MINGHUI Software

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MINGHUI Overview

For more than a decade, Minghui editors have received scores of first-hand reports about Falun Gong from across China each and every day—more than any other organization in the world.

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Product Details and Description of

this app is a website dedicated to reporting on the Falun Gong community worldwide. For more than a decade, this app editors have received scores of first-hand reports about Falun Gong from across China each and every day—more than any other organization in the world. 明慧网的主旨在于用来自中国大陆的第一手资料,揭露中共对法轮功的迫害,讲清法轮功真相,弥补迫害给大陆大法弟子修炼环境带来的损失。为反迫害、讲真相、福益有缘,明慧网在大陆法轮功学员中建立了广泛的信息渠道,每天提供迫害真相、法轮功学员的修炼心得、海外报道、报纸期刊广播电视及多语种明慧网等等真相信息。

Top Reviews

By JohnNYCFan


This is a website I checked everyday, a must-read for anyone with genuine spiritual aspirations. It also offers a perspective on China that is uniquely insightful.

By tsubame peng

I like it

Awesome app!

By Helenasf

Great app.

Clear to read, easy to use

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