Since the position of the stars is different according to your location, Horoscope Me takes into consideration the relevant references (place and time of birth) to individually understand your natal chart and provide you with exclusive and authentic predictions.
Horoscope Me is loyal to traditional astrology by considering your natal chart to estimate your daily, weekly, monthly or semester horoscope.
The application aims to help you understand your results from the traditional guidelines: planet positions, signs, houses, etc... in a simplified individual horoscope that you can use for free at any time.
Horoscope Me not only offers you a daily horoscope but also predictions for the week, month and semester.
We believe people with the same astrological sign do not follow the same lifestyle and therefore, their zodiac horoscope cannot be adequately representative for each of them.
• Horoscope forecasts for the day, yesterday, tomorrow, a week, a month and a semester just in a few seconds.
In its etymological origin, 'Horoscope' comes from a Greek word meaning "astral conjunctions at birth".
By definition, the concept of astrological sign is therefore not an effective way to obtain a proper horoscope.
Horoscope Me offers 100% personalized results.
More than just a simple zodiac horoscope, it focuses exclusively on you.
* Horoscope Me is a free horoscope, simple to use and without any commitments.
Now you have your personalized daily horoscope that will appear immediately when you open the app.
You are unique, your daily horoscope should also be special.
With Horoscope Me, your daily horoscope will no longer be the same.