Company Name: LinkedPhone LLC
About: "If you have a business..
The following contact options are available: Pricing Information, Support, General Help, and Press Information/New Coverage (to guage reputation). Discover which options are the fastest to get your customer service issues resolved.
NOTE: If the links below doesn't work for you, Please go directly to the Homepage of LinkedPhone LLC
50% Contact Match
Developer: Line2 Inc.
Website: 🌍 Visit Line2 Website
by L.Monk
I had this service for 3 months for my business and I had several issues. Too many to mention here. Linked phone was pretty good about helping me with various glitches in their system, but the one main one they couldn’t fix was a very important one! > The voice mail messages you receive from your clients is SO MUFFLED and hard to hear (like they are underwater) it’s almost impossible to hear what the client is saying in their message to you. This caused me to not be efficient in my business. I would sometimes have to listen to a message 5 times to hear a clients message because it was so muffled. This happened with all messages. Linked phone told me there was nothing they could do about this. The layout on the app is also not very user friendly. It’s hard to find actions and things you need on the app. It takes a long time to figure out where things are.
by RaoulDuke2
Just doesn’t work with my iPhone. I receive calls and texts but y vanish almost immediately and are gone. Contacted support several times to no avail. They claim it’s working fine but it’s clearly not and now I’m not getting responses to my questions. Looking for new options.
Update: LinkedPhone is now holding my business phone hostage even though they have been paid every month. They refuse to give me my account number so I can move my business line to a different provider. I have spent hours and hours just trying to get my account number and now am on my way to the county court house to take them to court. This might just be the worst company I have run across in almost 30 years of being a small business owner.
by Olivianinja
I have quite the experience with this app, I have been using it in business for a few months now. I find myself deleting the app and re-download it multiple times a week to fix this bug issue. Every time I open the app it immediately opens it up to one single customer every single time. Even if I click to make a phone call instead, it will immediately take me to that customers messages. I have accidentally sent messages to this customer, and called this customer by accident on multiple occasions because of this bug. It is extremely annoying, and deters me from wanting to use this app anymore. This bug needs to be fixed immediately! It is extremely aggravating for me to have to re-download the app multiple times in a week, sometimes multiple times in a day! It is very disappointing to have to deal with that sort of issue when I am in the customer service industry.