Company Name: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
About: Looking for a great job in Florida? Find jobs which align with your skill sets
or training using the Employ Florida Mobile app.
Instantly view any job posted
to the web directly on your iPhone or iPad.
The following contact options are available: Pricing Information, Support, General Help, and Press Information/New Coverage (to guage reputation). Discover which options are the fastest to get your customer service issues resolved.
Website: π Visit Employ Florida Website
Privacy Policy:
Developer: Geographic Solutions Inc.
by Laurie Taylor
I can log in the website however the app will not let me in. The authentication works, then it pops up saying. There was a problem identifying your identity. Then the whole thing freezes and I have to force close the app. It wonβt do anything can even get in without signing in. I was just now finally able to access the app but it will not let me sign in.
I would like to use it if you ever get it working please let me know. Thank you.
by Huebbedoo
Never works just use the web site.
by Isthiznecessary
No good never worked