Gideon Bible App app not working? crashes or has problems?

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Not working

Something else


Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of Gideon Bible App Problems 🔥

- Difficult to save language preferences

- No Hebrew language option

📋 5 Reported Issues:

John Doe 2024-12-17

Login issue

Ray Hardin 2023-09-19

Lost the capability toReceive evening scripture reading so uninstall get in now app and reloaded. Cannot now open it. Why?

Walter Wilson 2022-11-16

I have used and enjoyed the Gideon Bible reading app for almost a year for my daily Bible reading using the direct connection to my hearing aids, but now it has quit working! I just realized that my iPhone has done an automatic update to iOS 16.1.1. The symptom I am getting is that the app seems to work until I press the play arrow to start reading audio and the arrow turns to the rotating circle as if it is downloading -- for ever! I'm siting 6 feet from my high speed wifi router, so download delay is not a problem. Did this latest iOS 16.1.1 update cause this problem?? Is there a fix? Can I install the app on my PC and have it read to me? (It will not connect to my hearing aids, but I can use earphones.) I have removed and reinstalled the app several times and that has not made any difference. I am at the latest iOS, 16.1.1 which was installed automatically without my knowledge in the last day or two. I have done the "reset network settings" on my phone, I do not have a VPN and iPhone settings shows "not connected" for VPN. Any other suggestions?? Help Please! Thanks and PRAISE the LORD for the Gideons and all that y'all do!

Donald Harford 2022-10-17

My Gideon's international app is in theThailand language and I need it changed into English. Do I Uninstaller it and reinstall it?

Judith Palagallo 2022-09-11

I have enjoyed the Gideon Bible App for several years with no difficulty. I use an iphone 11. Recently, the app boots up but then the screen goes blank. I tried installing the app again and it worked for one evening. Now the screen is going blank again. Advice please? Thank you.

Showing 1-5 of 5 reported issues:

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