Capital One Shopping: Save Now Reviews

Capital One Shopping: Save Now Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-14

About: Capital One Shopping helps you save money while you shop online. Free for
everyone - no Capital One account required With Capital One Shopping: - Find
deals and savings from stores you love - Earn Rewards and redeem for gift
cards - Easily find and apply available coupon codes It does the work for you
-- it's kinda genius.

About Capital One Shopping

In the last year alone, Capital One Shopping found over $160 million in savings.

Capital One Shopping helps you save money while you shop online.

Capital One Shopping is just another way Capital One is looking out for you and your money.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 534,225 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Capital One Shopping

- Amazing service

- Online platform

- Saves money

- Automatically applies available coupons

20 Capital One Shopping Reviews

4.9 out of 5


Capital1–wikibuy app unavailable!!!

Wikibuy developers really messed up! If you have an Apple product it is only available as an extension or app on your MAC COMPUTER!!! I have the iPhone 12 Pro with the latest 14.6 updated software. Most folks do their business with their smart phones, pads or tablets these days. CapitalOne advertises using A famous actor telling us that savings are automatically applied when you shop. For months now when I open my app it asked me if I want CapitalOne to automatically apply the coupons in savings and when I hit the “continue“ button it takes me directly to CapitalOneShopping Store to the “CapitalOne shopping Dash wiki buy“ app. After which, I’m told time and time again that it is unavailable four “this device“! I am told once again that is for use for Mac only! If you folks aren’t capable or willing to make an Apple app then quit bothering me when I logon to my capital one account and lie and say I can “automatically get coupons and savings“ when I can’t!

Hey Wikibuy developers!… Don’t bother with your generic response to email you for support when there is NO SUPPORT since YOUR CAPONE WIKIBUY APP IS UNAVAILABLE IN THE APPLE STORE FOR IPHONES!!! that will so-called “automatically apply the savings”

CapOne should fire you guys and hire some real developers


Good concept, but time consuming & inconvenient

I downloaded CapitalOneShopping and was excited to save money with my purchases. Priceline is the most common benefit I try to use. However, every single time I visit through CapitalOneShopping and enter all my trip details- CapitalOneShopping just keeps resetting the page. I tried it literally 100 times and no success. As I was reading other reviews I noticed that people were saying the capital one shopping app is not compatible with phones, therefore that is why I assume I am unable to actually shop through CapitalOneShopping to benefit from my rewards. Good concept, if it worked it would be wonderful. But it doesn’t work and if I have ro pull out a whole PC to use the benefits its totally takes away from the convenience of having an app on my phone. However, on the contratry I read literature that CapitalOneShopping is compatible with safari and chrome browsers. I guess its just not compatible via cell phone. I wasted a lot of time trying to save money with this feature unknowingly.


Useless for iPhone users

Just downloaded this, went through all the stores and clicked the ones I shop online most at… only to find that I have to use either my hated laptop or my PC for these to come into play. I’m going to now delete CapitalOneShopping, as I do all my shopping from my phone. Not only that, but I had to go back and forth with all the security measures from the Capital One app sending me numbers via text and email just to be able to use the shopping app… and find out the above major disappointment.

As the one review I read said (I went ahead and downloaded because I had hoped that circumstances had changed) WHY even have a phone app when you can’t even use it with your phone?!? That’s beyond annoying and to me, patently rude. I’m just glad my other credit card hasn’t done that, and Capital One needs to catch up with them in many ways… especially in security.


Lost interest at sign in process

I use this on my pc and I do enjoy it very much so I figured why not have it on my phone too, right? Yea well I guess it doesn’t matter that I have an account already AS WELL AS A FINANCIAL ACCOUNT because the sign-in process is a little goofy and ultimately just keeps giving me sign-in error messages using the same exact credentials that work just fine across the rest of the apps and sites. So I came here to b***h and moan about it and... what’s this I see?! More than a few patrons stating that CapitalOneShopping not only grabs your info but tries to get its sticky little fingers into my contacts as well?! Look, I like Cap1 as much as I’d allow myself to “like” any established banking institution, but if the initial setup of ANY app has me in the ratings and reviews section within just minutes of downloading, it either means you’ve wooed me out of my tighties or I’m thinking “arson this crap out of my phone.”

*flicks a bic*


Why make a mobile app at all?

I already know that wikibuy works best from your desktop. But why bother even making a mobile app if you can’t use it for anything? Seems like a waste of time and resources by the company to do that. Since I’m not going to carry a laptop everywhere, I’ll go with a company that invests in its mobile technology. This isn’t the only company that offers this service.
However, if you’re the person that only orders things to purchase from your home (or work if you’re like me and prefer to keep your laptop safely stored in a computer safe at work), it’s a good desktop software. I just question their business model since they don’t invest properly in mobile tech. You can’t even do the most basic things, such as sign up, on a mobile browser. I don’t like being forced to go back and forth between devices.


Poor customer support & trips don’t log correct in app

I was excited about using CapitalOneShopping after my friends had a great experience with it. Initially, CapitalOneShopping was logging my trips and I was receiving rewards. Lately, my trips have not being showing up and places i have not been showed up on account. I reached out to customer service and they were not helpful. They kept saying I didn’t go to CapitalOneShopping or someone has access to my account, which they don’t. It’s not worth working with them to let fix a problem with CapitalOneShopping .

Rakuten is easier to use and I get better service. I have used them for several years. Save time and use them.



I will admit, I have not used CapitalOneShopping at all. But
lease listen to what I have to say. Recently, I have been told to read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service in app such as these. I read the Privacy Policy. Don’t get CapitalOneShopping!! It takes ALL of your personal info like where you live and your credits that you may earn. It also takes information FROM YOUR EMAILS. Like, who you’re getting emails from, their email address and many other things like what websites are being used, things you’ve sent to other people over email. This is not safe. Imagine what they could do to our personal information!
Privacy Policy as of March 2, 2020.



Not compatible with iPad nor iPhone! Link to show compatible devices doesn’t show compatible devices. Developers have ignored a wide market yet really, really want to advertise to us anyway. It’s 2022 people, get with the demographics or stop congratulating yourself and wasting our time. Fix this.
Why tell everyone to send a note to help@this app? Seriously, you have told this to everyone who comments on your app yet you do nothing. It’s as if you are invested in wasting a person’s time. Is it to demonstrate false concern? I recommend you stop advertising to us and get busy solving the obvious problem.


Love Capital One Shopping

I think this is an amazing service! I love the online platform. I only wish that CapitalOneShopping was a little more user friendly and that there was an extension for safari. I’d also love to see the products when you search them in CapitalOneShopping and not just the stores that carry the product. Overall great job!


Deals Deals and Coupons

This is one of the better apps to locate deals and coupons that I would have never been made aware of had it not been for the installation of CapitalOneShopping on my phone and tablet. Bottom line capital one saves me money, though I do not use a capital one credit card as the rates are too high!


I took a photo of what it asks for access to

It accesses your contacts and their information and that is not cool. Beware if your friends start getting unannounced invites and people they know end up blaming you for spam.

Plus the application is really clunky and looks like my 9 year old made it. With features and “coupon” codes that look like they were taken from a fake site and that really makes me question the validity of the application.

My suggestion is to fix the UI, make it more reasonable with featured products. Make the user want to engage with the application.

Then, next to its category setup a coupon that has lower prices. This should be easy to do using an application called express which will rake data from any site.

Then post it’s data into your json datasets.

However in this case, I was very disappointed as I am turned off by both the UI and it’s request to collect my contacts with Gmail.

4 thumbs down.


try it on computer

I downloaded it on my phone but it didn't even respond, then I tried on my computer, works fine and automatically applies the available ones to items like the commercial says


Reply to nannynan on Cap one coupon site

Cap one has a good idea, but a little late to game. Black Friday is almost over and only viewed TV ad when Football Games are on. Most of discounts offered with CapitalOneShopping are less than actual store sites. I do not have or need another credit card; probably not getting same discounts as Samual L. Jackson—great ad from an Hollywood legend earns!
Nannynan - I accidentally spilled a soda into my laptop! It may no longer “cage” me in to make you me perform work! ;-) Every take good care and Please Stay Safe!


Passwords different from one device to another

Isn’t there a way all the passwords for capital one can be the same? I have tried repeatedly to figure out where the password is for my iMac with no avail I have contacted Apple several times and I have contacted Cell at capital One several times and I’ve been told that there was probably an issue with the server by the Apple people. I have no idea who is correct but it would be nice if this could be rectified


Dude calm down

I’ve seen other reviews on CapitalOneShopping and I may understand. I use CapitalOneShopping on my laptop and I assume you guys are using on your phones so that may be the issue. Either way I bought air pods that were supposed to cost $150 +Tax and It got reduced to $128. Would and have recommended


This app really works

I have been using CapitalOneShopping about 6 months, and it works great whenever I buy stuffs with my card linked to CapitalOneShopping they give me cash back or coupons, you can redeem the cash back in a gift card, that is amazing because I save money.


Substantial savings and recommended items have been great

I’ve followed Capital One’s recommendations on several items and have found them to be excellent. The monetary savings is good but I pm surprised that the greater benefit has been their guidance. Takes some of the guesswork out.


Have yet to receive credit

I shopped using CapitalOneShopping all thru the holidays and never received any of the offers that they showed. I would click on th offer and it would activate it but I never received anything in return. I have linked all of my cards. They emailed me back but it didn’t tell me anything different then what I already knew. Except now they are saying it could take up to 3 months to receive any credit. Well if I don’t I will be deleting. Very frustrated.


All that for nothing

I am shopping for a gimbal for my phone, went to DJI’s site because CapitalOneShopping had some coupons for that site. None of them worked, so that’s my experience. Seen another review that had the same problem. If they don’t work then take the codes down or something. I’ll probably try again on something different.


Shopping with Capital

The savings ((when found) are amazing. I’ve told family and friends to check out CapitalOneShopping . Who doesn’t love to save money, especially during this difficult time. Another bonus, CapitalOneShopping is free!!!!


Worth a download

I find CapitalOneShopping really helpful. My favorite feature is the barcode scanning to find better deals online for items I’m looking at in store.


Didn’t work

I downloaded CapitalOneShopping on my iPad and it just didn’t work. It would show me all the places I could save. However it lacked the ability to create new dialogue. I couldn’t see any of the sales or savings. It further backs up my stance on anything with wiki in the name. When I see “wiki” that just means unreliable to me.



I wanted a backpack and it was 23 Usd and I got for 10 usd

Thanks developer



Trash, waste of time , made by retards in Austin


Maybe it’s you

I see all the negative reviews but being a person to follow their own path I tried it anyway. CapitalOneShopping was very easy to get into without ever having to add a CC or hot any button to skip. Using an Apple phone. CapitalOneShopping seems to work very well so far. In fact checking prices it did find the best price on the several items checked. So far so good.


No skip on my download

I read the reviews, thought I’d try it even though there were some pretty bad reviews. There was no skip button anywhere! If, as the developers state, you can use it and “test” it out before actually signing up or adding user name and passwords then do it. I couldn’t and I looked everywhere! This was recommended to me by Capitol one so I’ll be calling them and explaining that in my opinion it’s crap! I’d have loved to have used it to see if it really can find better deals but at this point it appears to me to be another failed app but hey, that’s just my opinion. Developers, please don’t respond to this asking me to email you. Just fix the issues and get the people CapitalOneShopping you thought you were giving them. Sorry for the one star but if it doesn’t work what else do I do?



Worthless. Can’t attest to CapitalOneShopping , considering it would never let me log on, but the platform is plain wrong and will cost you money, guaranteed. I searched ten diffferent common products (kraft Mac and cheese, laundry detergent, soap, etc) through Wikibuy and several big box retail websites and the largest online marketplaces. In every instance, wikibuy returned “lowest price” recommendations that were higher than any other retailer searched on their own, some by as much as $3-5. My favorite was when wikibuy recommended buying an item from an retailer that was $5.23 higher than the same item was on that same retailers own website (and yes, this is accounting for the taxes and fees as well.). Save your time, skip this.


I love this app and web browser!

I just want to say CapitalOneShopping and the web browser is amazing. Just now I was ordering my son costume for Halloween on spirit Halloween and wiki buy saved me $25! When I went to checkout on the corner of my screen on my computer wiki asked if I would like to apply coupons I clicked ok and it knocked my price down greatly. If you love to save wiki buy and retail me not are the apps to go too.


Upper right has the skip button

While I don’t think this finds the best deals. Many people are uninstalling because they feel they are forced to link a CC. If you look in the upper right there’s a link to SKIP that screen. It’s light grey, hard to see and done shadily to give the option but keep most people from seeing it. That’s why 3/5 stars. Just be honest and don’t try corralling people into linking a CC if they don’t want to by hiding the option.


Not a review but a question

Not a review but a question. Why are all the bad reviews current and the good reviews 2 years ago?


Very disappointed

So it seems as if they need to fix CapitalOneShopping I too came across the same issue of my IPhone XR not letting me get passed the not adding a credit card. I’m sorry but I have secured Apple Pay I would rather pay that way. There are a lot of apps and sites that allow apple users to pay securely that way. I don’t like putting my card out there every time especially on an app so new! That’s why I question these reviews that say they are a year old and that this was a very helpful app and they had no problems!


Can’t even login

I have tried to login multiple times but it is not working. I use this on chrome all the time and finally changed my password so that I could start with a new password on CapitalOneShopping . It let me login and a few minutes later, when I tried to switch back to CapitalOneShopping , I was logged out. I tried to log back in and it continued to do what it said before:
“Captcha response missing.”
I don’t see a captcha anywhere on the login screen. I can’t get past this point so it’s unless.


I use without my CC info and love it

I have used this on my computer. I have not tried it on my phone yet, but I love it. It doesn’t cost me any money, I don’t have to input my credit card information, and it has saved me money. Kind of a no brainer if you ask me.



Hi, this is a good app. Sorry to the wiki team for getting so much crap from these reviews, even though most of them are just stupid little complaints like "i dont want to add my cc" when there's skip button... they're just blind. Good work wiki! U have my love and support, keep up the good work!

Is Capital One Shopping Safe?

Yes. Capital One Shopping: Save Now is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 534,225 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Capital One Shopping Is 48.1/100.

Is Capital One Shopping Legit?

Yes. Capital One Shopping: Save Now is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 534,225 Capital One Shopping: Save Now User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Capital One Shopping Is 64.6/100..

Is Capital One Shopping: Save Now not working?

Capital One Shopping: Save Now works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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