Focus Keeper: Productive Timer Reviews

Focus Keeper: Productive Timer Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-24

About: Focus Keeper helps you keep your productivity high avoiding burnout using the
timer. Work with time.

About Focus Keeper

What is Focus Keeper? Focus Keeper is a productivity app that helps users stay focused and avoid burnout by using a timer. The app offers a simple and intuitive interface, task management, customizable focus sessions, goals, and sounds, and insightful productivity charts. Users can adjust the timer, track their progress, set daily goals, and customize the length of focus sessions, short breaks, and long breaks. The app also offers various ticking and alarm sounds, notifications, and a focus reminder. Focus Keeper is available as a universal app for iPhone and iPad with iCloud support.



- Simple, beautiful, and intuitive interface

- Task management

- Customizable focus sessions, goals, and sounds

- Insightful productivity charts

- Universal app with iCloud support

- Adjust the timer with your fingers

- Next session starts automatically

- Set your daily goal and number of focus sessions per round

- Customize the length of focus sessions, short breaks, and long breaks

- Choose from 10 different ticking sounds and 14 different alarm sounds

- Set different volume sounds for each ticking and alarm sound

- Receive alarm notifications even when the app is running in the background

- Today Widget for Focus Sessions

- Icon Badge shows how much time is left to finish the current session

- Focus Reminder to help users make a habit of using Focus Keeper

- Option for resetting the Focus Count at midnight automatically

- Subscription-based model with three auto-renewing options: $0.99 monthly or $5.99 annually

- Terms and conditions and privacy policy available on the app's website

- Support available via email.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating


Positive experience

Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 23,643 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Focus Keeper

- Helps with focus and productivity

- Useful for those with ADHD or focus issues

- Allows for customization of chimes and background colors

- Includes tracking and data analytics

- Provides structure for work-life balance

- Short breaks help prevent burnout

- Simple and visually easy to use

- Affordable pricing for pro version

20 Focus Keeper Reviews

4.8 out of 5



Wow! Never in a million years would I have thought that I would gain effective productivity with an app, such as this one! I suffer from anxiety and uncontrollable ADD and my medication to control this challenge, lately, has been effective for my energy (caffeine boost), but I needed something to support me, in addition, to my focus concerns. I have been extremely behind on my work assignments which increases the negative behaviors through my anxiety. I find that I do well, with my medications, combined with a simple tool or self-challenge to hold myself more accountable toward my efforts (or ability) to complete my massive load!!! FocusKeeper is beyond simple and user friendly and that’s all you need to get your task DONE!!!! I love the fact that I have the ability to change the countdown times, however I see fit for myself in the moment of. I have literally been more productive in my very first time of using FocusKeeper, that I have in MONTHS! This is my new life saver and I would totally recommend this to ANYONE with ADD/ ADHD. I feel more accomplished and at ease because I am getting my work caught up in long sittings!!! The routine breaks are perfect!!! Prior to FocusKeeper , I had my life coach advise this on and off rotation for my condition, but it’s not as beneficial or effective as an app that can track your progress! I’m grateful! I think FocusKeeper saved my job as a director!!! Wow.


Best Pomodoro Timer You Can Get!!

Trust me I’ve scoped them all, even written a couple myself (via Shortcuts), but this is the best app on the AppStore if you’re often distracted, unmotivated, or suffer from adult ADHD. I definitely upgraded to pro, worth it to customize my chimes (Pavlov conditioning myself haha), and set the background colors to something I enjoy glancing at all day. The main benefit of FocusKeeper in my opinion is the tracking/data analytic aspect they perfectly built in. The only thing I wish FocusKeeper had was a text box you could enter your current task into so that it was present on-screen while the work-session timer is counting down. All in all this is my favorite and most used app whenever I have big tasks to work on or if I ever feel my productivity isn’t at the level where I know it can be. Highly recommend my friends!

Edit: One other note, seems the chime settings are a bit backwards. I guess I expect to set the chime sound that would start the session. For example when setting the Focus Alarm to News Is expect that sound to play when I’m going into a new Focus session however I have to set this sound to the other two breaks to get this to play how I intend since the sound for Focus Alarm actually plays when that session is over.


Helping me through my roughest day

If I have a day of intense productivity (aka hyperfocus), I suffer from brain fog for the next few days, sometimes even a whole week. Today is one those days. I was struggling through the most basic tasks. I couldn’t even focus for a 5 minute stretch in order to answer my work emails.

FocusKeeper is a lifesaver for my ADHD brain. I turned on the White Noise app and set the timer for 10 minutes. So far I’ve been able to complete 3 cycles of 10 minutes each. I’ve now bumped it up to 15 minutes. Hopefully the apps will carry me through the day.

Update 10/6 - I have one complaint about the way FocusKeeper functions. I have it installed on my iPhone. It seems to stop randomly and it doesn’t restart itself or even alert me to let me know that I need to restart it. I don’t know if it stops when I get a text message or a phone call or if a calendar alert pops up. I’m so focused on my work (or trying to be focused re:ADHD). I only realize that the timer has stopped when I switch to it to see how much time is left until my next break. It’s very frustrating.


Completely Changes the WFH Balance

After switching from 5-6 days a week in the office, to COVID and working from home, I really struggled to balance everything. Somehow the load of laundry or the dishes in the sink were very hard to ignore while trying to focus on work. I found myself constantly distracted, only able to focus on work when household tasks were done (which of course they never are!)
FocusKeeper changed my life. The structure of working for 25 minutes with a 5 minute break allows for focus time, and then I can take 5 minutes to switch the laundry or empty the dishwasher, which really helps to keep the work-life balance actually balanced. Four repeats of a “block” equals 8 hours of focus, which also makes a very tangible way to work 8 hours during your day. And this is broken up by 30 minute breaks between each two hour block, which I find helps me produce higher quality work throughout the day, while also giving me time to keep up with housework.
I highly recommend focus keeper to anyone struggling to work from home and keep their work life balance.


ADHD??? This is your GOD SEND!!!

ADHD?? This is your GOD Send!! I have only been using FocusKeeper since this morning and I have already managed to complete several tasks with minimal interference! I’m beyond amazed! Nothing has ever worked for me. Squirrel Moments as my husband fondly calls them would overtake my days to the point that at the end of the day I hadn’t actually accomplished anything but had managed to begin at least 4 or 5 more projects!!! All of my “Projects” would remain unfinished until I HAD to complete one! Even then a 1 hour task, could and usually did, take upwards of 4 or 5 hours and even then maybe still not be completed but always another 3 or 4 would be in the works!! I’m not kidding you! Since this morning I have started and completed one project and finished 3 that were in the works!!! Hallelujah!!! And it’s only 2:15pm!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE FocusKeeper, I’m deleting all the rest except for AnyList!! I use that one daily and now I can actually get everything at the grocery that’s “On the List “. Before AnyList, I always lost the list! 😂 Anyway get this! You will Love it!! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙌👍😀


The only way I get things done these days

I don’t have ADHD (as far as I know), but I do have focus issues that can make it difficult to be productive for long periods, and I have a lot of stuff to do (including school prep) on which I fall behind if I’m not consistent in my working habits. FocusKeeper helps me get a LOT more done on a consistent basis and track how well I’m doing over a two-week to one-month period. I paid for the pro upgrade pretty much on the first day because I knew I’d be using FocusKeeper to death and having the ability to customize everything is a huge help. One weird bug I’ve come across is that when I pick a time for the round and goals to reset, it always picks the time one hour before that. I’ve learned to work around this — it’s just a little odd and can be annoying if you don’t catch it when picking a new reset time. Otherwise, I have no major complaints — FocusKeeper works beautifully. It would be nice to be able to use it in split view on iPad, but that’s more of a request than a complaint.


Great app, annoying default tick

I love FocusKeeper! I use it for writing my research book. It can be hard to focus for the long periods of time I need to invest to keep it moving along, and my writing quality declines after I’ve been writing too long without a break. FocusKeeper is great! I love its short breaks, which hardly take any time out of my work block and make me much more productive. Distraction and writers block is cut short by its alarm—I use my break time to do something physical outside and always feel more mental clarity and refreshment afterward. It is also very convenient not to have to waste time setting alarms, for FocusKeeper does it all for me.

As soon as you download FocusKeeper, change the default ticking sounds to silence; otherwise, it is tremendously annoying. I would appreciate if the developers would make the sound-setting buttons more sensitive to touch—I had to punch them several times before I could silence the tick. However, that all was a quite minor issue and very easily solved. Overall, a great app!


ADHD life saver

Are your projects ever so big you don’t know where to start? Or do you struggle to see the trees from the forest when you get too interested in something? I admit this is the first app of time cycling I have tried so I don’t have experience with competitors but FocusKeeper has been a lifesaver. Making sure I have planned breaks helps me stop going even if I really want to continue. This avoids me wasting time when I get lost in the trees and not seeing the forest. The 5 min breaks are also nice. They save me from taking a break to do something and never getting back on task because one thing leads to another.

Thanks for developing a tool that is so simple but at the same time so valuable. This gives me structure in a sea of unending curiosity and saves me from just jumping from one thing to the next.

I agree with others that in a further iteration of FocusKeeper it would be wonderful to label focus sessions. Linking to a calendar or even a graph to get visual representation of time spent would also be an awesome features.


Pretty Decent

A simple but effective app to prevent burnout while working or studying (I use it for studying Japanese). The Pomodoro method helps not only with keeping you at your peak of attention span, but also helps with the much more subtle fear that feeds wandering attention and procrastination: the fear that the workload will never end. It's perfect and very comforting for overwhelming tasks that you dread sitting down to tackle.

FocusKeeper itself is so visually simple, it doesn't distract, but reassures you in an easy to read timer. Personally, I customized it, turning off the tick tick sounds on the work sessions and the long break- on work sessions I found it to be stressful, and who wants a timer ticking loudly on their long break away from work? The ticking works well though for the short breaks, to keep you mindful that they're brief.

There's also a reminder that rings every Monday at 2pm, suggesting that you plug in for a session, which I rather found adorable. It's kept me from dropping FocusKeeper and forgetting it, and as a result, put in more regular study time.


I use it everyday

This time is so simple and elegant. The timer just works and the interface is clutter free. I appreciate that there is a calculator that shows how much time you would be spending in Focus when setting up the rounds, which I find helps me stay realistic with my focus goals. I do about 8 rounds in a work day, which is about 4.5 hours of focus, and usually takes a whole work day. With this feature I can let myself off the hook for not working enough because I am not working “16 hours a day” as so many people in my field like to trumpet. When I can complete my work ahead of schedule with a regular rhythm of focus, all the workaholic unrealistic expectations start to dissolve

One feature that’s keeping this from being a five star review is that there is no option to have a sustained alarm to alert the end of a long break. When it’s the end of a long break usually I am away from my phone far enough that the one time ding doesn’t register to me until it’s too late and I need to reset the focus timer.


Great Tool for Those with ADHD

I've been diagnosed with ADHD for about 10 years now, and as such, I've been through quite a few apps when trying to figure out a method of studying. I know this isn't the only place to access a pomodoro timer but it is definitely my favorite. FocusKeeper is super intuitive to use (just hit a button to start and you're good to go). Even the price for pro is something I'd consider paying if you find it worth it. Normally, I scoff when I see the price of the "premium" version of an app, when in reality it's just a paywall to ensure I have to pay money to get the true functionality of FocusKeeper , but Focus Keeper is super affordable and actually doesn't limit much by having pro features. All you really need FocusKeeper for is the timer, and it's got that covered. The only thing you miss out on by not going pro is having a breakdown of your stats and editing the length of timers.


Great app, but...

So I’ve only been using this for a few days to help keep my focus on work at home instead of all the background activity that I don’t usually have when I was working in the office.

Generally speaking, I really do like this and find it easier to keep my focus on my tasks knowing I’ve got a short break coming up. I like the functionality of FocusKeeper - I appreciate the simplicity and ease in using it.

My only complaint is that, if I have to switch apps, it will stop the clock. I know the point is to focus, but my employer is using a VOIP app to let us answer our calls via our mobile phones while at home, meaning I don’t really have a choice about switching between this and the phone app. But, when I switch back, the timer has often stopped. And, if I forget to switch back and check it, then I’m often sitting there thinking to myself that it seems like a really long 25 minutes! If this bug was fixed, I would absolutely give FocusKeeper 5 stars.



I use to love the previous version of Focus Keeper. It was simple and effective, I was able to pause the time and exit FocusKeeper and still have my study time saved for the day so I could pick up where I had left off. I would’ve given this a 5/5 if it weren’t for the new version. The new version seems more complicated and just unnecessary, the features are the same but there are many times when I have to pause my timer, for example at the time 12/25 minutes, and exit FocusKeeper . Then, I suddenly lose my study hours and it goes back to beginning with 25 minutes. This used to not happen with the previous version at all! This is extremely frustrating for me because there are times when I really have to pause the timer and go to another app, but when I come back to FocusKeeper I’d expect to pick up to where I left off.
Really hope they improve this version or set it back to the previous version, because the previous version was very simple and effective, with no lags at all.


So helpful with my Adult ADHD!!!

After being diagnosed with ADHD in my late adulthood, meeting in my late 20s… LOL, I had to find ways to figure out how to manage my focus. Even with medication, I still find myself focusing on the wrong things. But FocusKeeper has been extremely helpful in reminding me to take breaks, and then use my super power of hyperfocus to get things done. I definitely recommend this to a lot of people who are struggling with distractions, and one thing that I would change, is being able to set a title during each focus session so that I know exactly what I should be focusing on. I use stickies at the moment and then crumble them when I’m done (which is so rewarding). Definitely will be using this... without I think I would be homeless because I wouldn’t get any work done. I rarely leave reviews, but this is the GOAT of focus apps. Good job!! (And this comes from a UX Designer btw 🤓)


Nuther ADHD/ND approved

I knew this technique existed, but FocusKeeper made it so easy to implement. There are three different phases to this timer, and five “rounds”: two 25-min work rounds, two 5-min break rounds, and one 25-min break round. Each different phase has a different sound to it, so it’s easy to know which round is happening without having to pick up your phone and reset. This is a HUGE bonus for me, since picking up my phone is focus suicide. You can leave this open, even with your phone on silent, and still hear the time ticking away, which is enough auditory stimulation for me to focus on what I’m doing. It will go through the phases without you having to touch anything. This is all for free, by the way. Additional customization options are available for a one-time purchase, but FocusKeeper can stand on its own without these. Perfect!

I use this on my iPhone 7 for refs sake


Very helpful

I downloaded FocusKeeper because I couldn’t get myself to study, I kept either overworking myself studying for hours without a break and could hardly remember anything or just took hour long breaks and couldn’t get myself to focus on studying. With the help of FocusKeeper I was able to quickly and easily go through my studying without wasting time looking at the paper with no motivation.
I find it best to have a 5 minute break every 25-30 mins (which is how long the average person can focus) and with the help of FocusKeeper I am usually done within 3 hours (usually it took me a whole day, now I have more time)
Another thing that I absolutely appreciate about FocusKeeper is that the free version doesn’t have any ads and that you can use the most important function without paying. I also love the little ring that rings whenever I have a break (you can turn it off!)


Got me through crunch-time studying

We’ve all had the heart-dropping-through-stomach, holy-guacamole-I-haven’t-even-STARTED-my-10-page-Literature-paper-due-tomorrow feeling, and it’s a feeling that leaves us hopelessly overwhelmed! I didn’t know what else to do other than, like my fellow Gen Z’ers, to consult my mobile phone (this here iPhone) and seek the counsel of FocusKeeper Store gods. Profs have recommended to me the Pomodoro technique (4 rounds of 25 minutes working, 5 minute breaking followed by a longer break—I thought it sounded silly but silly is perhaps the best option once you’ve hit rock bottom!) and I knew I couldn’t trust myself to keep myself accountable for the time intervals, so why not use FocusKeeper ? Super simple, no frills, honestly not very fun either but I guess that’s the point, lol. 12/10 would recommend to a friend (or even an enemy). Paper still isn’t done, but here’s to 25-on, 5-off for the rest of this fine evening! Cheers


Almost perfect, the best I've used so far

I really enjoy FocusKeeper - it has a clean interface (with NO ads in the free version - much appreciated) and the option to tweak the length of each type of work or break session. It also includes long sessions & breaks, which many of the apps I've tried that rival this one to me, do not include - very big plus, and truer to the pomodoro technique.
The only thing so far I can complain about is that the sound alert for new sessions does not take priority over things like music or videos playing in the background - pretty much every other app that has a sound alert will slightly lower the volume of whatever you have playing to allow the chime to be heard, but this one gets drowned out. I either have to not have music playing, or have FocusKeeper idle and visible so I can notice the sessions changing. I'm not really satisfied with being able to up the volume of the alert - I'd really appreciate if this were updated.


My favorite Pomodoro timer

Of the many Pomodoro technique timers I’ve downloaded on my phone and desktop to help me stay focused during my work sprints, this has by far been my favorite. I’m a stickler for good, intuitive UX, especially when it comes to productivity apps. The last thing I need when trying to get work done is an app that takes too long to customize or setup! I love that I can readjust my focus segments right there on the timer page with a simple slider, rather than being forced into the options to make a universal change. That way, my focus segments can fit any sort of scheduling fluctuations or preferences that day. Signals and alarms when the segments are up are loud enough over any background focus music I’m using, but aren’t jarring.

Overall, I highly recommend FocusKeeper for anyone needing help to focus and get work done with a simple setup!


Very Simple & Intuitive

It's been forever since I've rated an app, but this simple tool helped me perform my best on my recent exam, as well focusing and studying smarter as well. Normally i just try to use my own pomodoro techniques and take mini breaks, but even i get sidetracked and want to linger on my social media a little longer. So having FocusKeeper is handy, not only for reminders, but also keep track of my study sessions and mini breaks/progress as well. Because of this and because it's aided me to study 'smarter' and to study more efficiently, I've upgraded to the pro and I found it to be worth it (:

You just have to believe and push yourself to the best of your ability whether it's in school or for work purposes, just do it. And before using FocusKeeper, i was overwhelmed with information and which resources to utilize, but having something handy like this, really helped me A LOT. 5/5 😌


Not too rigid, but you still need self control!

I love FocusKeeper because you can also customize The timer based on your own needs. It’s not rigid. So if you’re in a good work flow and don’t really want to stop when it tells you to stop, you just skip the break time to go into the next round. Only thing is that it only starts and stops if you tell it too, so it’s not as disciplinary. Also, it does not lock you from going on snapchat or wherever, so it really is just mind power and self control to not do anything other than work during those 25/whatever minutes.
What would be cool is if they had a note/to do setting where if you think of something that you want to be worried about later, you can write it down there and then the break time shows and reminds you the things you quick typed down before. Amazing regardless.


Great app

It is very very useful for studying. This technique is great but what’s even better is that FocusKeeper is so simple and provides such a wonderful experience even without paying. There are absolutely no ads and everything functions the way it should. I did end up buying it because it was very cheap to do so and because I used it so much, it was worth the payment of $0.99. With the paid version you just get to tweak things and change things to suit you better but even without the paid version, it’s still so amazing. I decided to change the time intervals to suit me and after a while I just reverted back to the suggested time because it just worked the best for me. I highly recommend FocusKeeper for its usefulness and because I am thankful to the creators for not bombarding me with ads and making the nonpaid experience perfect!


Next Right Thing

This is a simple app with a powerful outcome. Following the Pomodoro principles, it gets the job done. I use it regularly as a tool for reminding me when to start and stop work. It does require that I actually plan my work before using it. It’s not magic. But it is really effective if used within the Pomodoro principles.
I started incorporating the idea of “Throw away your todo list” by Brooke Castillo first. That helps me get all my work organized. Then I use FocusKeeper as my method for turning off distractions and going to work. I can focus for just 25 mins, come on! All my Fomo quiets down knowing a 5 min break is coming soon.
This approach I will attribute to my most productive work year in my 20+ year career, no joke.
Again, not magic, but great approach to do the “next right thing.” And that’s generally all you ever really need to do.


Been Using it for Years

I’ve been using FocusKeeper for about 2 or 3 years now, and I don’t know what I’d do without it. Simple, easy to use, and EFFECTIVE. I used to think that “being productive” meant working for hours non-stop, but I naturally don’t work that way and find myself getting distracted after a while or spending more time than necessary on an assignment. With FocusKeeper, I’m able to stay completely focused, take short breaks, and set goals for myself. I like it better than a regular timer because I don’t have to reach out to turn it off when the time’s up. I also bought the premium for just $2 and have total control over session length, background colors, and sounds. Best app for any student or professional who wants to get work done as effectively and painlessly as possible.


Very helpful!

While FocusKeeper is simple, it works well for me because it takes the idea of time off of my mind. I don’t need to constantly check my watch or fret over not getting enough done in the time I have allotted myself. Part of the reason for this this might be the feature that allows you to set background noises. My favorite is the steady rain which I find soothing, but for people who like being in a public space, there’s a coffeehouse background sound, with cups clinking and the muted chatter of people having conversations. My only request of FocusKeeper designer is to add in a few more noise options, just to mix things up — maybe something like crickets, tree frogs, etc., and for people who like city sounds, something like traffic. But overall, I’m grateful for this very helpful app!


Amazingly Helpful

It's extremely helpful in keeping you focused on any task. There's something about it where you feel satisfied and also like you owe it to FocusKeeper and yourself to continue. 25 minutes doesn't seem long, and if you do face a passage of your work that isn't capturing your interest, you know that you only need to try until the break, and you'll be able to step away for a few minutes and relax.

I'll never study or write papers without FocusKeeper again. Nothing captures my attention and keeps it more than FocusKeeper. I could have all the time in the world, but be unable to stick to a schedule, but with this, I can keep myself absolutely focus and undistracted for hours. I only feel accomplishment and pride in what I've done. I cannot recommend FocusKeeper enough!


Must have for university students.

I love FocusKeeper. I use it every day for school work. I’ll keep it open on my phone so anytime I start to get distracted and pick up my phone, the bright red screen and timer pops up to remind me I’m on the clock.

It makes dreadful tasks less dreadful because there is always an end in sight. It makes me feel productive because I can visibly see how much I’ve gotten done.

I really like to spend the work period working, and the break period cleaning or doing chores. It’s a good way to be active in between long periods of sitting, keeps me awake, and is a nice way to get chores done in short periods that would have otherwise been spent scrolling on my phone. The pomodoro timer is an excellent way to put some much needed routine into my study sessions.


Making Pomodoro flexible and personal

First of all, I started using Pomodoro as an older person to help with my arthritis by forcing myself to take short breaks from working on the computer. After success with this I began personalizing by varying work session and break sessions according to what I am doing : meditating, cooking, cleaning. It basically reminds me to keep an alternating standing and moving around vs. sitting time schedule. When I have a particularly difficult task, I use it as a reward system — I extend the long break and take a walk or read a book. I keep a 12 session schedule, and then give myself the evening off — or, alternately take the morning off and begin at noon. I am much more productive, in less pain, and suffer a lot less guilt since I began using Pomodoro.


Great for Procrastinators

FocusKeeper is a great resource to use to successfully space out your time. One thing I learned about me and other procrastinators is that we often over calculate how much time we need for breaks from productivity. Constant excuses keep people from staying on task, and that’s how time loss happens. FocusKeeper has really helped me to stay focused because you always know there will be a break after a certain period of work, while also not overdoing it. I like to go with the 25:5 ratio, but you can adjust your times according to your needs. This has helped me keep it a habit to be productive with my time, and it’s really easy to use. Definitely suggest you try it out for a few days and see how it goes! (Because it’s really helpful!)


If you have ADHD, get this

FocusKeeper is an essential tool for those with ADHD or with any kind of trouble focusing. You turn on the timer, turn off your screen, and then just work until you hear the ding. Then you can rest easy knowing you have a pre-timed break. When you hear another ding, you get back to work. Repeat a few times and you get a longer break. FocusKeeper does all the timing for you. No need to set ten thousand reminders, you automatically get notified when work time and break time are over.

Also, if the default settings for FocusKeeper (25 min of work, 5 min break) aren't effective for you, you can easily set the times to be different. Maybe you do better with 30 min of work and five minute breaks. An hour of work and 10 minute breaks? You can play around until it fits you. You can also turn off the ticking if it distracts you.

FocusKeeper will not solve everything. You still have to have the willpower to commit to your work. You still have to summon up the strength to start. It won't give you magic concentration powers. It will give you a nice structure with which it is much easier to do your work.

Seriously, make use of this great tool.

Is Focus Keeper Safe?

Yes. Focus Keeper: Productive Timer is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 23,643 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Focus Keeper Is 60.3/100.

Is Focus Keeper Legit?

Yes. Focus Keeper: Productive Timer is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 23,643 Focus Keeper: Productive Timer User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Focus Keeper Is 100/100..

Is Focus Keeper: Productive Timer not working?

Focus Keeper: Productive Timer works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Focus Keeper offers a Pro Subscription that gives users unlimited access to premium content and features. The subscription has three auto-renewing options: $0.99 per month or $5.99 per year. The prices are for customers in the United States, and they may vary in other countries. The payment will be charged to the user's iTunes Account upon subscription confirmation. The subscription automatically renews unless the user turns off auto-renewal at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. The account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period, and at the cost of the chosen package. Users can turn off auto-renewal at any time from their iTunes account settings, but refunds will not be provided for any unused portion of the term. The app also offers a "Manage Subscription" menu option in the App Settings menu.

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