Look, for the price, you’re not going to do better. The competition have enterprise-level subscription rates. PostgreSQLClient has a fantastic hobbyist-level price. And that’s what I am, so it’s the only viable option for iPad as far as I can see.
It works. It runs queries. It connects and reconnects beautifully. I’ve been creating tables, inserting data, parsing tens of thousands of records without trouble.
It crashes sometimes (but brings all your saved queries right back up). The interface can’t run an individual query, only everything that’s in the current window. The query and the results are in different “tabs” but you can’t switch from the query tab to the results tab without exiting the tab because of the keyboard-helper bar along the bottom (the one that’s still there even when you’re on a hardware keyboard).
So it lacks polish, sure, but it’s WAY faster and easier than typing out the queries from the CLI. And again, check out that outstanding price!