamesStudyBible and then click it again please fix it I hope this was helpful

Truth & Promises


Gods Word will NEVER let us down!

Great app


This is a awesome app, I love the fact that it reads the Bible to you.

The Bible


I love this Bible app! It has SO many different parts to it.

Love this study bible


KingJamesStudyBible is awesome for studying the Bible. Excellent for beginners, it has great resources.

Study guide


Clear, concise, easy references and a valuable tool.



KING JAMES is the only Bible I read, I love to read it!
I have gotten away from taking time to spend in God’s word.
I am recommitting to get closer to God by reading and
praying everyday.

Easy to use


I’m also enjoying the easy access audio reading

God’s Timing


Each day is so timely enhanced by the scriptural selections that you provide. I look forward to the reading of His Word. God bless you and keep you is my sincere prayer for all of your staff.

In His Holy Name



I always like to read the in the morning. Gives me strength to go through the day

Absolutely love this KJV !!


My husband and I downloaded KingJamesStudyBible together ! And we absolutely enjoy reading together. We can send each other daily devotional scriptures and much more !!!



I’m trying to figure out how to set the time so my scripture will display in the morning at the same time. Also I’d like to start with Genesis and work my way through the entire Bible, I’m trying to figure out how to set that up too. But other than that it’s a wonderful app

About my church services


For me I don’t go to Church but this bible has been helping me so it’s kinda good😏

Thank you

I have been wanting to read the Bible and remember versus, I love the test your knowledge, it’s a great way to learn. The narrative is pleasing.

Is King James Study Bible Safe? 🙏

Yes. King James Study Bible - Audio is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 4,957 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for King James Study Bible Is 39.1/100.

Is King James Study Bible Legit? 💯

Yes. King James Study Bible - Audio is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 4,957 King James Study Bible - Audio User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for King James Study Bible Is 67.4/100..

Is King James Study Bible - Audio not working? 🚨

King James Study Bible - Audio works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with King James Study Bible - Audio? Post a Review


- Bible dictionary to help understand meanings and definitions of words used in the Bible

- Daily devotionals with specific spiritual readings and topics

- Prayers with different kinds of prayers to guide and assist in requests and petitions before the Lord

- Bible quizzes for making study of God’s Word extra fun and enjoyable

- Audio Bible in pure King James language for people who are mostly on the road or want to listen to the Bible while doing other tasks

- Bible section for Deaf people with sign language

- Provides knowledge of the contextual setting of the Scriptures, culture, customs, history, and many more

- Great resource for beginners of God’s Word, pastors, and teachers

- Helps deepen relationship with the Holy Spirit.

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Allan Dziwornu