Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to Gideon Bible App.
- Difficult to save language preferences
- No Hebrew language option
Login issue
Lost the capability toReceive evening scripture reading so uninstall get in now app and reloaded. Cannot now open it. Why?
I have used and enjoyed the Gideon Bible reading app for almost a year for my daily Bible reading using the direct connection to my hearing aids, but now it has quit working! I just realized that my iPhone has done an automatic update to iOS 16.1.1. The symptom I am getting is that the app seems to work until I press the play arrow to start reading audio and the arrow turns to the rotating circle as if it is downloading -- for ever! I'm siting 6 feet from my high speed wifi router, so download delay is not a problem. Did this latest iOS 16.1.1 update cause this problem?? Is there a fix? Can I install the app on my PC and have it read to me? (It will not connect to my hearing aids, but I can use earphones.) I have removed and reinstalled the app several times and that has not made any difference. I am at the latest iOS, 16.1.1 which was installed automatically without my knowledge in the last day or two. I have done the "reset network settings" on my phone, I do not have a VPN and iPhone settings shows "not connected" for VPN. Any other suggestions?? Help Please! Thanks and PRAISE the LORD for the Gideons and all that y'all do!
My Gideon's international app is in theThailand language and I need it changed into English. Do I Uninstaller it and reinstall it?
I have enjoyed the Gideon Bible App for several years with no difficulty. I use an iphone 11. Recently, the app boots up but then the screen goes blank. I tried installing the app again and it worked for one evening. Now the screen is going blank again. Advice please? Thank you.
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