When it came to raising hay, his favorite was birdsfoot trefoil, not only because it produced green, high quality hay, but also because it was a perennial performer, that would return year after year, often having a life far beyond the two or three year span of other forage crops, such as clover and alfalfa.
The name of the golf course is derived from the birdsfoot trefoil, which you will find throughout the course, as a lush, green ground cover with small yellow flowers.
Parts of the birdsfoot trefoil on the course are remnants of the original hay field planted by Mr.
Birdsfoot TrefoilIn the late 1950s, he planted thirteen acres which now comprises the number three and four holes of this course.
Birdsfoot trefoil is so-called, because it bears clusters of seed pods resembling a bird's foot.
Birdsfoot trefoil is a hearty, resilient and very durable plant.
Lindsay was a practicing attorney and was active in a number of civic causes, including the promotion of the Allegheny Valley Expressway.
The golf course is located on a part of Buffalo Creek Farms, which was owned by the late Alexander H.
Over the years, seeds falling from the hay wagons left a trail of yellow flowers from the hayfield to the barn.
Trefoil meaning three-leafed, belongs to the pea family, specifically the lotus group.
The hay was transported across the farm to the barn which was located on what is now the eighteenth green.
Don't be fooled by the plant's fine stem, delicate leaves and flowers.
Although we treat it with respect, our trefoil can take whatever you can dish out.
For this reason, feel free to walk on it, drive on it, and if you hit your ball into it and are fortunate enough to find it, hack your way out of it.