Real sharing from real friends, we’re making social a safe, happy place again.
Focused on people you really know, we’re making social a safe, happy place without personal data mining.
Social today no longer feels like a Happy Valley, it’s more like we’re all living in a big creepy commercial.
It’s this real-life Happy Valley that inspired us to build a company that gets back to things that matter.
We share an endless stream of news and ideas pushed by these companies and no longer share our real lives.
It’s the joy of making new friends and connecting with old ones that strengthen our sense of community.
Old-school social is for blasting your life to people you don’t really know, measured by standards you will never achieve.
As long as these companies make money by selling our personal information, they will always find ways to collect it.
Real friends and real life without commercial interruption.
It’s the quality of our relationships, not the quantity, that make us happier.
• It’s the quality of relationships, not quantity, that make us happier.
Big social companies are in the middle of our relationships.
You come to True to see real updates from friends.
By combining beautiful, edge-to-edge storytelling with private messaging, it’s the best of both worlds.