ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio Reviews

ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-24

About: Paint and Design Real Fantasy and Anime Figures! Take coloring to new dimensions
with the number one 3D coloring app and tabletop minis painter tool ColorMinis.
Plan your paints while it prints.

About ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio

Coloring apps are relaxing & creative, and ColorMinis brings this to a new dimension with coloring real anime and fantasy 3D models and 3D print stl with a huge color palette, real materials, 3D painting layered techniques, and advanced lighting and filters.

Join now to preview color layering directly on your favorite hero figures, and enjoy a realistic preview in all angles of your painting project for easy iteration and an unprecedented level of experimentation and coloring fun.

There's nothing else like it and it's easy, relaxing, and fun to color real 3D models and shapes using a huge color palette and real shading and lighting only available in ColorMinis Apps.

Paint and Design Real Fantasy and Anime Figures! Take coloring to new dimensions with the number one 3D coloring app and tabletop minis painter tool ColorMinis.

ColorMinis can be an invaluable tool allowing for a quick and simple way to view base colors combined with Shading and Highlight paint color combinations.

As a Member you get 3D color layering directly on your favorite hero figures, allowing an unprecedented level of paint layer experimentation and coloring fun on the go.

If you like character design, painting, minis, color by numbers or visual design and mandala coloring, then ColorMinis is for you.

These colors can be assigned to a model part while automatically assigning Shade and Highlight colors, or assign custom Highlight and Shading for truly unique color combinations and styling.

Unlock 3D in all ColorMinis Apps and turn figures to color all parts and see all angles.

The ultimate 3D paint reference: ColorMinis features a wide range of colors and palettes from popular model hobby paint brands.

We're showcasing the most talented figure creators in the 3d print / tabletop gaming hobby and offering you to view them in full 3D with a Premium ColorMinis membership.

In addition, realistic renders of gloss varnish and materials can be previewed in crisp HD imagery that will be useful as reference when painting the real thing.

We’re working hard to make sure that ColorMinis apps run well on all devices.

Simply tap the part and then add color and materials.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 7 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio

- Free characters to color with stunning designs

- Tons of options and categories to choose from

- Fun and easy to enjoy

- Calming and relaxing

- Sound effects are nice

20 ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio Reviews

4.9 out of 5


The most amazing game ever but.......

Ok I feel like I’m crazy for deleting this game it’s the best but I have a thought maby you guys could add more hair styles and annime people like try a love picture for once or a girl and a pet also I think you could and more colors like rainbow or neon colors but please don’t make them vip or any money related things cus I mean the adds are fine but I don’t know why you guys have vip stuff it’s just unfair cus some little could download this and make one and (I’m talking about the dolls) and they spend their mom or dads money so why Evan have money to Evan do that I thought this was a coloring game not a buy and make and spend a lot of money game but like I sed I love this game I just whant to wach out for those littles 😙


If it’s not broke,don’t fix it.

I believe the version I did have was better than the one I got after the update. Was more in it, and could use it in airplane mode, this new version may have new characters, but at the cost of loosing all the options. I really I hadn’t upgraded. In truth I downgraded. It wasn’t broke. To be perfectly honest. The marketing strategy being used here is 4th grade at best. When was the last time you paid 5 bucks a month for a coloring book? To the original creator, my hat is off, and 7 stars if I could give them. To the new team. Maybe someone with better marketing skills could still save this. Otherwise it will fade right off the shelf. Cut price in half, and one time. You want monthly? Add something new every month with a small one at a time fee. You keep everyone and get more. You don’t and’ll see a town that got a new freeway. Ever wonder why they call it that?



I had ColorMinis3DColoringStudio years ago and deleted it because there was only a few selections to choose from. They recently opened up a whole new world with free characters to color. They are absolutely stunning! You simply have to watch a short video to unlock each character. There are some premium ones that require a subscription but the majority of them are free with tons and tons to choose from and so many gorgeous categories. I’m so happy I re-downloaded this. I especially love how I have control over the color spectrum and it offers different textures to color your character, shiny, mirrored, flat, shading and some others. Thank you developer!


So here on problem about one of the coloring peeps

Ok so I wanted to color the witch ok but I love this games there fun I even put them for wallpapers but the witch will kick me out the game when I click on it and I wanna do that one sooooo bad but it kicks me out for some reason it’s like it’s using a potion on me so I can’t color it and this is the ONLY coloring game I have and I really want to color that cool witch! I hope someone reply’s back so I know what happened but please reply back I hope you can I really wanna color that witch!Thanks if you reply......

~A person


Let me explain.

Okay, so ColorMinis3DColoringStudio ’s idea and app itself is actually better than I thought. Honestly, I would love to continue to use it. Although, I do agree with others, saying that there isn’t really much to choose from. I mean, you literally only get like six characters to choose from! Only one from each shelf! Honestly, I would like ColorMinis3DColoringStudio better if there were an ability to watch a video to unlock a character, or something like that; something other than simply buying EVERYTHING else. I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m pretty sure most of your target audience isn’t gonna have the money to buy all of that. Although, other than this reason, ColorMinis3DColoringStudio is really great! It just has room for improvement. Therefore, I give it 3 stars.


Very nice game you should download it.

So I love anime a lot I am actually on season seven of naruto and it is very nice I think this game is fun especially for people who love art I think the game is overall amazing it is also very fun and unique I think the game is very nice it is also nice because you get to color your own person and name them I also like how many options you have to choose from one thing I would like the game to have is when you get to choose if you want everything to be glossy you can not make the background glossy but overall this game is amazing and you should really download it


Paid 7$ then it’s Glitchy???

I don’t know if it’s just my phone right now or what but I downloaded it a while back on my other phone (back when it used gems) so I decided to try it out again but I didn’t like it when you had to buy every single one but now that it was only 7$ I bought the pro pack, but I can’t even finish coloring a single character as soon as I download the character to color and hit enter it just freezes then takes me back the my home screen, finally finished a character and I was selecting the filter then it took me back to the home screen and it didn’t even save my progress, like I said I don’t know if my phone is just acting up right now or what but if this is a long time thing I really just my wasted 7$ on this game


Amazing App!

So I’m very happy on how ColorMinis3DColoringStudio worked, when I saw the reviews I was a bit nervous because there is more bad reviews than there is good. That confuses me, it’s great and works well. I don’t get why people are saying it is laggy and they had to pay for it. You do not, I have an IPhone 7 and it works quite good. Besides that, I love the sound effects of the typing, music, etc. It sounds nice.
I would download this if I were you, it has anime in it and it has many details. If it is laggy in anyway for you that is because of details, so it is actually good.



I really like ColorMinis3DColoringStudio, it’s fun and very easy to enjoy. I honestly don’t feel the need to pay any extra money for more colors, but I’ve painted all of the characters and honestly I don’t know what to do anymore when I get bored lol. I don’t know if it’s too much to ask or anything but maybe there could be an update with a few more anime characters. I guess it doesn’t have to be any more, but I just enjoyed it so much that I just kinda want more lol. It’s a really great game, I highly recommend it


Trouble Again With This App! 😡

ColorMinis3DColoringStudio was wonderful...until today when I tried to open it and it crashed! Then I found an email from March 27, 2021 informing me that ColorMinis3DColoringStudio was temporarily unavailable due to some conflicts with the Apple AppStore and I was told to go online to ColorMinis3DColoringStudio ’s home website and access my dolls there. When I logged in and tried to access them, it stated that I had to re-buy the premium content in order to get my dolls back. My subscription does not expire until October 22, 2021 so what the 🤬?! Every time I try to use ColorMinis3DColoringStudio there’s one issue or another plaguing it! If my premium content/subscription is not restored ASAP, I’m never using it again! This is RIDICULOUS!!! 😡😡😡😡😡



So here’s the deal, I downloaded ColorMinis3DColoringStudio, and i download every, single, character.. And then, it kicks me off ColorMinis3DColoringStudio .. I just hate when apps kick me off! So then I go back on ColorMinis3DColoringStudio , and it kicks me off again. Then I try it one more time, and guess what.. It kicks me off ColorMinis3DColoringStudio again.. I got the pro for $6.99, and then, it started to work. But while I was painting with my pro colors I bought on ColorMinis3DColoringStudio , it kicked me off. I thought I would still have my pro colors. But I didn’t....😡 But, I’m not going to say I want my money back, having a little time to paint with the pro colors we’re kinda worth it I guess. But please fix ColorMinis3DColoringStudio , I really want you to fix the glitches this 3D
Anime art app has. Thank for taking your time reading my review. 🙂
~Gamer, Ava


I like it but there’s so many problems with it....

I’m gonna go straight to what I’m asking I need we all need a little bit of upgrades I’m sure yeah it’s probably gonna be a long time but I’m gonna ask couple of things if you guys are going to see this when you first have another character at least like I have to tap in character images me watching Add I want to have it be free like the old one where are you tap on character Street the character City and Colour it I don’t watch out it’s just a got I want to have it be free like the old one where are you tap on character Street the characters you can color it I don’t watch out it’s just a waste of time so... please! Make up grades


Interesting App, but currently plagued by GLITCHES

Not going to lie, I was attracted to ColorMinis3DColoringStudio due to its appeal to me as an amateur artist. So I eagerly checked it outafter considering the other reviews that had experienced glitches which have since then been patched. Unfortunately upon trying open up one of the models and downloading after the advertisement, ColorMinis3DColoringStudio suddenly crashed and went back to the home screen and has been crashing for me as of downloading the 3.3 version on December 5, 2019 when loading the model (without making any additional purchases mind you). Until the issue is addressed, I would recommend that you hold off on downloading ColorMinis3DColoringStudio until the issue is resolved. Thank you and have a good day.


It could have a guide

I honestly think it’s great but I like MMD yt videos and when I saw this I thought I could make fun OCS but I can’t even find how to make the eyes look like eyes in my perspective on ColorMinis3DColoringStudio I click on eyes and it barely makes it an eye it just colored the eye area!! Could it please have a tutorial guide cause it’s hard to understand how to use ColorMinis3DColoringStudio without the guide on how to use it I really would love a animation system as well that could help creators because instead of downloading so many OCS of ColorMinis3DColoringStudio into the system you have it there!! It’s a great app but I suggest more can be updated and worked on. -Maya



This games is super cool but… I really want you to fix the thing were I shows the picture face in front and your like pic I gonna do it then… it’s sideways or from behind I did that and the first thing I Thomas UGH STUPID so can you pls fix that and make it a bit easier to color them in honestly that’s all that is wrong with this game but…. I still honestly just can’t give a 5 star rating but when you fix those problems I will be happy to give y’all some 5 star rating

For other people out there you should really get this game. 😉


Why does it cost money now??

Okay, so I got this game a while back and the thing is I deleted it for a bit (I don’t exactly remember why b/c the game WAS great, but now when I download it almost ALL of the characters cost money! Why is this? You also have to do a math equation in order to go on to the page where all of the Characters that cost MONEY are! Mind you the last time I downloaded this game you only had to watch like four adds in order to unlock the characters. I don’t need anyone to reply to this because the game is overall good but I really think the developers should change it back... 🙂


Good app but only one problem

I downloaded ColorMinis3DColoringStudio last year and it was good. But last month and this month, ColorMinis3DColoringStudio started taking forever to load the models every time I select one. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling ColorMinis3DColoringStudio, and I still got that same result. I even tried resetting my WiFi and it still gave me that same result.


So cute

I love it it is so fun I love it I mean because if you like anime and you love to draw then this is for you I mean because you get to color anime and of course I love anime why would I have ColorMinis3DColoringStudio if I did not and I don’t even have ColorMinis3DColoringStudio for a day yet but l think that it is lit so I hope you get ColorMinis3DColoringStudio too like me and pls give it a 5 star review like me and pls read this so you know what it is like also you can have fun with coloring and anime and don’t listen to people that give it a bad review



Hi so I was coloring one fo the Anmie dolls and soon saw a choice thing and I clicked the toy one and I say that’s more appropriate for me so I love that area and I might do the anmie dolls some times but most of the time I will use the toy area plz give ColorMinis3DColoringStudio a five star rate it is a fun app! In fact I have played this kind of game before in fact it almost just like it! Just it was just like the toy area I hope that ppl that get ColorMinis3DColoringStudio love it as much as I do.
- annie laner~



This game is like, the best game in the entire world! I love it so much! It is so calming and I love all of the things and characters in this game. The thing is, it logs you out of ColorMinis3DColoringStudio and it won’t let me go back in, I try and try and try but it literally just brings me out of the game onto my home screen! But other than that. I LOVE ColorMinis3DColoringStudio! When I got it, I was like YAH BOIII! I downloaded the new version of the game the 3. whatever game version. And it still logs me out. Best. Game. Ever.!!!! P.S OU is the best! Bye!


Pretty good

So I downloaded this and it. Was. GREAT! I can deal with the ads but after a while of playing it the characters that I downloaded... when I went to the part where u can choose a model it was all just red pixel question marks and when I would click one it wouldn’t load. (can u PLZ fix this? If u did this would get infinite stars!) Overall its a GREAT game! 10/10, love it ❤️

Is ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio Safe?

Yes. ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 7 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio Is 63.7/100.

Is ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio Legit?

Yes. ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 7 ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio Is 77.9/100..

Is ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio not working?

ColorMinis 3D Coloring Studio works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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