Keep in mind that you will not recognize the damage until way past the 14 day refund window. #1, they should offer a 3 month initial paid subscription instead of just 1 year, #2, there should be a warning (just like any medicine, the response is not uniform across all people). I liked the concept of Synctuition, especially the progression idea. I am a chronic head pain doc, and have evaluated many similar apps and devices to see if they would work for my patients. I bought the expensive subscription, but it wasn't until 2+ months in that I realized there was a problem when my wife asked what was wrong. I realized the most likely culprit was Synctuition, so I stopped, and awhile later all is well again. I have, because of my practice for 40+ years, seen and used about everything similar to Synctuition. I gave it 2 stars because it is powerful, but there should be a period after the intro, where you can get a refund if you are one of many out there who have a negative response. Also, for the price, there should be a contact, partly into the process, to check on the subscriber, because there are certainly others who don't realize that it is messing them up. I was lucky to have a caring companion who noticed. Powerful yes. Universal, definitely not. Angry, less now, except when I look at my subscription payment.