I’ve been using this app for a year now to help manage long projects (like reading every book I own, keep room clean, etc.). I’ve often wanted to upgrade but my finances are not at a place where I can justify in app purchases.
So I resolved to use the free version until I pay off all my debt and get to a place where I’m comfortable spending.
This last week, HabitBull got really aggressive. I opened it to check off that I cleaned my room and it gave me a pop up asking me to buy it. Okay, I thought, can’t fault it for trying. I clicked on the x at the top, but instead of giving me the data screen, it acted like I’d tried to make a purchase. I cancelled it and it said purchase failed, but the screen stayed up, preventing me from entering my data for the day. (Several hours later I managed to enter the data before I got the pop up again, with the same issue)
I’m hoping this is just a glitch, and will soon be fixed, not a punishment for longtime users who haven’t upgraded.
Other positives about HabitBull . I love that it lets you backtrack or go ahead. When one of my goals is to read a chapter a day, it’s nice to be able to make up days when I couldn’t get to it, or read ahead in anticipation of a family gathering/job/ class where I know I won’t have time.