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Summary of BrickSeek Problems 😠👌🔥

- Cannot log into the app

- Username/password is wrong on the app

  3 Reported Issues: 😵🆘🛟🚨📢

Gerald Lehn Hunt

I try install brickseek on my android installs but won't open.


I keep getting error 400 or 4000 not sure been doing it a long time how do I fix it.


Every time I try to create a new online deal alert, I receive an error that says, “Something went wrong. Please try again or contact us.”. It happens on my Android, iPhone, and the website as well. I've tried clearing my cache…nothing helps! I've also contacted CS, and have not received any response yet.

Showing 1-3 of 3

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  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at AKSOLOGY LLC, developers of BrickSeek.

About this app

Be the first to know about newly posted deals with customizable online deal alerts for any type of product ranging from popular electronics to home essentials. Know before you buy. this app can be used as a powerful price comparison shopping tool, simply scan any barcode to view online and in-store pricing across all supported major retailers.  Discover amazing online and in-store deals from major retailers including Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon. com, Home Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond, and many more.  this app is the ultimate way to live life at half price.