Gideon Bible App Reviews

Gideon Bible App Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-10

🏷️ About: The Gideon Bible App is a free mobile application that provides access to the Bible in multiple languages, including text and dramatized audio versions. Users can search for Bibles by language or country, choose their display language, and download text and audio versions for offline reading and listening. The app also offers tools for Bible study, including bookmarking, highlighting, and note-taking, as well as the ability to share verses via social media and email. The Gideon Bible App is a ministry of The Gideons International and is provided in partnership with Faith Comes By Hearing and the Digital Bible Platform.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 8,783 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Easy to use and navigate

- Audio feature brings the Bible to life

- Great for helping younger children learn to read

- Includes a variety of languages

Read 26 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.9 out of 5
Excited and disappointed

I was so excited to get GideonBibleApp today, and I know it will come in handy from time to time for many people, but I was especially excited to share GideonBibleApp with a missionary friend who is trying to learn Hebrew at the moment and hopes to live in Israel next year.
Much to my disappointment, I did not find Hebrew in this list of languages. This really surprised me, because I thought surely that Hebrew would be one of the first languages thought of for GideonBibleApp.

Perhaps later on the Hebrew will be added… I hope and pray. But thank you for the many languages that are listed here. God bless, and Shalom.

Needs a Little Adjusting

GideonBibleApp is nice but unless I am overlooking something obvious, every time I go to the page to select “Help in Times of Need” or “Help With Life Problems” it defers to the KJV. To select the GID version I have to click “Change Bible or Language” each time. After clicking this button I have to scroll down through 375 languages listed alphabetically to get to the English tab. Even after clicking save after going through this arduous process, if I click out of this tab and return, the process must be repeated. If GideonBibleApp won’t allow a permanent save then the “English” tab should be listed first. The 1.0 version allowed a permanent selection of the Bible version of preference. There are other bible apps that are more “user friendly” and I think most people will gravitate toward them to save time.

Great app for a great ministry!

God’s Word in so many written languages, and then spoken verbally in many of those languages! What an awesome work! Thank you for GideonBibleApp, and thank you for doing God’s work. There is only one issue I have with it and that’s the speed at which GideonBibleApp loads the selected portion of the Word. When I’m working with someone to show them a selection it seemingly takes some time just loading the written portion. It’s as if it’s trying to load the audio portion before displaying. I would like an option to TURN OFF loading the audio part perhaps in preferences. Just a future thought. God bless, and keep up the work!


When I first Downloaded GideonBibleApp . I did not know what I was getting into. When I signed up and got to the main screen I Was excited to look through GideonBibleApp . I got to my scripture, picked out my version and language. And then that was it. I was hooked. Now I use GideonBibleApp to read, And
me and The Lord have a Good time because he shows me things. It’s so fun highlighting important Key verses that speak to my spirt. GideonBibleApp Deserves More then Just Five Stars. I Truly can Carry My Gideon Bible now in my
Pocket and on the Go and I think that is awesome. I do have my pocket Gideon New Testament Bible
That I keep with me and I love to read it and high light In it and well. And Just the same
Jesus reveals and shows me things in that little Orange Bible and I just love it so much. Reading The Word of God is better then reading any other Book out there in this World. It’s the only book that really speaks to you and changes you and just fills you with joy and love. And He speaks Through it.
He is a Mighty Wonderfull and Carrying God. There is No one Better then Jesus! Thank You So much Gideon’s You Guys keep on keeping it On. You are a Blessing: you have Been a blessing to me and I just want Y’all to know and Y’all’s Team!

Easy to use free resource

We have a hurting world, folks. If more people find the Truth through an easily shared resource such as GideonBibleApp, then God’s FREE gift of Grace will then lead to the peace so desperately sought after. It’s not by works we are saved, but Grace. GideonBibleApp communicates the Good News of the Gospel to the smart phones one half of the world population now possess, and does so in many of their native languages. This is a must have app for today’s times.

Great Bible App

The new updated version of the Gideon Bible App provides access to God’s Holy Word in over 1600 languages, many orally as that is more useful in remote locations, as well as the Help in times of Need guidance previously only available in print versions of the Gideon Testaments.
There are many choices for Bible Apps. Choose one who makes a difference around the world, always putting the truth of God’s Word before any self promotion.

Love it but...

GideonBibleApp is great! I also love some of the new updates of highlighting the scripture as it is being read. It gives my younger son that is learning to read, the help he needs to have devotions. He can follow along and try to read. He won’t lose his place. He is seeing, hearing and practicing his Bible!

Maybe because we are missionaries in another county, but I have started having problems with it loading the passage and playing. That problem just started a month or so ago. I am not sure it is a problem here or there, but it can be aggravating when you want to use the reading feature of GideonBibleApp .

Thanks for making GideonBibleApp! It has been a real blessing.

Gideon Bible app

The Gideon Bible app is an easy to read and very helpful resource. There are a variety of versions of the Bible and also choices of languages. It comes with different print styles and can also be read to you. Other helpful resources are included also. Hearing or reading the Bible on a cell phone or computer is definitely different but a very easy way to keep God’s Word with you and easily available.

Gideon bible app rocks!!!

It’s a wonderful app. It has subcategories along with the Bible. Help in times of need, help with life problems, as well as a reference guide to help build your character as a follower of Jesus Christ, as well as a section called Decision, which has many references and strong affirmations to build up young believers, no matter their physical age. Decisions is a great area to stay safe when or if you’re asked about your new belief. God bless those who made this wonderful digital version of the Bible!

Excellent app

This is an excellent Bible app. You can highlight, bookmark, make notes and to go to your notes is super easy! I love that you can choose dramatization or not. It is my go to app to save something for “ on the go” studies and to save something until you get to your Bible! This also has a sleep timer, I can listen to the next days reading right before I sleep. I love falling asleep to Gods word and I love GideonBibleApp!

Gideon Bible App

Like the old app better at first but I see you are not done tweeting it GideonBibleApp is improving I thank you for that I’m pleased. So don’t stop improving it until it’s in as good of working condition as the old app. I’m guessing that because of the lack on and off of Internet here in Alabama GideonBibleApp is not working correctly and I pray that this is over soon but I don’t know how it’s going to go I pray that it works fine soon


As a Hebrew student, GideonBibleApp allows me to listen to the Bible in Hebrew while following along with the original text. I love that it gives me the experience of hearing the language from a native speaker, while seeing the same text that's in my Hebrew Bible. The tonal inflections are great and the background music is contributive to the reading experience and not distracting. The quality is comparable with Word of Promise's NKJV dramatized version. I'd be willing to pay for something like this!

The Gideon app

GideonBibleApp is fantastic. Not only can you change languages but you can change what kind of Bible you want to read in such as the king James version or new international version etc. it’s great to have on the go and even when you’re having problems with your hands and it’s hard to carry the heavy Bible you’ve got your Bible right there with GideonBibleApp because you’re always with your phone.

This app is such a blessing!

I have looked for two days for a good website or app to read the Bible since leaving mine at my sisters a few days ago. Tonight, I thought of the Gidians and figured I’d give it a try. After searching, I quickly found it and then after reading some of the reviews, I didn’t hesitate. It was so refreshing as soon, as I opened it. I had no idea this was an option, and with all the features. Thank you so much for giving every person access to the word of God whenever they may need it. God Bless.

You are doing a good work for the Lord.

brethren are doing a great work for the Lord! When I was in grade school I still remember the Gideons giving a gospel presentation to the students and giving New Testaments to every student that wanted one. Also, later in life when traveling, almost every motel that we stayed at had a Bible in each room placed by the Gideons. May the Lord continue to prosper your work, even in these evil days when I know you are meeting with new oppositions from various sources and from wickedness that has been “framed by a law”. Al Stoner

Love this App!

Gideon friends of ours, Gary and Eleanor Zweigle introduces us to GideonBibleApp when we were staying with them while on furlough in Olympia Washington from our assignment with the Church of the Nazarene in the Philippines. I used the Tagalog version of the Bible at that time. Since then, we have moved to Papua New Guinea to work with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and I needed a Bible in Tok Pisin. I was so happy to know that the Gideon App had this language as well! Thank you for making a great app that people from so many languages and places can access God's word in their own language or in a language they are learning to make a greater kingdom impact!

My daily spiritual nutrition

It is so very convenient for me to hear the Bible read out-loud to me. I listen to it every day. I get my daily spiritual nutrition from it. I also do topical study, and can cover a lot of material in less time. This way, I can “read” many chapters of the Bible, even when my hands and eyes are preoccupied with other things, and still read the Bible. Sometimes I go back and re-read as needed to digest the material. Moreover, I sometimes get different things that I do not get when I read the same passage with my eyes, than having it read to me. Great, just great.

I have add it to many different devices it is great

I have add it to many different devices it is great when driving I can keep up with reading even when the phones are out of range of a tower I also like the different language options it has helped when traveling out of my area where I do not speak well just broken language skills. I would tell every one to install it on every thing they own. I have never had a problem with it working platform so far so good Only problem I wish it worked on my old laptop or any pc.


GideonBibleApp is way better than I expected. A friend at church was handing out business cards that advertised GideonBibleApp so I installed it to see what it was like. I had no idea it had audio so that was a plus. But when I started listening, it was like listening to a play. All the Bible characters are “played” by a different voice and there’s background noises, crowds, etc. The Bible has come alive for me in a whole different way. I listen to it at night in bed before I fall asleep. Sometimes it’s soothing, but sometimes it’s like watching an exciting action movie and I think about it for awhile before I can fall asleep! 😄 I never write reviews, but I love GideonBibleApp!

Gideon Bible App

GideonBibleApp is being constantly being up dated with new translations. I wish the Daily Bible Reading Schedule was available on GideonBibleApp.
A friend downloaded GideonBibleApp because he had lived in southern India and found the language spoken there. He left to fill his gas tank and met a man at the station who spoke Tamil. My friend asked if he would listen to some of the reading and tell him if the reading was good quality. The man listened, and asked if he could get it. My friend helped him download GideonBibleApp right there.

Awesome witnessing tool

Awesome to have all of the tools of the printed bible right at your fingertips: help aids, plan of salvation and of course, the entire scripture. The audio allow you to continually immerse yourself in scripture even when reading is not feasible (e.g, driving a car). The 1000+ languages plus the audio provides a great witnessing tool when sharing the gospel with someone that doesn't speak your own language.

Thank you Gideons for all the languages

Sharing with others is exciting and awesome when I share the language choices. Enthusiasm runs high when someone sees it immediately available in their original language. God uses this in special ways. When I can’t, God can still work. May the sharing of this tool bring glory to His name and change hearts, minds, and lives for all eternity.

Website and printed Bible links

Hi Gideons, I found your mobile app truly helpful. Though, It is really hard to find the Download link you placed at the bottom on your website. Please kindly let me suggested to place it at the top, and please make it visible and easy to find! Also, it would be great if you could provide helpful links to your digital resources in the first pages of your printed bibles. To His glory. Amen.

Esteban Rodríguez
Pastor & Professor


GideonBibleApp is awesome. It offers so many languages and Bible options. I love listening to it when I go to bed. The dramatizations are well done and entertaining and make it easier to read and enjoy the Bible in different ways. Highly recommended! The Gideons are so awesome. Thank you for GideonBibleApp and leaving Bibles everywhere. I found one in my college locker once and it was a wonderful gift I truly needed at that time. Keep up the good work!

Help in time of need.

I am so blessed. I was just telling a friend about how I loved my little blue Gideon pocket Bible and used to use it to start my devotional every day years ago. Then I decided to go online and see if maybe there was something similar to that. And I now have an online Gideons Bible along with the "Help in time of need" section which so beautifully meets my hearts needs. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God bless you and your wonderful work. - Jo Sausen

Transported into the Bible

The audiobook options on GideonBibleApp are by far the best I’ve ever experienced. You feel as though you are transported back in time (or into the future in some cases) and walking alongside Jesus, the apostles, or Abraham. The voice acting is top notch, complete with terrifying voices for evil spirits/Satan and actual singing in some lyrical scriptures. The Gideons have outdone themselves with this.

Is Gideon Bible App Safe? 🙏

Yes. Gideon Bible App is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 8,783 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Gideon Bible App Is 69.6/100.

Safety Analysis

91.0% of users say app is Safe 👍

7.7% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

1.4% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Gideon Bible App Legit? 💯

Yes. Gideon Bible App is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 8,783 Gideon Bible App User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Gideon Bible App Is 92.8/100..

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- Free access to the Bible in multiple languages

- Search for Bibles by language or country

- Choose display language from a wide range of options

- Download text and audio versions for offline reading and listening

- Access helps for difficult times

- Search for keywords, book names, and specific verses

- Bookmark, highlight, and add notes for Bible study

- Share verses via social media and email

- Sync bookmarks, highlights, and notes across multiple devices with a free Gideon Bible App account.

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