I called Dispatch Health Care, because I fell when I missed the curb, because of the dark glasses and face mask. They did come to check me out, ask me several questions about my accident, Took my vitals, my L.thumb was swollen, so they gave me a brace, and wanted to have Xrays to se e whether it had be broken or fractured, I was in no pain at all, told me to take Ibuprofen, they ordered it, and the Xray technician came to Xray my Left arm and Hand. I told the Nurse Practitioner that My Primary needs to know the results. inwhich she never received any..They never checked my records. referred me to go an Orthropedic, which I was scheduled to go 10/4/2921. I already had an appointment to go to my primary doctor on 9/30/2021. She was not aware of my accident or treatment. She had me to take xrays at gonzaba Clinic, and the report reads no fractures, don't need the brace, and stop taking ibuprofen, because , I have a kidney disease,my insurance, she has to refer for a specialist. I also cancel the appointment for the Orthropedic inwhich I didn't need.