HanYou is an offline Chinese dictionary, translator and optical recognizer designed to help you read, speak and learn Chinese.
HanYou's powerful offline Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine can recognize more than 13 000 Chinese characters in your pictures or with your device camera.
HanYou's dictionary is extensive, fast, and delivers Chinese word details into more than 20 target languages.
Unique social feature: whenever you have trouble with some Chinese, you can always ask a question or post a picture on the HanYou wall.
HanYou features advanced Chinese text analysis.
HanYou helps you improve your Chinese with flashcards.
Paste or write some Chinese text and the text analyzer will break sentences into words and display their pinyins.
HanYou, your Chinese learning companion.
In particular, find relevant definitions and Chinese-English translations whether you learn Chinese for fun or prepare for the HSK.
HanYou's users, from beginner to advanced level, will come to help you.
Flashcards are a powerful and enjoyable way to learn new words.
β’ In Safari, tap the "Share / Export" button to open the web page in HanYou.
Based on your learning statistics, you will be shown everyday a deck of flashcards tailored for you.
β’ You can learn words in a fun way with flashcards.