Houseparty Reviews

Houseparty Reviews

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About: Houseparty is the face-to-face social network where you can connect with the
people you care about most. The app makes connecting face to face effortless,
alerting you when your friends are “in the house” and ready to chat so you
can jump right into the conversation.

About Houseparty

The app makes connecting face to face effortless, alerting you when your friends are “in the house” and ready to chat so you can jump right into the conversation.

The same goes for you opening the app! Your friends will know you’re in the app and ready to chat, so they can join you (…because rejected calls are so last year).

Houseparty is the face-to-face social network where you can connect with the people you care about most.

Houseparty is truly the next best thing to hanging out in person.

See your friends more often on Houseparty.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 602,843 combined software reviews.

1 Houseparty Reviews

4.9 out of 5

MONIQUE RIGGINS   2 months ago


See 15 more Reviews

So Much Fun

I can’t even explain to say how much I love this app I’ve told so many of my friends to get it and they also fell in love with it. I heard about it from one of my friends that was spending the night at my house and I asked my Dad if I was aloud to get it cause I am 11 not 12 yet, he say nothing harmful on it and allowed me to download it. You can have fun talking to your friends and playing fun games. On that note I wish more games were free but I’m am happy with the selection of games and the new ones. The newest one I have on this app is Draw It. My cousin and I spend 30 minutes playing it with each other. It was very entertaining and enjoyable. Again very fun and nothing to mature or inappropriate. If you are allowed to have Apple FaceTime you can have this. It is much simpler. You have to request a friend and if you get a friend request from someone you don’t know don’t get caught up in how many friends you have and keep out of trouble there is where it could get dangerous. Have fun and
great app. Also something hilarious 😂 if you tap the wave button a lot it says ( Ok, Ok they get it.) 😂😂

Love it! ❤️

First of all, I don’t know why people are complaining? Ok, I have lots of friends that don’t have phones and I can’t talk to them, but with this app I can! Sometimes I want to video chat with multiple people at the same time but I can’t do that with FaceTime. I can with this app! There are little things here in there but I love Houseparty! One time these two people would not stop calling me and anytime I would come on they would join me, but you can sneak onto this app. See, anytime you go onto Houseparty your friends get a notification, but there is a way to sneak on, so your friends don’t get a notification. Also, they give you really cool facts on the home screen, one time I spent hours just looking at the facts! Lastly, if you don’t like getting notifications every time one of your friends comes on, there is a way to do turn it off. Overall, I love Houseparty and I don’t know why more people are using Houseparty. It’s a great app to download and I recommend Houseparty to anyone!


Houseparty is very good. You can talk to all your friends and have a good time. Other reviews said that like it was the worst app ever because it had to use internet, well first of all you can’t connect ANY video chat without WiFi same with calling
You can’t call without WiFi so that was a pretty dumb one but yeah. It’s a rlly good app. You can play games with people, message them, learn cool facts, and more. I moved a couple of years ago and I moved 12 long hours away from my 5year old cousin. I have an iPod and his mom has a Samsung. I can’t FaceTime them because I have an iPod touch and it won’t work. So we got Houseparty and now we can talk to eachother and we won't be so far away from each other. He is deaf so he can’t hear so we can audio call and he loves to show me his new toys and cats on the this app video chat. I would really recommend you trying Houseparty. You might have a wonderful time.

More than an app

I know Houseparty is supposed to be about fun and seeing a lot of people at one time. But I want the developers to know that you gave my family something that is truly irreplaceable. My uncle got sick suddenly and was placed in the hospital on ICU. I have a HUGE family and a lot of us are spread apart in different states. this app allowed us who couldn’t be there physically to be there virtually during precious moments. We were able to say our last goodbyes, hear funny stories, comfort one another, and be there for his final breath. Death is not fun but Houseparty was one piece of making it a little more bearable because we were literally able to be there for one another. Even on different time zones, doing different things, we were all there. That is something that we are all thankful for and will never forget. We literally said to each other how perfect it was that we found Houseparty and got everyone connected a month ago, not even knowing that it would be a necessity during this tragic time. So thank you.

Amazing! Just one thing..

House party is a great way to hang out with ALL of your friends at any time! I’d call for hours, and we always have great connection wherever we are. The games are great- my friend group loves the game Chips and Guac! We played forever, and our answers always made us laugh. However, I do find one thing that may be useful for some. In some situations, you want to call but can’t because you have to be quiet at night or while someone’s working. I’ve had to decline calling my friends because of this. I think that adding a chat to be available (when needed) on the side of the screen would be helpful to people like me!! Then, we’d be able to chat without others hearing us. I’d be simple for the others to see, and reply to. We could have headphones in listening to our other friend(s) and still be a part of the conversation, all while nobody knows! I know this is just one review and nobody else has asked, but I would really enjoy it! Thank you for your time!

Best Friends

I love Houseparty and use it a lot to chat and socialize with buddies. The only problem/suggestion is with the whole "Best Friends" system and how that all works. I understand that "best friends" are gained onto your profile based off of how much time you speak to specific people, but i also believe that best friends should also be gained by if you pass a lot of notes/ texts to a specific person on Houseparty . Because alot of times i cant physically cant speak🗣 to someone over Houseparty whether its because im on lunch break at training or im at a family event, or im at a loud place, etc. which is why i use the "Pass A Note" feature, and i would like to gain best friends over that feature too. I talked to my friends about the suggestion and they all agreed and said they had the same exact thought. I REALLY FEEL that u should add this to Houseparty because it will help it grow and change my 4 star rating to a 5 star rating. Pls reas this and make it happen, us users will love it.

Best app ever!!!!

this app is the best thing that ever happened to my life because there’s no other app like it I mean there is the new iPhone update and it includes Group FaceTime but when my friends start off there the say let’s just go to this app. I also love the feature where you have mutual friends because people that I have not seen for at least 2 years have this app and I can call them. I use Houseparty every single day with my friends and even my family. I also love the new logo it’s more stylish and fun then just a cup. I am so happy that this app is an app and I hope all of you working at this app HQ are working on making it better. Oh and I forgot to say something about face mail, ITS THE SMARTEST THING EVER! Whoever designed that should get a reward.

Thank You for reading my review and I hope to hear back from you guys at this app!

Byeeeeeeee! 👋


I got this app to talk to my many friends at the same time because some didn’t have an Apple device. It worked for all of them perfectly fine (i think),but it had an annoying glitch for me. Whenever I went in a chat room or just called one person, it had some kind of echo that wouldn’t allow me to hear my friend(s) in the chat room. I have two electronic devices. An Ipod and an Ipad. I downloaded Houseparty on both devices just in case my ipod died viceversa. But this glitch was effective to BOTH MY DEVICES. At that point, I gave up. I thought it was my wifi or something else. I tried going in EVERY SINGLE ROOM IN MY HOUSE. Still didn’t work. So I decided to use a different app to talk to my friends. Houseparty is WONDERFUL and it has connected many people who live far away from each other, but it just didn’t work for me. I would LOVE to use Houseparty again, but my electronics or Houseparty won’t permit me with that glitch. This is the ONLY reason why I gave this a 3-star review.

- A Friendly Reviewer 🤗

Three stars review explanation

So, I gave this app a 3star review because they were always sending me notifications to sign up with Facebook. I’m to young for Facebook and I don’t like it. Making something do something they don’t want to is not appropriate. Second, it doesn’t work if you don’t have WiFi........? what if you want to talk with your family members as a group in one chat and you can’t because you don’t have WiFi. It’s very annoying how apps don’t let you play or do things on it without WiFi. It’s very annoying, and for me growing up with not that much WiFi in my household, it really annoys me of how I always have to have it. Third, Houseparty will also don’t work if you have slow WiFi. What I meant with growing up with not that much WiFi in my household, I meant it was very slow. Sure now it fast but still. What about other people. They just want to enjoy their time. Not from worrying if their WiFi is bad. So this is my opinion. I am only 11 years old and I still have my judgments.

Please make the mackbook Houseparty better

I have already made a review on house party on asking you to give us house party on the MacBook and I’m so happy you did but in my opinion it needs some help. For example my this app and my friends this app on the MacBook is really bad, for one of my friends so bad that she can’t even open it. Another thing it’s not even an app that you can download on Houseparty Store it’s a link that you can send to your email, but the thing is what happens if you don’t have an email, you have to think about these things because some people in this app are little and they just want to talk to their friends. Also there is no way to log out on your Mac to switch to other accounts and on top of that you can’t invite anyone to rooms, receive messages, and send messages. These are all the things I ask to make it better.

Ps: my friend also sent a review for filters and you said they were gonna come out soon but I still see no sight of that.

Please Fix

While this is a great app, there are some issues that have yet to be fixed. first of all, it constantly kicks people out of Houseparty . that can get annoying when you are trying to have a conversation with someone and it does this several times throughout. Another being that the audio is sometimes awful to the point where you cannot hear what the person is saying. It cuts out at random points throughout and it gets hard to understand. It also takes a long time to load. I am currently trying to use Houseparty and it refuses to load. It has nothing to do with my connection as this happens no matter where I am or what wifi I am using. Houseparty gets updated a lot but it doesn't seem to actually be fixing anything. I would love to give Houseparty a five star review but because there’s so many bugs I can’t. I make sure to always update Houseparty when updates are available, but nothing seems to change or improve.

I have some questions

Hi! I like Houseparty very much. It helps my friends and I communicate. One of my friends have Samsung and I have an iPad so I could never talk to but her but now I can! I just have a few questions. How do you sneak into Houseparty ? I have a few friends on Houseparty, that anytime I go on Houseparty they join me. Not that I don’t love my friends or anything, it can just get annoying sometimes. I have looked in house rules and it tells me to pull down the notification but what notification?! Also how do you make a face mail? When I try to it says turn device around to record. So I do that and nothing happens and sometimes it is very important. One time I couldn’t reach one of my friends because she wasn’t on her phone. It would be helpful if you put how to make a face mail in the House rules. Otherwise then those two questions I love Houseparty and would definitely recommend it!👍💜

Houseparty review

I think this app is a really good app for phones that don’t have FaceTime or google duo. I just think there needs to be a few adjustments. Like I wish the connection for this was better. And most of the time it isn’t really working for me. The persons screen I am talking to doesn’t match up the words to there screen. Overall Houseparty is a really good app and I do recommend it to other people like friends and family. I don’t like the fact that you can ghost people and they don’t even know it. I think you should get a little notification saying ( example of random people) Suzy ghosted you because she doesn’t want to talk to you right now. But, overall those are my only complaints. I really like Houseparty. 😉😉😉

Likeable but has a few issues.

I absolutely love Houseparty! I was psyched when my friend showed it to me! I like that you can wave to people and alert them that you are in Houseparty and that Houseparty tells you when someone you don’t know is in a room. I also think it’s a nice touch that you can lock rooms, but I hate hurting my friends feeling if I want a private chat with a couple of other people with out them. I hope that in the future their can be more privacy settings. But over all this is he best video chatting app I have ever tried. But I’m tired of whenever I go to Houseparty someone can join. I clicked Houseparty on accident and my friend (a boy) logged on when I had only a towel on. I ended the video chat before he could even connect but that was very scary! So I hope it can be changed for the future, but anyway a great app and I hope it gets lots of praise😇

Honestly questioning this app...

Houseparty has been great, it’s as advertised. It allows you to chat with many different people, doesn’t crash and is hardly glitchy. My concern is after having Houseparty for a month or so, I am beginning to question the privacy given on Houseparty. If you continuously tap the facts, it shows new ones every time but there are however some very inappropriate almost “facts” such as- “You look hot”, and many other gender assuming “facts” and is leading me to question if there are people behind Houseparty watching you and putting in obvious information in specific people. Such as if the user is a male, they give you facts specifically for males or if you are a female, it gives you facts specifically for females. I have been given many inappropriate facts and just facts in general that aren’t appropriate for children even though Houseparty is advertised for 9+. Definitely gonna be looking into this because it puts in a very unsafe and uncomfortable position.

Is Houseparty Safe?

Yes. Houseparty is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 602,843 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Houseparty Is 48.0/100.

Is Houseparty Legit?

Yes. Houseparty is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 602,843 Houseparty User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Houseparty Is 63.3/100..

Is Houseparty not working?

Houseparty works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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